Published at 23rd of November 2021 05:20:42 AM

Chapter 205: 205

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Chapter 2: Harmonia (3)

It wasn't particularly formal.

I left the room in the same clothes I was wearing before.

Lennon, Anne, and Hera were on their way out of the room just in time.

Jamie built the J-Network to share the consciousness of the three of them with his own.

- Can you hear me?

- Yes, I can hear you.

-I can hear you well.

- I hear you.

The J-Network was a virtual consciousness network created by Jamie that could link the consciousness of the person he designated.

It was a higher level magic of telepathy, which allowed them to freely communicate with each other within the network.

On their way to the king's audience, they chatted.

Most of it was about first impressions of this place.

- There's too much bluff here. It feels like it was made too hard.

-It's a bit suffocating because the room is covered with colorful decorations that hurt your eyes.

- I feel like it's too much.

Jamie agreed with them.

Look at this road to the audience right now.

A city is inherently artificial, but this place has a particularly artificial feeling.

In particular, the faces of people walking down the street seemed to be forced to smile, but actually, their eyes weren't smiling.

"We will arrive at the audience soon."

At the guide's words, I saw a building built near the horse tower.

It is said that it was built for the king, but it looked like it had just been built.

At least 2-3 years.

I couldn't understand why it was built next to the replacement tower.

Although the tower was quite far from the palace, it was not far enough to build a new building.

Above all, the exterior of the building was as splendid as the royal castle.

All kinds of magic stones were embedded in it for decoration, and purified water was continuously flowing from the large fountain in front.

- There is nothing like this in our estate.

Lennon's estate was Rezen, the best commercial city in the Kingdom of Seldam.

Lennon, the son of the owner of the city where the most money circulates, was also a bit dazed as he had never seen such a glamorous thing.

Meaningless ornaments of the master of the mage came to mind.

-Do people in Harmonia basically like things like this?

- Probably not.

Hera said as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

-If it were, the Liberation Army would not have risen. It can be seen as a form of excessive luxury concentrated in the capital.

-Other peoples.

-Did you not see the faces of people on the way?

-I was smiling... The eyes were not smiling.

Anne, who had a good eye, seemed to recognize it right away.

Jamie spoke without expression.

-right. it's decorated forced to be happy.

- Why?

- Because I told you to do that.

- the king?

- A king or a nobleman.

I don't know the details, but a normal person wouldn't consider it normal to see this place.

As we talked like that, we arrived at the building where the King of Harmonia was waiting.

From the entrance, a door that looked like a diamond was waiting for you. It may not be a real diamond, but it seems to have been mixed to some extent.

I had no idea how much money it would take to make something like this.

"Come in."

When the guide politely opened the door, waiting servants flocked to them.

"We will meet you from here."

Following them again, a door leading to a large hall appeared.

It wasn't an ordinary door either, but it wasn't surprising that he was immune thanks to what he had seen so far.

As I stood in front of the door, I heard a loud voice from inside.

"The master of the Kingdom of Seldam and the archmage who is praised for his greatest talent, Sir Welton Jr., will enter!"

A large door opened wide with an unfamiliar introduction.

The red carpet spread out, the nobles of Harmonia lined up from side to side, and the king of Harmonia who sat obliquely on the throne on the stairs at the end of the carpet came into view.

As soon as the door opened, a band waiting a little behind the nobles greeted them playing all kinds of instruments.


I knew they would be welcome, but I didn't expect it to be this much.

It wasn't incomprehensible.

Since he was none other than a Master dispatched from Seldam, it must have been this kind of hospitality in order to show off even a little.

'And They must have wanted to show off that they were like this.'

If it was called the royal castle, it would have been more splendidly welcomed, but it must have been a plan to approach the precious guest favorably, using the pretext that the king had come directly.

Jamie and the party welcomed them and walked in front of King Harmonia.

The closer I got, the better I could see the king's face, but to be honest, I had nothing to say because it was ridiculous.

'what? You look like that poor man.'

It wasn't that I was sitting at an angle on purpose, but because my body had few muscles, I had no choice but to sit at an angle.

Just by looking at the wide, bloodshot eyes, and the dark lips around his mouth, he could not be seen as a hostess who welcomed guests.

- No, I'm completely ignorant... .

- You look like someone who hasn't slept in a few days?

-fatigue And even though I covered it with perfume, it smells pretty good.

Perhaps everyone had the same thoughts as Jamie, and they said one word at a time through J-Network.

In the meantime, Hera even caught the smell of alcohol wafting through the perfume, showing how developed her nose was.

It was a terrifying smell.

However, even when they came all the way to the front, the king remained silent and did not say anything.

Jamie narrowed her eyes and looked closer, seeing that the king's focus was on a strange place, not on them.

- It's completely gone.


Anne looked up at Jamie with a surprised look, but she didn't bother to look at her because of the large number of eyes.

At that time, the servant who was standing next to the king cautiously approached the king. He was an impressive man with green jewels hanging from both ears, and he whispered softly into the king's ear.

