Published at 16th of January 2023 05:52:37 AM

Chapter 12

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Seal characters draw unique lines by using their own Qi field, so as to attract the aura of heaven and earth, and use the power of nature to improve their ability to achieve a certain purpose.

Not long after Qi Yangang learned to take a pen, he began to scribble like a master, but what he didn't expect really caused Reiki fluctuations. It is precisely because of this that the master concluded that he was born to follow this path.

From the age of four to 22, Qi Yan painted runes for a total of 18 years, but he could only remember some runes in his mind, but he could not draw them down. The old man once told him that his fit with the Qi of the five elements is too high. It's OK to draw some symbols such as praying for blessing, peace, rain and sending rain. If you draw some symbols and seals that bring bad luck, it may affect the luck of the people around you.

So when he really mastered the technique of making talismans, he easily didn't draw talismans, because he didn't want to change the fate of others.

As soon as I drew a peace symbol for myself and hung it on the wall, when I was ready to draw another blessing symbol, I received a call from Du Dong. Du Dong had already taken Mr. Liang downstairs.

He glanced at the unfolded talisman paper, put down the vermilion pen and left the study.

Liang Feng followed Du Dong with a distorted expression. In his imagination, even if an expert doesn't live in a retro villa, he is also a good place to live near mountains and rivers. Such a person crowded with countless ordinary people in an ordinary elevator building will really be a great master?

Shouldn't it be a liar who deceives people?

When Du Dong pressed the elevator, he took a special look. The number of floors was 7. It seems that the expert is not taboo at all in terms of numbers.

There was no one else in the elevator, so they quickly reached the 7th floor. Du Dong led him to a door at the corner. It was very good. The door number was 704.

Before his hand could get dark, the door opened from the inside. Liang Feng looked at the young man standing behind the door. He had a very pleasant face. Was he an apprentice of an expert?

Fortunately, he didn't speak out his doubts, because the next moment he saw Du Dong nodding and bowing to the young man and carefully putting a lot of rare supplements on the table in the dining room.

He glanced inside. The whole house didn't look big. It was only 80 or 90 square meters at most. The decoration was no different from that of ordinary people. In any case, it didn't have the sense of mystery that an expert should have.

At this time, the young man in a white shirt suddenly turned his head and looked at him. Liang Feng didn't know how to describe this look, but at that moment, he had the feeling that he was seen through by the young man, and unconsciously took back his steps.

"Please come in." the young man didn't seem to see his momentary gaffe, narrowed his eyes, smiled at him, and turned to the kitchen.

Liang Feng just regained his consciousness. He went to the living room, sat down on the sofa against Du Dong, and looked around. The living room made people feel a sense of unspeakable comfort and security. He even thought that if he stayed here for a while, he might fall asleep unprepared.

"Mr. Liang," Du Dong whispered to Liang Feng, "are you here for fortune telling or Feng Shui?"

Liang Feng said with a smile, "master Qi is good at both?"

Du Dong saw that Liang Feng seemed to remain skeptical and wanted to explain more, but Qi Yan had come out with tea, and he immediately shut his mouth in awe. Now he has unlimited awe and trust in Qi Yan, but he didn't give him up.

Three cups of tea were arranged one by one. Qi Yan sat down obliquely above Liang Feng. He was not in a hurry to ask Liang Feng what he wanted, but said to Du Dong, "look at Mr. Du's face, I'm afraid it has turned around?"

"I would also like to thank you for your help. Du is very grateful." Du Dong got up and bowed to Qi Yan.

Qi Yan sat on the sofa and received the gift. However, after Du Dong sat down, he added water to Du Dong's teacup, "when the water is full, it will overflow, and when the moon is full, it will be lost. Although Mr. Du has passed the great disaster of his life, he should also remember the truth that good deeds have accumulated into virtue, and don't forget his form and cause disaster again."

Du Dong nodded repeatedly and decided to donate a sum of money to welfare institutions when he went back.

Anyone who can see faces is very sensitive to micro expressions, so after Du Dong nodded, Qi Yan smiled, then turned his head and looked at Liang Feng: "I don't know what's the matter with Mr. Liang?"

Liang Feng took a sip of tea. The tea was very ordinary, but the taste was very unique and fragrant. He put down his tea cup and said in a low attitude: "today, I rashly disturb master Qi because I don't know something in my heart. I hope you can help me calculate a divination."

"From a young age, Mr. Liang has always been the proud son of heaven with outstanding ability and has the appearance of assisting a hero. If a person like you was born in troubled times, he will become a generation of famous officials. Maybe someone like you can't solve anything and has to ask someone like me for help?" Qi Yan said with a slight smile, "I think you are not for yourself, but for others."

