Strongest Village System - Chapter 2520

Published at 6th of April 2022 05:53:21 PM

Chapter 2520

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"It seems right as I expected. Then this dream trip should not be so boring."

"Old man, what are you doing? Pack up and go."

Gu Huang smiled. It's really not easy to force out the secrets in the old guy's heart.

"Old Wang bastard, you frame me!"

Jun Zu was stupid for a moment. He had been making trouble for a long time. The old bastard didn't know anything, so he lied blindly and gave me the routine.

"Old man, I've always been fair. I've never lied to you."

"That's just my inference. What can you do if you can't hide it?"

"Life is like a play. It all depends on Acting!"

"Can't you do that, Ben?"

Gu Huang was still smiling and finally walked into the depths of Hongmeng ancestral hall. His figure was completely spiritualized.

"Lao Wang, you know now. You haven't told me your decision."

Jun Zu was also subdued by Qi. There was no Qi to live. This matter was really unspeakable. It could only be said to be too insidious.

"What's in the future, let's talk about it in the future."

"Go to the Xingyuan first and save the eternal starry sky from the edge of destruction."

"Think about the future!"

Guhuang gave Junzu a promise. The eternal starry sky is the eternal starry sky, and the Xingyuan is the Xingyuan. The two cannot be confused. If the ancient family is so strong and invincible, then the Xingyuan is definitely a place where predators gather.

Jun Zu was helpless, but there was no way. He had to use the power of the spiritual realm to reify, and broke the intersection of infinite dreams and reality with the ancient wilderness. So they stepped into the dream

Dreams are endless. They blend with each other and are independent of each other. They are attached to reality and overlap with reality. They are also beyond reality. They are not in the same latitude.

Dream and reality do not interfere with each other, but they are also individuals with dreams invading reality. Once the real life is pulled into the dream, all it has to wait for is to be lost and become the nourishment of the dream. The better thing will be to become the dream spirit.

Similarly, the dream world is also diverse, some black and white, gray, but some are colorful, and the natural shape is also different. Some show the bubble universe, some show the flat plane, and some show the mainland and stars.

"Old Wang bastard, do you see those dark universes?"

"Don't get close. Those are almost decadent sleepers. I don't know how many times they have passed."

"It is also a race with civilization certificates. Their creators immerse themselves in the long river of history and form a closed civilization, which is itself the integration of civilization."

"The ancient sleepers are the guardians of civilization, but they are decadent."

"As long as we don't disturb, it's natural to avoid nothing."

Jun Zu was very familiar with the dream dimension. Obviously, when he was sleeping, he wandered around.

"Old man, I don't want to die yet. Naturally, you don't have to remind me of these."

"Without delay, go to the Xingyuan immediately. I heard Li Yang say to find the dream dimension corresponding to the eternal starry sky."

"Only then can we find the Xingyuan."

Looking at this dead and lifeless dimension, Gu Huang is almost the same as reality. Countless dream worlds, stars, heaven and earth, planes and the universe alternate.

I don't know whether the power of the mind can be used in the dream dimension.

Forget it, keep a low profile!

Avoid the prying eyes of those ancient people.

"Go, my grandfather knows where the eternal stars are?"

"But we agreed in advance not to do anything, no matter what you see."

"Go to your star abyss and never be curious."

Jun Zu warned seriously that he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Everyone knew that this old bastard was bold, and there was nothing he didn't dare to do. The latitude of the dream was to forbid real creatures from walking in real life.

Gu Huang repeatedly said he would never do anything, but even so, Jun Zu was really worried. In this way, he dragged Gu Huang along a seemingly strange and dangerous but absolutely safe road.

According to the explanation of Jun Zu, this is a safe area in the dream dimension. They are in a true spiritual state, but if they are not sure, there will be a strong existence to peep into. Is there anything strange in the dream dimension.

The ancient wasteland is like a little white man. He didn't do anything at all along the way, until he didn't know how many dreams he had passed through, and finally came to a galaxy of ancient stars.

Here is the dream dimension corresponding to the eternal star sky. The ancient wasteland took Junzu to step silently, and the natural ancient wasteland also found the most dazzling ancient star.

The two people are walking fast all the way, and guhuang also uses a ray of spiritual light to cover it. They are surprised to find that countless memories have emerged on each star, representing the dream construction of real creatures on the star.

The memories reflected on the stars are all peeped clean by the ancient wilderness, but the light of the soul has not caused any fluctuations. Such a simple scene makes the ancient wilderness almost discover the new world.

Isn't it said that in the dream latitude, the light of the soul can easily peep into the memory of the strong, and it seems that it can find those masters

"Who's coming? Trespassing into the Xingyuan?"

When Junzu and ancient wasteland came to the brightest stars, the whole eternal starry sky was like a resurrection, and the threat of boundless terror broke out. There was a huge figure with an unknown height of hundreds of billions of miles and gathered by infinite starlight. The light was gorgeous and dazzling, and it was difficult to see the true face.

"The original gods, the supreme early Star Gods, the guardians of the star abyss, the controllers of infinite wisdom and mysteries, and the gatherers of the fire of stars and spirits."

"Under the crown of the Supreme God, I come by the order of the creator of the Xingling family."

"This is my certificate!"

Gu Huang directly took out the Dragon scales from the ancestors of Thor. Now he has no time to argue with the star God. I hope the things of the ancestors are easy to use. If they are not easy to use, we can only follow the rules.

"Ancestral breath!"

"It is indeed given by the creator father, but as the keeper of the star abyss, I still can't let you pass."

"The future, answer me a question before you can enter the star abyss."

The hundred million Zhang star God figure handed over the dragon scale to Gu Huang, but still didn't let him step on it.

"Under the star God's crown, ask!"

Guhuang is the best preparation. Sure enough, Xingyuan is not so easy to enter, but now we can only follow his rules.

"The future, what is the first way?"

The figure of the star God gradually shrinks and turns into a normal person, but it is still a light source, which makes people really can't see clearly.

"Old Wang bastard, this question is not easy to answer. There are countless answers. You should take it easy!" Jun Zu whispered secretly. He didn't want Gu Huang to answer rashly

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