Published at 4th of February 2022 11:56:50 AM

Chapter 509: 141. Falling (2)

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Mon knelt on one knee, spewing out a handful of blood. A few more bickering would have killed himself by the monster-like sword of the devil.

'......I've heard that there are some very strong people in the wild, but I didn't know they belonged to Kinselo. Was Ben Mahs like that in the past?’

It's been a long time since I lost so helplessly and was ignored. Although he took care of his left arm, it would be difficult for him to continue his duties as a black knight if he did not receive treatment at the level of King Seong.

But it was not the time for frustration.

'The Ma people headed for the sign of the roman forest. The ship Grnil also flew into the Romin forest, and seeing Cosek follow...... there's a possibility that Jane and the jockeys are there's a chance.’

Mon didn't know the situation in the Romin forest properly. However, there must be a good reason why the troops of Zipple and Kinselo are gathered together, and the most important thing in this case was the items of the two-horsepower vault.

Did the second rider succeed in taking over? Or did Kinselo get it and the battle gets intensified...... either way, all I have to do is ask for support.’

There's no point in holding Bianca back. Even the enemy's enemy lines survived, so we had to move somehow to make the mission a success.

I stopped bleeding, did first aid, and moved my steps.

exercise strictness

Light shone on each of the long stone walls that formed the boundary. The guards of the five boroughs and eight boroughs looked alternately at the area in charge, the romin forest and the battlefields of the Sota desert, with more venom than ever before.

The troops of the ship Grnil and Octavia came frantically fast to the Romine Forest.

In an increasingly fierce battle, the guards were thinking maybe the roman forest would disappear completely from the map.

The commanders of the border released a search team to the side where Mon and Bianca fought. As it was a battle between individuals and individuals, it was no match for the commotion in the Romin forest and the Sota desert, but not enough for the guards to miss.

Mon was not discovered by them, but went on to find loopholes in the boundary.

'Oh, my God, my body's starting to harden.’

The bleeding was too severe. Like Jane earlier, he was injured so badly that he would have already lost consciousness if it wasn't for the spirit and will of the black knight level.

Ha, ha, ha, ha...

I leaned against the tree for a moment and took a breath. The high fever was white in front of me, and whenever I trembled, my joints were crumbling.

In the midst of a weakened sense of pain, Mon suddenly changed his posture and held the sword over the bushes.

I felt someone approaching.

'Is he a guard or something?!’

A few people under seven were able to handle it quietly with this body. But more than that, it was impossible to shoot everyone before firing a flare.

A moment later, when the owners of the popular boat appeared, Mon could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sir Mon!"

It was Jin and his party who showed up in the bushes.

The movements that could be moved away from the surveillance of the boundary line were extremely limited. Jin's party had also moved to the same route as Mon, and had confirmed his bloodstains in the process. Therefore, it was more of a necessity than a coincidence that they met.

"12 jockey."

"What's going on...... Sir, shit. Arms."

"What happened to the mission? Why are you alone? Jane and the second-term."

Mon, who had been saying that far, hesitated and met the dark and heavy eyes of Jin's party.

"......we have escaped the Romin Forest at the expense of Lord Jane."

Mon looked back after a few seconds of silence. Towards the Romin Forest, where his lover would have died.

After becoming a black knight, he gave up his personal life completely, but Mon and Jane believed that their hearts were always connected.

I decided to spend the rest of my life with him if I could retire safely someday.

The wish has come to an end.

"I see."

Mon answered in a calm voice.

Just as Jane prioritized her family and duties instead of choosing what to leave to her lover until the end, so did he.

Private grief does nothing to the family. Black knights thought so.

That was Looncandel's black pitch.

"Is the second term with you?"


Why the next singer, not the other rider, was left, whether it was himself or others, why Jin had it, or what the second rider was fighting for without it.

Mon didn't ask. It was because Joshua knew what was left of him.

"Have you succeeded in extortion?"

Jean pulled things out of her arms.

"As long as we escape, the mission is a success. I'd like to talk about my injuries and the details of Jonah Looncandel and Sandra Zipple after the escape. Let's move before I fall."

Mon's gaze reached Sandra. She was also searching her coat pocket for painkillers.

"Oh, fortunately left. Swallow it. It was effective for her. It's hard to run when you're sick, right?

"......sister? Are you talking about Jane, Sandra Zipple."

"Yes, he said thank you."

Mon swallowed a painkiller without a word. Then I patted Sandra on the shoulder.

Mon did not reveal his relationship, but the party seemed to know how he hit Sandra on the shoulder.

