Published at 22nd of March 2023 10:06:15 AM

Chapter 612: The strongest fusion warrior in the world

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At this point, the battle between Gogeta and Salama has shifted to the sky.

Although he broke through the limit, he showed great ease in the combined state, but Gita's opponent this time was really too strong.

Salama's power is completely beyond his imagination.

Even facing Lin Chen in the past, Gogeta has never been so helpless.

Close combat, long-range attack, whatever method he resorted to, he still couldn't find any possibility of defeating his opponent.

For the first time, Gogeta felt the gap between mortals and gods.

"It's over, you monkey!"

Suddenly a voice sounded from behind, and Gogeta realized that Salama had disappeared in front of him.

Before he could turn his head, a huge impact came from behind, and Gogeta fell to the ground.

But at this time, a dark shadow crossed the sky.

The fallen Gogeta was rescued.


Salama glanced, surprised for the second time since Gogeta appeared.

Because what appeared in front of him turned out to be another fusion warrior.

Half of the opponent's appearance is similar to Lin Chen, and the other half is similar to a Saiyan in the previous time-space patrol.

With Wujita's lessons learned, Salama quickly guessed: "Another fusion warrior? Hehehe, what if there are more ants like this?"

"Salama, it's not Brox who wants to fight you."

The warrior named Brox smiled and quietly put a Batra earring in Gogeta's hand.

Then he took out another one and put it on his left ear.

"That's..." Salama's eyes narrowed, and she recognized the Batra earrings.

"Kaiwang God Batra earrings... do you want them?"

Salama finally guessed what the other party was thinking.

Although it has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, Salama clearly remembers that the Batra earrings have a special function in addition to being the proof of Kaiwang God.

That is this earring, which can make two people fit together.

Although no matter how Lin Chen and the others fit together, Salama doesn't think they may pose a threat to him, but he feels that this game should be over.

"Dragon of all realms! The power of the Dragon God!"

The next moment, Salama stretched out his hands, and the two golden energy **** that Lin Chen and Gogeta had fought so hard to repel appeared in his hands, and then slammed towards Gogeta and the others.

But just before the two golden energy **** hit, Gogeta finally put on the Batra earrings.

On the earrings, the light yellow apertures slowly spread out, and a huge suction force directly sucked the bodies of the two people together.

Immediately afterwards, the red light flashed, and two hands stretched out from the light and grabbed onto the two flying golden energy balls.


Salama was stunned for a moment, and when he saw his energy ball, it was crushed by these two hands so lightly lifted!

Beside the dissipated golden energy, a fusion warrior that everyone had never seen before appeared in front of them.

With red body hair and blue pupils, he is taller than the legendary Saiyans, and he wears a Metamoral style woolen trench coat.

A rebellious confident smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and his whole body exuded a powerful aura no less than Salama!

"Who are you?!" Salama asked subconsciously.


At the same time, with the specially made voices of Lin Chen's four voices, the unfamiliar fusion warrior smiled and pointed his thumb at himself.

"I'm a fusion of Gogeta and Brox. According to the naming rules, it should be called Brogeta, right?"

"But it seems that Links' consciousness dominates this body, so it should still be called...Lingita!"

There was excitement in Lingita's eyes.

Broly's idea is right, he was born after the fusion of Lin Chen and Broly, Sun Wukong and Vegeta, and he really has a completely unpredictable powerful power!

This power seems to be so strong that there is no limit at all!

In addition, Lingita is also the first time to know the strength of Salama.

In the past, because of the huge disparity in strength, whether it was Lin Chen or Sun Wukong, they only thought that Salama was very strong. As for how strong he was, it was impossible to assess at all.

But now the fused Ringgita can already feel the strength of Salama.

If Ringgita's strength is 1, then Salama's strength is likely to be 3 or 4, or higher.

Seems like the gap is still huge?

But don't forget, the current Ringgita is only a super 4 form!


Suddenly, Lingita snapped his fingers, and the red hair on his body instantly turned blue.

Super four blue!


With another snap of his fingers, a fiery red breath rose into the sky.

"Super World King Fist!"

"Okay, this time, I can compete with you!"

Hearing Lingita's words, Salama suddenly sneered.

"Compete by one point? Daydreaming! See how I kill you!"

"Dragon of all realms!"

Salama groaned, raised his fist, and rushed towards Lin Chen in an instant.

From Salama's body, a golden aura first reached Lin Chen's side, grabbed him like a living creature, and then pulled Salama towards the weakest point in Lin Chen's body.

Reverse freedom, extreme intent, extreme intent to kill!

But at this moment, Salama suddenly flew upside down.

No one could see exactly what was going on!

"Okay, amazing!"

"Can win! Really can win!"

"It's so powerful, you can fly Salama just by breathing? Dad, they are amazing!"

The people below have been completely petrified. Unexpectedly, when they were in a desperate situation, the situation suddenly reversed.

Can someone really draw a tie with Salama? !

At this time, Lingita turned his head to look at the people below, and smiled at them: "Just now, it was not by the breath that he was thrown away, but by the fist, the fist!"


The crowd was even more surprised.

That dragon **** Salama, but he was extremely willing and extremely willing to kill!

Lin Chen used this move back then, not only to perfectly avoid the attacks of Sun Wukong and Jiren, but also to fight back.

Why is facing Lin Chen now, his two moves are useless?

Salama also didn't understand.

His reflexive extreme intent and extreme intent killing have both reached a perfect state, and there is absolutely no way to go wrong, but why can't he beat this mortal?

"Can't figure it out? Then think about it slowly."

Lingita spoke softly.

But he didn't plan to tell Salama the secret.

Just now, he actually learned a trick from Mechcapra.

Using the power of space and time, he changed the distance between him and Salama, thus making Salama's reflexive extreme intention and extreme intentional killing invalid.

After all, Lingita suddenly flashed in place and took the initiative to kill Salama.

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