Published at 7th of December 2021 11:05:00 AM

Chapter 964: 964

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   is located in seventeen galaxy groups, and there are a total of seventeen black cavity channels. At this moment, each one is a little unstable, and it can even be reflected by visual distortion.

   Finally, after exhausting the pre-prepared dark energy crystals, the black cavity channel could no longer be maintained, and collapsed one by one...

"What exactly is going on?"

   The angry shout suddenly exploded from here.


   was supposed to be the greatest battle I had ever commanded in my career, a battle that allowed the empire to rule the entire Canglong universe, and it was my highlight moment.

   How did these ten-and-nine things become like this?

  Don't even talk about commanding the army to fight on the front line, and then the name is left in history, and now even the opening of the army has become a problem!

   "Commander, the technicians are in trouble, but..."

"but what?"

   "However, the dark energy crystals we originally prepared to open the seventeen black chamber channels... have all been consumed!"

   the adjutant said carefully, cold sweat was already on his forehead, for fear that his commander would use himself to vent his anger if he didn't agree with him.

   "Impossible! How can the black cavity channel crystallize an unused dark energy in just one minute, and all its energy will be exhausted?"

   Hearing this, Sike didn't believe it at all.

   After all, a dark energy crystal is enough to maintain the black cavity channel for a whole day.

   One minute runs out, what kind of cosmic joke is this?

   "Commander, I don't think it is possible, but that's what the report from the technical team said!"

   "As for the reason for the collapse of the channel, it is still unclear, but the technical team hopes that the commander can play the black cavity channel once, and maybe they can discover the cause of the collapse."

   "It's just that if we want to open the second channel, we must use the dark energy that was originally reserved for war to crystallize!"

   Yes, reserve energy.

  According to the original plan, each black cavity channel prepared a dark energy crystal for maintenance.

   Although the Seventeenth Route Army carried a full ten dark energy crystals in each lane, they were prepared for war, and it would undoubtedly take a lot of time to mobilize dark energy crystals from the local area at this moment.

   Therefore, if you want to not waste time and open the black chamber channel again, you need to use the reserves carried by the fleet.

   "Notify the fleet and try to open the black cavity channel again in three minutes!"

   "Yes, commander in command!"

   After some weighing, Seck said.

   After all, after listening to what the adjutant said, he knew that the group of technicians would not be able to figure out the cause in a short time.

   What the empire lacks now is time, and it will be delayed for a few days, even if reinforcements arrive by itself, it will be of no avail.

   Therefore, there is no better choice right now.

   Open the channel, it can be the best, if there is still a problem, it is also a way to let the group of technicians figure out the reason more quickly.

   Therefore, Sek did not hesitate for too long, and immediately ordered the use of reserves in the fleet, and three minutes later, he tried to open the black cavity channel again.

   Three minutes later.

   When the new dark energy crystals were delivered, the devices in the seventeen galaxy groups were activated again and tried to open the black cavity channel.

   When I first started, everything was normal without any problems.

   But, almost ten seconds later, the energy consumption in the dark energy crystal suddenly increased by a thousand times, as if it were being continuously absorbed by a black hole.

   Finally, after holding on for a minute, all the black chamber channels collapsed again.

   "Damn it, the technical team is there, have you found the cause of the problem?"

   "Commander, they are analyzing the data they have obtained. It may take a while before they can come to a preliminary conclusion!"



   Inside the bridge, Sailai kept walking back and forth, and his face really looked more and more ugly.

   "Commander, the reason has been determined!"

   "Huh? Say it!"

   "According to the analysis of the data on the technical team, it is likely that the alliance has used a new tactic on us. From a data point of view, it is very similar to an experiment that the Empire has done!"

   "What experiment?"

   "Use a black cavity channel to hit another black cavity channel that has been opened!"

   Hearing this, Sike also fell into silence. He was reminiscing, recalling the experiment that his adjutant said.

   Yes, he has the impression of this experiment. If he remembers correctly, to achieve such an effect, the opponent must consume at least five times more dark energy crystals.

   Seventeen black cavity channels...

  If the technical team is correct, does that mean that the Alliance has consumed at least 170 dark energy crystals in these two rounds in order to prevent our reinforcements from arriving?

   Do they have so much reserve for dark crystals?

   "Let the technical team give me another confirmation, I want a certain result!"

   "Yes, commander in command!"

   Although Cyk had a bold idea, he didn't dare to use this method so easily before he got a definite result.

after all...

   Finally, after more than an hour, there was definite news. After repeated verification of the data obtained last time, it was confirmed that this anomaly was caused by the other party's establishment of a black cavity channel directly hitting the exit of the empire channel.

   "Command, continue to open the black cavity channel, if it still fails, then come to the fourth round, the fifth round!"

   "At the same time, report the situation here to your majesty, I need more dark energy crystals!"

   When he got the answer, Saike no longer hesitated and ordered directly.

Yes, what UU Reading wants to do is to consume, but he also knows that although the Shen Yao civilization and the gem empire have very few dark energy crystal reserves, there is still a federation on the alliance. And how many dark energy reserves the Federation has is still a mystery.

   However, this consumption competition is still very important.

  Sek doesn’t believe that under a five-fold consumption difference, the Federation can have more reserves than the Sun River Empire.

   In any case, the Sun River Empire directly grabbed all the reserves of the three super civilizations. Although not many, when added to its own reserves, there are still tens of thousands!

   Therefore, Cyk needs more dark energy crystals to complete this plan, and this also requires the support of His Majesty Amrys.

   Soon, when the news reached the imperial palace, after understanding the status quo and Seike’s thoughts, Amlais came to a similar judgment as Seike.

   Expenditure, feel free to consume it boldly, as long as you can exhaust the dark energy crystals on the alliance side, even if most of your reserves are consumed, it is worth it.

   For this reason, even if Amlais gave an order, he took out 90% of the dark energy crystal reserve of the empire and sent it to Seike.

   Even if human beings obtain a lot of dark energy crystals from some ancient ruins, it cannot be infinite.

   In that case, let’s take a look...

   Who has consumed whom?

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