The movement has begun again.

'It's going to be hard to just pass by without a force crash.’

It was only natural that Rutero was the center of the magic federation and several times more closely monitored than usual.

While wondering which side would be the most efficient, Sandra opened her mouth.

"Ha, I think it's time to end our first date."

The party's eyes were on Sandra.

She was soothing her regret by biting her lower lip.

"I'll have to do it now so that's all right? From now on, even if you miss me, you shouldn't come like this. Jin, you really almost finished today?”

Jean and Sandra's eyes met.

"I'll draw the attention of the guards. In the meantime, don't get caught and get out. Instead, remember what you said earlier, right?

But it's true that you saved my brothers and black knight's life, so I'd like to pay for it in any way. Ask if you need anything. If it's anything I can do for you, I'll do it after I escape.

Jean and Sandra thought of the word at the same time.

"What do you need?”

Sandra held out her golden arm to Jean. So that his face engraved on the inside of his forearm can be seen well.

"I'd like you to engrave Jin's name under the picture here.”

"Wow... really are, you really are the best. It's called, uh, Enya. I'm the president of the little fan club, but he can't do it to you either. I don't think I'll ever see another man like you again after three thousand years.”

"I'm the president of the official fan club. After the advertisement at the top of the goldfish, all kinds of miscellaneous fan clubs poured out, and I made and passed laws on fan activities and even officially registered them. I'm sure there's been a couple of articles on Hufester."

"Oh, I think I've seen it. Nodav Sarzain, or a man with that name, maybe."

"It's my alias. So, what Enya does is just playing fan games alone. I'm an official fan activity. It's different in class.”

Jean took out the dagger silently. And signed under the picture of the prosthetic arm as she requested.

Sandra almost screamed and shut her mouth.

"Wow! I will cherish it more than my life!"

The feeling of himself turning his Ben arm into a golden prosthetic, his face engraved on it, his signature beneath it, even hearing him say he'll cherish it more than his life......I had no words to express.

Anyway, the moment I signed it.


Unexpectedly, there was a huge explosion in the romin forest.

The explosion was so huge that an earthquake could be felt on the central border. And the blast wasn't caused by Kinselo or Zipple.

It was an explosion caused by the Looncandel duel. The whole party could be recognized at a glance.

The only suicide bomber in the family, a sword made for the last.

It was the Seventh-Final Volcano. Just as it did against Qin and Garmund in the Bluebird Islands, Joshua chose volcanoes as the last resort using cloning.

At that time, Joshua's volcano showed the power to destroy the island No. 32 of the Blue Bird Islands. The current volcano, which was reinforced by table tennis, was well above its power.

The sky-high turbid ore fell to the ground, destroying the roman forest. It was literally a huge volcano erupting.

Even where the party stood, it was clearly visible that the space and sky around the Romin forest were distorted and broken by the impact.

The ships urgently deployed maximum protection, and the strong struggled to save our ally from the explosion.

"They're also firing a salute to celebrate my first treasure!"

Sandra just shouted as if it was not important that the volcano was destroying the territory of her own family.

"Let's go now, Mr. Jin. That explosion seems to have knocked the guards out for a while, so if I embarrass them a little bit, they'll have a hole in their surveillance."

"Sandra Zipple."


That's true, Jean. I'm responsible as I am. If the family is going the wrong way, shouldn't I fix it? I'll normalize everything. I'm going back to the proud family I knew about.

That's a very unrealistic story.

I don't think there's anything I can't do if you guys help me.

Apart from our friends, it's not that we're not. It's impossible for Looncandel to help Jipple.

like a bolt out of the blue

Jean looked at her friend's appearance. A conversation with him came to mind at Veradin's villa. Leave the family, abandon the name Jipple. I remembered the moment when I said so.

"I want you to say hello to Veradin.”

"Ay, I'm gonna give you another hand......I was actually going to meet with Ladin and talk about Jin.”

Sandra's eyes grew bigger as Jean reached out her hand. Of course, it was not to comply with Sandra's request, but to ask for a handshake from a position of great help.

"See you again, Mr. Jin."

"Good-bye, Sandra."

And Sandra, who soon turned around and escaped from the bushes, shouted as soon as she encountered the guards.

"I am Sandra Zipple, acting Master of the Tower of White Night. The intruders are fleeing toward the 16-second post, so track them quickly!"

While the guards move at Sandra's command.

Looncandel was finally able to cross the border and escape the center of the magic federation through the West Sea to Rutero.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!