Liang Feng's expression moved and then smiled: "master Qi is joking. I have little talent and learning. How can I have such ability."

Qi Yan looked at him and didn't argue with him. He poured half a saucer of water out of the tea cup and pushed it to Liang Feng: "Mr. Liang, write a word for me."

Liang Feng held out his hand and dipped it in the tea with his index finger. A trace of coolness came into his heart from his fingertips. As soon as his hand shook, he had already dropped water on the table before writing. He looked up at Qi Yan and saw that there was no change in the expression on the other party's face. He bowed his head and continued to write.

The word is beautifully written, vigorous and powerful.


Qi Yan carefully observed the word, "good word, what does Mr. Liang want to ask?"

"I want to know whether I can turn the crisis into safety. Liang Feng's words are very vague. Obviously, he doesn't trust Qi Yan's ability.

"Difficult." Qi Yan pointed to the water drop that Liang Fenggang accidentally dropped on the table, "There are things on the top, but the crane wants to fly, but it is difficult to spread his wings. If Mr. Liang asks for others, then this person should be weak and sick since childhood, accompanied by medicine and stones. However, the word crane has always meant good luck, longevity and happiness in Chinese culture. Although this person is weak and sick, he is loved by his family. Although there are imperfections, there are also enviable places."

After Qi Yan said a word "difficult", Liang Feng's face was not very good-looking. After listening to Qi Yan, he continued to ask, "is there no place to turn around?"

"Heaven's mercy will always leave a glimmer of life for all things in the world," Qi Yan reached out and brushed the table, and the crane word became a fuzzy water mark, which could no longer be distinguished. "But Mr. Liang looked at me too high. I didn't even know his face and birthday. How could I deduce everything?"

Liang Feng was silent for a moment: "master Qi, where do you find the glimmer of vitality you said?"

Qi Yan observed the man surnamed Liang. He had a good appearance, beautiful eyebrows and thin lips, but he had good Qi in his eyes. His Qi was white and red, and his whole body was slightly stained with traces of imperceptible purple Qi, but the purple Qi was not his own, but the people around him gave it back to him.

As the saying goes, "a man gets the word, a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven". Sometimes people with excellent fate will make people around him have good luck. This is the real sense of holding thighs.

"With all due respect, Mr. Liang should have a very prosperous person around him. This person not only makes your luck better and better, but also allows you to avoid some unnecessary twists and turns," Qi Yan took out a paper towel and wiped the tea from the palm of his hand, "When the master star meets the master star, the master star shines. The more prosperous the master star is, the brighter the master star is, and the weaker the master star is, the darker the master star will be. I think... Mr. Liang should come for your boss?"

The calm on Liang Feng's face finally couldn't hold. Before coming, he repeatedly confirmed with Du Dong. Du Dong didn't tell master Qi his identity, but now what the other party said is all in line with his current situation.

He believed that with Du Dong's courage, he would never dare to collude with the young master Qi to deceive him. Is there such a mysterious thing in the world?

"Master Qi really has golden eyes. There's nothing you can't know," Liang Feng clenched his teeth and made up his mind. "I don't know when you're free. Can you please go and have a look at our boss's face?"

Du Dong was stunned when he heard this. Mr. Liang's boss... Isn't it Cen five?!

The body of the fifth master Cen, who doesn't know the whole capital, is hard to say whether he can live beyond 35, and the gods are hard to save. Now he calls master Qi over, isn't it troublesome for master Qi? But he can only think in his heart, dare not say it clearly, so he has to secretly wink at Qi Yan, hoping that he won't agree to Liang Feng's request.

"Crane..." Qi Yan had an unspeakable affection for white cranes since childhood. He smiled at Liang Feng with expectation in his eyes: "Mr. Liang, this kind of thing can't be forced. It's fate to meet."

Du Dong was relieved. Fortunately, master Qi didn't agree to this request.

"However, if things really can't be solved, Mr. Liang can call me." Qi Yan handed a business card to Liang Feng. "I have little ability and can only do my best. Mr. Liang doesn't mind."

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The knock outside the door interrupted Liang Feng's words. He looked at the business card with white background and black characters, and carefully put it into his wallet. He was always exquisite. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and didn't return the business card to the other party.

Qi Yan didn't care about it either. He got up and opened the door. Outside stood four men with the same dress style. The first man looked at him from head to toe and said, "is it master Qi Yan Qi?"

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