'sire. Calm down.'

Jamie's excellent hearing picked up even the smallest sound.

'Hey. This is amazing.'

Did you mean that you were lost in front of your guests?

As we watch how far Jamie goes, things far worse than the previous ones.

Eh? what. Why am I here?"

Like a man who had just woken up, King Cyprus rose from his seat and looked around.

Then, looking at the aristocrats and bands gathered, he frowned.

"What else are you doing? Why are you doing this here?"


uh? Helm. What is this?"

"The guests have come from the Kingdom of Seldam."

"Seldam? Why in Seldam? Ah! Jamie Wellton!"

As if he was crazy, the king said he just remembered. He smiled like a madman and looked at Jamie standing down the stairs.

"But who are you?"

"Sir Welton Jr. is coming."

Ah ah ah ah ah! this this. best talent! But why are you so tall? Being 13 years old."

"Even at the age of 13, sometimes big people like that appear."

"Well. Sometimes there are people like that. But why am I here?"

King Cyprus returned to the origin.

Lennon, Anne, and Hera's expressions were slightly distorted.

- What the hell are you doing... .

- Master. What is this... !

- Elder.

The party said one word at a time, but Jamie only smiled and watched the scene.

Marquis Helm said to the king with a smile, wondering if he could do it any more.

"You seem unwell, so please stop."

alcohol! Colonel alcohol!"

"I've been drinking alcohol, so you can follow the author."

One of the servants waiting downstairs bowed his head and said to King Cyprus.

sire. Your spirit will guide you."

"Do it! Hahaha!

The king staggered and followed his servant.

The hall was quiet as if a storm had passed.

As the king's presence disappeared, Marquis Helm, who had been smiling and staring at the place, looked at Jamie and the others with the same expression on their face.

"I'm sorry for this. Your Majesty was very sick yesterday, and it seems that you are not feeling well now."

sick. it's body i See.

Jamie smiled and nodded as if she could.

"Thank you for your understanding. We wanted to make the welcome ceremony more grandiose, but the situation is like this, and you'll be hungry, so let's go eat right away. I have everything ready."

The welcome ceremony was over in less than five minutes.

Jamie thought it was a really fun country.

* * *

- This is not a country.

It was Lennon's words.

As the second son of one of the most prestigious noble families in Seldam, he was quite angry with Harmonia's hospitality.

- It's only the outside, and everything is a fist bump. There is no system. There is a king, but it is not a country for the servants to stand at the same height as the king at will, and even to send the king out first.

- I think that person is real.

- I will. Perhaps it is a level that shakes the state government arbitrarily.

Marquis Helm.

He was a great aristocrat who rapidly increased his influence after the death of the previous King of Harmonia.

As the children and Hera said, he held the real power of the Kingdom of Harmonia.

The king was just a puppet.

He was addicted to alcohol, and the symptoms of addiction were severe just by looking at the appearance of taking any drugs. In addition, he appeared to have severe symptoms of dementia, making it impossible to lead a proper life without the help of others.

So I would have been able to wield the kingdom even more with my own hands.

In other words, it could be said that it was his fault that Harmonia, one of the best in the entire continent, had reached this level in just a few years.

"Sit here."

One of the servants guided them to their seats with a hard smile.

His eyes were not smiling like ordinary people seen from the outside.

As soon as they sat down, the powerful people of Harmonia took their seats one by one.

Then he greeted Jamie warmly.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Wellton Jr."

"It is an honor to see the Master of Seldam here."

"This is Count Clano from Ayom. Take good care of me.

"The disciples are very cute. And this one... ."

At that time, an unknown nobleman pointed to Hera and asked.

"This is Sir Hera Boleno, the wizard under my command."

Alas! The Boleno family!"

In the Kingdom of Seldam, there were typically four wizard families.

The Linmer family, headed by the second elder, Linmer.

The Shan family, where the 4th elder Raymon is the head of state.

The Simon family, where the eight elder Simon is the head of state.

And although there is no archmage now, it was the Boleno family that had produced archmage from generation to generation.

Hera was a woman from a very large family.

He was also a talented person who would become the next archmage.

"To see a woman of the Boleno family at a place like this. This is so ha ha ha!"

"Then the disciples ."

"This is Lennon Simon."

Lennon introduced himself as if tossing in a slightly sharp voice.

However, the nobles who turned to Simon's prestige did not even care about Lennon's tone and were busy praising him.

Oh oh!! You were the son of the Simon family."

Oh my gosh! That such precious people have come for our Harmonia. It is truly an honor."

"Then here is the cute girl."

" This is Anne Meyer."


I've never heard of the Mayer family... ."

Since it was the Meyer family, which was less well-known than the previous two families, the nobles of Harmonia did not know about it.

That's why Anne's voice crawled in.

Jamie sighed as the nobles were whispering amongst themselves.

"He is my disciple. Jamie Welton's pupil.


At Jamie's blunt remark, the nobles realized their mistake and sat down.

