Published at 23rd of November 2021 05:19:25 AM

Chapter 263: 263

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Chapter 24: Garmon (1)

master! I made a sandwich today!"

" ."

Jamie saw Benna's sandwich (?) since early morning.

As if he was trying to remove the burnt part, the bread was full of ripped marks here and there.

Even that, there was something darkened because the burnt part was not cleaned properly in the process of removing it.

It looks like they were trying to put the contents in a pretty way, but the sauce was messy, so it felt like a child was playing with it.

The smell was also bizarre, but I had no idea what ingredients were in the sauce.

The impression was frowned upon by overlapping the burnt smell.

In my case, there was a tea that I was trying to make well.

Yeah, it was tea, but... I couldn't say that it was well made even with empty words.

"I failed a few times, but I think this one is well made!"

However, I was sorry to put out the plate with an innocent face and put it aside.

Jamie took the plate and looked at the sandwich(?) without saying a word.

He reached the level of a fully matured 9th class, and even became a sword master, but how can I say this?

'I think I will get burnt if I eat it.'

Actually, it doesn't seem like it will get rid of this much, but the mood of a person can affect the health of the body.

"Did you give me Behemoth? Behemoth first."

"All the failures were eaten by Behe."

"A pig in cow's clothing."



By now, you will be lying on your back somewhere, feeling "full of stomach".


The important thing right now is that there is no Behemoth to eat this instead, so you have to eat it yourself.

My head was dizzy.

I must have told you not to cook again before, but if you have a bright face like that, you can't get angry.

"I'm full."

"You haven't even eaten one meal."

Bena said with a cold smile.

She seemed to have noticed Jamie's continued refusal to eat.

Jamie coughed in embarrassment for nothing.

There was a time when I had no choice but to take a bite.

zero! main! Sir!

"Hey! Blood, it's Pyon! Master, tell me I'm not here!

Bena was startled by the voices from outside, and then went inside the room and hid.

After a while, someone slammed the door open and entered.

She was a beautiful woman with short orange hair.

It was a face I had seen once when I first arrived, and it was a Valkyrie named Pyon who stayed in the Frontier as the representative of the clan.

I heard that he is currently in charge of Bena's education here.

"Oh, were you eating? Sorry sorry. But is our princess here?"

Fyon strode into the house without Jamie's permission.

Jamie looked at Pyon, who was about to enter Bena's hiding place without a word.

He looked at the sandwich (?) in his hand and sighed a little.

"This guy and that guy."

What did you say?

At Jamie's murmuring, Fyon turned his head and asked him.

"Both in my house ."

Jamie got up slowly and cried out with a very annoying, annoyed face.

get out!!

At the same time, Pyon's figure disappeared.

Pyon wasn't the only one missing.

Bena, who hid in the corner of the room, also chased away.

Then, as the house became quiet, Jamie clicked his tongue and took a bite of Benna's sandwich.

shit. It's terribly tasteless.

I also thought that I would never eat again.

* * *

After a rough meal (throwing away the sandwich), Jamie left the dormitory.

There is something important to know today.

I couldn't ask because I heard something I didn't think of last time, but today I have enough time to talk.

On the first day, Jamie walked slowly along the path that Isis showed her.

It was a good day when the sky was clear, and the grass was swaying in the cool breeze, making a muffled sound.

He arrived at a large open space.

The old god who introduced himself as Osiris was sealed here.

Osiris, who may have been imprisoned here for an uncountably long past, perhaps even older than when he was active as Diablo Volfir, might have known about 'Garmon'.

Isis opened the door to Osiris with some spell.

But if it was Jamie now, she could open it enough without knowing the spell.

"Is it here?"

As he reached out, concentric wavy circles began to spread through the air.

When I put my hand in there, my body naturally sucked in.

An old man with his limbs bound with thick chains was drooping in front of him.

It was Osiris.

As Jamie approached, Osiris slowly raised his head at the sound of footsteps.

"Who are you?"

Osiris didn't remember Jamie even though he had only seen it a few days ago.

It wasn't much of a surprise to me to know that he wasn't sane.

Jamie walked over to him and put a hand on his head.

Osiris only looked at Jamie's hand with innocent eyes.

What are you doing?

"It will be temporary, but it will be fine."

Jamie was also adept at psychic magic.

In particular, he knew how to treat mental disorders by analyzing the brain structure if possible, and even if it was difficult to cure severe diseases such as dementia, he was able to make them normal even temporarily.

It would be difficult if she had completely forgotten her existence, but Osiris regained her sanity at times.

Black mana slowly penetrated into his head.


Osiris straightened his back as if struck by lightning and opened his eyes.

Slowly, focus began to return to both eyes.

Jamie took her hand off her head and took a step back.

Osiris, who had been staring blankly into the air and rubbing his eyes, shifted his gaze to Jamie in that state.

"You saw then ."

He recognized Jamie to see if he had regained consciousness.

Then he looked around and muttered.

"What year is it today? What about Isis?"

"I don't know how many years, Isis will be in her house."

"Are you here alone?"

"I have something to ask you."

"I know you told me everything you were curious about last time."

"I have to say that the field is a little different. I have heard from Isis that this is Garmon."

