Published at 7th of December 2021 11:08:06 AM

Chapter 839: 839

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"What happened again?"

From the bridge, there was a roar of Arnault.

At this moment, he feels very upset, how long will it take to re-enter the hyperspace?

Is there a second?

Is this problem again?

"General Arnault, we were forced to withdraw from hyperspace after another disturbance. The fleet only advanced about 30 light years!"

"Hasn't the interference parameters of the other party been cracked? Why is the hyperspace engine still being interfered?"

"General, according to our preliminary data, the other party uses completely different interference parameters in this area!"


Can you do this?


But the problem is that no one usually does this!

After all, for different jamming parameters, the hyperspace jamming countermeasure devices installed on battleships can only reconcile a set of jamming parameters.

This means that if any civilization does this, even their own fleet will not be able to sail normally.

After all, before flying far, you have to stop the fleet, set a new set of data for the hyperspace jamming countermeasures device, and then re-enter the hyperspace.

Therefore, although it is possible to do this, no civilization will really do it on the battlefield!

However, if it is not a battlefield, but just to delay time...

"Cunning human!"

After trying to understand this, Arnault also cursed bitterly.

Scolded scolded, but what should be done has to continue to be done.

In no way, Arnault had to order his men to continue trying to crack.

However, during this cracking process, a problem was discovered. The interference parameters were all different in different directions of the fleet.

When Arnault learned of this situation, he immediately understood what mankind was doing.

That is, humans have released a huge number of hyperspace jamming devices and deployed them in zones, dividing the entire jamming area into countless small blocks, and each block is randomly set with a set of different parameters.

If this is the case, it will be in trouble!

This means that each time the fleet can only advance a limited distance, it will again be blocked by a new hyperspace interference zone, and will need to be cracked again before it can re-advance.

However, for such a large-scale interference circle, can the interference devices carried by the 25 billion warships of mankind really be able to be deployed?

However, I seem to have forgotten a very critical issue.

It is true that humans themselves may not have so many hyperspace jamming devices, but the problem is that there are five civilizations that have fallen to humans.

Holtair is the base camp of these five civilizations, even if it needs more, it is absolutely fine!

" wonder the hyperspace interference area just now is only 30 light-years away!"

"In the previous pursuit of humans, the hyperspace jamming device they used was almost no worse than that of Moi United, and the interference range reached a full tens of thousands of light years!"

After thinking of such a key point, Arnault couldn't help but nodded, as if he wanted to express his approval.

If this is the case, then this human interference circle is likely to be laid by the five indigenous civilizations and humans. Among them are the backward interference devices of the indigenous civilizations and the trap interference devices of human beings.

And what I have to do...

It is to avoid the interference devices of the local civilization and find out where the humans are.

After all, even if you spend your energy to crack a hyperspace jamming device of a local civilization, it will only be enough for your army to advance for tens of light years, but if you find a jamming area deployed by human equipment, then you can directly crack it. You can go forward tens of thousands of light years.

"Command, decipher the parameters of the interference areas found in all directions at the same time, and then send reconnaissance ships to these directions respectively. I want to know how far I can travel in each direction!"

"Yes, General!"

Almost two hours later, the interference parameters of the five interference areas found around have all been cracked.

Immediately, the five reconnaissance ships set off directly in five different directions under Arnault's order, and as a result, they were quickly transmitted back...

Four of the reconnaissance ships moved forward for 20-70 light-years, and were once again blocked by a new hyperspace interference zone, while the fifth reconnaissance ship was more than 9,800 light-years ahead. , Was forced to withdraw from Hyperspace!


There is nothing wrong with your own thoughts!

"Command, the fleet will turn to 6-1-2. After ten seconds, start the hyperspace engine and enter the hyperspace navigation mode!"

"Yes, General!"

Although this direction is slightly off, it is not straight toward the Ariston galaxy, but it is enough to bring the fleet closer to more than 6,000 light years!

The travel distance of 9,800 light-years and the close distance of 6,200 light-years were something Arnault could not refuse anyway.

A few minutes later, as expected, the fleet was again forced to exit the hyperspace and returned to the starry sky due to the interference of the hyperspace engine.

However, this time Arnault didn't freak out, but his iconic sneer hung on the corner of his mouth again.

"Immediately find out how many interference areas there are around the fleet, and perform parameter cracking work on these interference areas at the same time!"

"Yes, General!"


A new round of cracking has begun!

Soon, one day passed again.

In this day, Arnault was already close to a place only 30,000 light-years away from the Ariston galaxy through this method!

This makes him feel very good, as long as he continues to maintain this trend, he will soon be able to grab the human tail and annihilate it in one fell swoop!

"General, the hyperspace jamming countermeasure team has completed the cracking of jamming parameters in all directions, and the reconnaissance ship has also set off in accordance with the standard procedure!"

"Well done, is there any result from UU reading"

Nodding, Arnault asked.

"Yes, General, this time there are 7 different interference areas around the fleet. Five of them don't make much sense. The farthest one is only about 80 light-years away!"

"The remaining two have a passable distance of about 10,000 light-years, but one of them deviates considerably, and the other..."

"It can reach an astonishing close distance of 8700 light-years to the Ariston galaxy!"

Hearing this, Arnault's eyes lit up, which is equivalent to bringing himself and humans closer to one-third of the distance.

Is there anything happier than this?

"Command the fleet to move in this direction immediately, soon, we are about to catch the human fleet!"

"Yes, General Arnault!"

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