Hahaha! That's right. As a disciple of Sir Welton Jr., he will become a promising wizard. Cancer, not like that."

Yes. Hahaha. We made an excuse."

When the nobles looked at each other and smiled, the Marquis Helm finally appeared.

The main character told everyone with a sad impression, as if following the rule of appearing later.

"Did you have any pleasant conversations?"

"Ah, Marquis."

"Please take a seat."

When Marquis Helm appeared, the nobles jumped up and took out the chair of the head.

Lennon's expression worsened as if he was treating the king.

When everything was ready, Marquis Helm suggested a meal as the representative.

"Come on, eat. It is made by the most skilled chef in Harmonia. I hope it suits your taste."

I will enjoy this food.

Jamie said hello as the representative and the meal began.

Marquis Helm asked Jamie in a soft tone as he sliced the steak.

"I heard that you have been closed for five years."

"Yes, it was."

"You used to be an archmage back then, but it's been 5 years and you must have reached a really great level now. Hahaha.

"You have to work harder."

Jamie smiled with a formal expression, concentrating on the meal. It was the moment when Helm frowned when he didn't take it properly.

Clang- The sound of a bowl breaking could be heard from Jamie's side.

"Sin, sin, sin, sorry!"

It seems that one of the food servants missed a bowl for Jamie.

He was a boy who looked to be in his late teens.

A nobleman in Harmonia who was nearby jumped up and threatened the servant.

"Where is this guy going to make such a mistake?!"

"Sorry, sorry ."

"This useless thing. You don't know how to do what you've been told, and who the hell are your parents, so you can't even do these things?!

" ."

As he even spoke to his parents, the servant's expression quickly darkened.

When he did not answer, the nobleman snorted and grabbed the servant by the neck.

Jamie grabbed his leg and stopped Lennon from standing up because of such an ignorant act.

- Master!


Lennon looked at him with wide eyes, but Jamie shook his head and watched the situation.

The other nobles didn't seem to mind.

He just smiled or looked at the servant with a pathetic face.

The same goes for Helm.

He leisurely sips his wine and watches the situation.

"Why aren't you talking?"

The servant's lips trembled, and tears seemed to fall from his eyes at any moment.

It wasn't that he was crying because he was afraid, but it looked like he was about to cry out of anger because even his parents were insulted.

With that expression on his face, he said that he looked like a nobleman.

"If you are at the bottom of the class, you should act like the bottom. It's only when you guys work hard that it's destined to wipe out under us. You just have to be loyal for us. Then we feed them, put them to sleep, and do everything, right? But do you make mistakes in such an important place without knowing our grace?"

" ."

haha. Can you see your face?"

As the servant's expression darkened, the nobleman pulled his face closer and said.

Why. Are you going to join the Liberation Army too?"

there ."

Then, Jamie called him with a smile.

Marquis Helm, who was smiling and shaking a wine glass, looked at Jamie.

Ah. I've been very strict with my education. It wasn't something I was going to see in front of guests.

"That's not it. What's your last name?

Ah! Viscount Malve Capri."

"Yes, Viscount Malve Capri."

Jamie smiled softly, calling out his name and title.

"This food looks delicious, please bring me some."

Yeah? Oh, don't worry. It'll come out soon. bloke! Hurry up and get some new food... ."

no no. Viscount Malve Capri wants me to come. to my front."

" on?

Malve Capri looks at Jamie with a face saying what this means.

Seeing that expression, Jamie smiled.

Why. I do not like it? What if you don't like it... ."

Saying that, he looked at Marquis Helm with cold eyes.

"What do you think, Marquis Helm?"

Jamie, after the name of the Marquis, minus the 'nim'.

Marquis Helm's eyes trembled slightly.

When he looked at Jamie without saying a word, Jamie said, raising the corner of his mouth.

"It seems the Viscount Capri doesn't want to serve food in front of me."

"Viscount Capri!!"

At that moment, Marquis Helm, who was still, shouted and called Viscount Capri.

When the Viscount, startled, looked back at the Marquis Helm, the Marquis forced a smile and said:

"Food, Colonel."

"Each of the marquis ."

"To the colonel."

" Okay.

In the Kingdom of Harmonia, the nobles, directly.

It is unimaginable in this country where the sense of choice is deeply rooted.

However, if you disobeyed the orders of the actual master of the country, you never knew what kind of disaster it would be.

Viscount Capri ran back and forth towards the kitchen with a face flushed from shame.

And Jamie Welton approached the attendant personally, and kindly cleaned his soiled collar.

"Be careful going forward. Stop it. All food today will be served by the Viscount Capri himself. Is that right, Marquis?"

At Jamie's more polite tone of voice, Marquis Helm nodded with a calm smile as if it had ever been.

of course.

"Harmonia is really good. Instead of an attendant, the nobles provide the food themselves. Guest hospitality is excellent. Seriously."

" Thank you for looking at it that way."

Under the table, Marquis Helm clenched his fists so tight that his nails dig into his skin.

It was the first time in my life to be humiliated like this.

- Continued on next episode -

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