"There was a time when I was called by that name. But not now. Isis had no other words to explain, so I told him it was Garmon, but that name no longer exists."

Is that so? If so, ask your question here."

Jamie held out her index finger, then said.

"I heard that there were people or groups of people who stayed here at the time when this place was called Garmon. Who is it?

According to Ganon's diary, the name Garmon was written under a tombstone left by Diablo Volfir just before the final battle.

That said, it was correct to assume that someone brought the contents of the tombstone here.

Right. Did you come all the way here after following their tracks?"

"Rather than chasing traces, I came to this place by accident. I was lucky."

"Is it the charm of fate?"

What does it mean?

"I have very little memory of them. Because, you know, memories come and go. It wasn't much different back then than it is now. But I still remember one of them."

As Osiris looked back on his fuzzy memories, he recalled one of the hordes who had dwelt upon this land long ago.

I don't know his name, but I remember him because he was a very unique person in the group.

"He always said this to me."

- This world is ugly. 12 It is an irrational world that is struggling in the mischief of the gods. If he hadn't failed, the world would have been different if he had driven out the 12 gods.

-But it failed, and now I don't know if I'm dead or alive. probably dead Even if he barely survived the 12 gods, he was a human and would have died eventually.

- He failed. It was a bittersweet failure. You've lost your one chance to drive out the 12 gods. It wasn't easy. If I wasn't alone I saw the inscriptions on the tombstone he had written before he went to the final war.

-It was generally said that we would win, but we ended up losing. Personally, I think it's pathetic, but one way or another, he's right in the end.

-I will follow his way and make up for his shortcomings. no matter how long it takes

-It will be me who defeats the 12 gods. sure to say

Jamie didn't say anything for a long time.

Because it was correct.

He had the power to defeat the 12 gods, but he was tired of the death and betrayal of his colleagues in the past and chose to be alone.

In the process, I even lost my mind.

At the time, I thought that was the right answer, but now I have a different opinion.

If I had gathered the rest of my colleagues and worked together, if I had fought with the workhorses to the end.

Maybe the results have changed.

As Jamie was deep in thought, Osiris spoke.

"But they also did not stay long on this earth."

"What else does that mean?"

"The plague has spread. The memories of that time are hazy, but it is certain that most of them died on this land. Only him and a few others survived. They left Garmon as if on a run, and this place has been plagued by an unknown plague virus for a long time. After a long time passed, Abraxas was built in this land."

Considering that 'Abraxas' has existed since the era before the world reset, it is concluded that the group with the words Garmon on their tombstones existed at least 20,000 years ago.

One thing is for sure, the group knew specifically about Diablo Volfir, and one of them was that they tried to become Diablo Volfir themselves.

But seeing that the 12 gods still exist, their plan must have failed, but if not... .

'Maybe he's still surviving and looking for an opportunity.'

If you were alive, what would you be doing right now?

'I wouldn't have spent 20,000 years in vain.'

It must be doing something.

However, the possibility that it may have been altered should be kept in mind.

Because humans are such a race.

* * *

-you i hate you

- Garbage child. trash child... !

-How, how can you do this to us?

- When I die, I will pray to the gods for your death. Please die painfully.

The boy opened his eyes.

His face was drenched in cold sweat.

He ruffled his black hair back.

He was sweating so much that his hair was soaking wet.

got up from bed

Seeing that his back was damp, the duvet must have been messed up with sweat.

The boy rubbed his purple eyes and washed his face dry.

"Why the dream of that day ."

I can't even remember how many years ago it was now.

So much time has passed.

The boy got up and walked to the window.

The Milky Way stretched out in the night sky as if it were about to pour.

raised right hand

The tips of his fingers trembled and he grabbed them tightly with his left hand.

'You still haven't been able to get out of that nightmare.'

The boy clenched his teeth.

Ultimately, it is a problem that must be overcome.

I shook my head as I walked back to bed to go back to bed.

In this state, it seemed that I would never be able to fall asleep again.

Reluctantly, I opened the door and went out into the hallway, and Jormungand, in a black dress showing off her sensual body, was leaning against the wall with her arms folded.

The boy said with a slightly startled look.

It's a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Another nightmare?"

" I just woke up feeling a little thirsty."

He said that and rubbed the back of his neck for nothing.

Jormungand said to the boy.

"Even if the karma of the day is scary and difficult to overcome, you must move forward."

" ."

"Because it was a contract for that."

"I know."

"Prometheus. If you want to give humans a real fire, don't hesitate any longer. For me and for my master."

The boy, Prometheus, answered with only his eyes rolling to the side.

"Don't worry. It was such a contract."


Jormungand gently stroked his hair like a good child.

Prometheus felt her touch and his eyes lit up coldly.

'Not long.'

Prometheus remembers.

what happened 20,000 years ago.

The tragedy in Garmon.

The past when I slaughtered my comrades with my own hands.

So go ahead

'I pass a new fire to mankind. That is the wish of me and my colleagues.'

To do that, you only need to do one thing.

'I'm not giving it to anyone. 12 It is me who kills the gods.'

That was for the comrades I killed with this hand.

- Continued on next episode -

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