Published at 7th of December 2021 11:08:25 AM

Chapter 828: 828

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Speaking of it, Sarna's reaction was fast enough.

If this is one or two minutes late, even if the dark energy has a certain degree of resistance to the Knox particles, it will definitely be difficult for the gods to save.

When Sarna opened her eyes again and found that she was already in the medical cabin, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems...

This life is picked back.

At that time, after Sarna controlled the warship for hyperspace navigation, she could no longer support it, so that she had lost consciousness before exiting hyperspace.

"Sarnah, can you hear me?"

"Yes, General Arnault!"

Suddenly, Arnault's voice came in his mind, which made Sarna who had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly become nervous again.

After all, he fought a super defeat, and even lost more than 80% of the warships.

If this were in accordance with Arnault's usual temperament, his fate would definitely be extremely miserable.

Sarna, who was immersed in the treatment liquid, replied through the dark energy network, and there was even some tremor in her voice.

"Tell me, what happened!"

"Yes, General Arnault, before my fleet arrives..."

It took five minutes for Sarna to narrate the whole process in detail.

"Didn't find any trace of the enemy?"

"Yes, no!"

Hearing this, Arnault's eyebrows were almost twisted together.

Originally, Arnault thought that he could get some information from Sarna, but he didn't expect that Sarna herself was at a loss.

"General Sarno!"

"What's the matter?"

While Sarno was meditating on the bridge he was riding on, the deputy walked over quickly and reported after finishing a standard Moi military salute.

But obviously, Arnault, who was suddenly interrupted in meditation, was a little uncomfortable.

"The reconnaissance ships we sent have already sent back news one after another!"

Hearing this, Arnault came to mind. In order to prepare for the subsequent capture of the entire Lan Yao Republic, he ordered more than 100,000 reconnaissance ships to be dispatched before attacking the capital area. They went to almost every place in the Lan Yao Republic. A star system to provide intelligence support for Arnault's future operations.

However, Arnault today doesn't care about these. The Lanyao Republic has no threat. The real threat is the so-called humanity and the weird incident that caused Sarna to lose more than 80% of the battleship.

"I know, I'll talk about these things later, I have more important things to deal with now!"

Waved his hand, Arnault said.

"General, you should look at the information first, something is wrong!"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"That's it. According to the report of the reconnaissance ship, the Lanyao Republic is undergoing an escape operation. Almost all available spacecraft, whether civilian or military, have been mobilized!"

"Isn't this normal?"

Arnault didn't understand why his adjutant would say that something was wrong.

Several major garrison towns have been destroyed, and now the capital area has also been captured. Isn’t it normal for those Lan Yao people to flee madly after receiving the news?

"General, it is normal for them to escape, but the problem is that our reconnaissance ship has discovered the main fleet of the Lan Yao Republic, and it is also participating in this retreat."

"Furthermore, based on the calculation of the angle of entering hyperspace when their spacecraft evacuated, they should all be in the direction of the cosmic ocean currents of the Reynolds Supercluster!"

Hearing this, Arnault somewhat understood why his adjutant said something was wrong.

If it is said that the fleet of the Lan Yao Republic is here at this moment, and the direction of the entire civilization's escape turned out to be the Reynolds Supercluster?

You know, according to the information currently obtained by Arnault, this human civilization came from the Reynolds Supercluster.

What does this mean?

Means that the war between the combined fleet and the human fleet is over, and don’t know why, humans still provide refuge for the Lanyao Republic?

As for the reason, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is, if he leads the fleet to attack now, will humans go to war for the Lan Yao Republic?

Or is it safer to let them escape as if they didn't see it?

Irritable...I can't figure out what this human being is doing!

"General Arnault, shall we send a fleet to intercept?"

Looking at Arnault, who was silent, the adjutant asked again.

"No, wait. Although there is no evidence, I always feel that Sarna's failure has something to do with this human being. We must first clarify this matter, otherwise we should not conflict with humans too early!"

"At the same time, think of a way to get in touch with this human!"

As Arnault said, for now, he really does not have any evidence to prove that Sarna's affairs are what humans call it.

But if there are any uncontrollable factors outside of expectations in this Holter supercluster, there are only humans.

Therefore, Arnault always has a feeling that all this has to do with human beings.

In addition, the information reported by the reconnaissance ship, even the fleet of the Lanyao Republic has returned, so the human fleet also has enough time to reach Sarna, isn't it?

This also made Arnault's feeling stronger.

But if all this is as Arnault thinks, then the problem is big, which means that humans have mastered a super-killer-level technology that can quietly kill all creatures in the range of tens of thousands of light-years. .

Even a ninth-order dark energy user like Sarna has only a very short-term resistance.

This is almost the power of galaxy extinction!

After all, some miniature satellite galaxies are almost tens of thousands of light-years in diameter.

After weighing the pros and cons, Arnault said to his adjutant.

"In addition, let us scatter all the reconnaissance ships that we can mobilize. For intensive searches within a million light-years, I need to know the current position of the human fleet!"

"Yes, General!"

"Yelibok Fleet, UU Reading Yelipok Fleet, please answer when you hear it, and please answer when you hear it!"

Just as Arnault had just finished ordering the adjutant, there was a louder and louder communication call from the direction of the bridge.

"What's the matter?"

Arnault frowned and stood up and shouted in the direction of the communication group.

"General, the Yeripok fleet still did not answer regularly after one hour exceeded the prescribed time, and there was no response after we initiated the active call!"

Hearing this, Arnault's heart suddenly thumped for no reason.


Damn, how did I forget Yelipok? After Sarna's incident happened yesterday, he should be allowed to come back immediately!

"I immediately sent the nearest to the Brandt Empire. I want to know, what's the situation with the Yeripok fleet?"

"Yes, General!"

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