The Demon in Her Womb - Chapter 246

Published at 23rd of October 2021 05:54:44 AM

Chapter 246: 246

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The boy was smiling as he spoke and came to me. Although he was laughing now, all I could see from his eyes was murderous, and a sense of fear spread from my soul.

I glared at the boy and asked, "what are you going to do?"

The boy laughed at me and said, "I've told you that I'm going to punish you. Now that you've broken the rules, I'll send you to see the king of hell."

As soon as he said this, my body didn't listen to me. I flew up and pasted it on the wall.

I glared at the big eyes and wanted to say something, but it was too late. I only felt that my mouth was sealed. A cross appeared on the wall and nailed me to it.

The two girls and the boy stood up and stared at me with a kind of very bitter eyes, but their mouth corners were picking up a faint sneer.

I know it's going to end. Sure enough, the four scalpels on the table slowly fly up.

When I saw the scalpel flying, I closed my eyes. But when I closed my eyes, I suddenly felt that the world around me had changed slightly. The four scalpels stopped in front of me as if there was no other action.

When I felt this, I couldn't help being stunned, and then I opened my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Jinyun standing at the door smiling at us.

Seeing Jinyun, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Then I asked Jinyun, "how can you come here? I'll die in a second or two at night!"

Hearing my words, Jinyun picked an eyebrow: "how can I let you die here?"

I white his one eye: "well, don't talk nonsense, first save me again."

Give me such a say, the three men also looked back at it at the same time, and then the boy said with a smile at Jinyun: "I didn't expect that you could deal with those security guards outside. It's not easy. Hey, hey, but what about that? You are still a scum in front of us, and we can kill you now."

Who knows Jinyun didn't answer them, but waved at me. My body suddenly sank and fell off the wall. After I fell down from above, Jinyun waved to me: "let's go now!"

I raised my eyebrows slightly. Some of these guys are in charge of us. Can we go?

Jinyun gave me a look: "are you going? I'll go out if I don't leave. "

When Jinyun said this, I found that his feet had been staying outside and didn't come in at all. I squinted my eyes for a while and knew that there must be a reason for Jinyun to do so. Since he said let me go out, I would go out.

I thought, staring at the three guys with vigilance, I walked out towards the outside.

However, before I went out, the three ghosts suddenly jumped in front of me and said to me coldly, "do you want to go out? Hehe "

I saw Jinyun shaking his head at them:" you can't control so much if you want to go out. "

Jinyun side son said, while casually took out a charm, toward the three evil spirits fell down.

When the spell on his hand fell down the moment, the three evil spirits instantly escaped. Originally I was still in a daze, but before I wanted to understand, Jinyun suddenly stretched out a hand and tugged me hard. Then he pulled me out and closed the door with a loud voice.

This came all of a sudden, I didn't react at all. After I went out, I was stunned for a long time before I came back to God. I rushed to Jinyun and asked, "what's going on?"

Jinyun waved to me: "if I really walked in at that time, I might have no way to control the situation as they said, but hey, hey, I found this problem when I entered this place, so I didn't let you encounter any danger. Do you understand what I mean now?"

I heard Jinyun tell me so and nodded at Jinyun.

I looked around and asked Jinyun, "what about the security guards? Has it been solved for you? "

After hearing my words, Jinyun waved to me: "not yet. I found this place a little strange, so those guys I just made them faint in the past. I didn't intend to kill them. Otherwise, I didn't expect to happen."

Heard Jinyun said so, I naturally shut my mouth.

Originally, I thought that Jinyun was going to take me to turn around and go out, but what surprised me was that Jinyun didn't intend to leave here at this time. Instead, his eyes kept rolling around, as if he was looking at something.

I dare not speak, just quietly staring at Jinyun, after a moment Jinyun seems to have made up his mind: "you come here."

I pushed the wheelchair to walk past, quietly waiting for the arrangement of Jinyun. Originally I thought Jinyun was going to prepare for something, but what I didn't think of was that Jinyun suddenly pushed behind me and pushed me into the room.At that time, I was confused and scolded Jinyun ten thousand times in my heart, but this time was obviously too late.

Who knows what else is in that room?

I was thinking, suddenly heard Si fan Han's voice in my ear ring up: "how did you come?"

When I heard Si fan Han's voice, my heart suddenly twitched. I quickly raised my head and looked at the front. At this time, I found that Si fanhan was nailed to the cross as I had done before.

Jinyun made sure there was nothing here before he came in.

When seeing us, Jinyun scratched his head: "I didn't expect you were here. Let's leave here as soon as those guys don't wake up."

As Jin Yun said this, he walked towards Si fan Han. But what Jin Yun and I didn't expect was that Si fan Han glared at me: "you leave here quickly. You can't stay here any more. Leave quickly."

Jinyun and I didn't know what Si fanhan meant. We looked at Si fanhan in doubt. However, Si fanhan shook his head at both of us: "listen to me, this building is where people and ghosts live. However, there is a demon in the cross, and the way to save me is to destroy the cross I don't want you to take such a big risk. I don't want all the living people here to die. "

Jinyun heard this voice, slightly picked eyebrows: "no matter how to say, we will not let you stay here."

As he spoke, Jinyun slowly walked towards Si fanhan. Although I didn't know what Jinyun wanted to do at this time, I still stepped back several steps and looked at Jinyun quietly.

Jinyun seemed to have made up his mind: "we will not destroy this cross. Don't worry, I will save you. Come here, Linzi."

Hearing Jinyun call me, I quickly nodded at Jinyun and slowly leaned over.

At this time, Jinyun suddenly pulled out a dagger. In fact, I also knew what he wanted to do, so without much thought, he stretched out a hand and handed it to Jinyun.

Si Fan said, "why don't you listen to me? This is not the time to be short tempered. You can't save me. "

When I heard Si fan Han's words, I suddenly got angry and called out to Si fan Han: "nonsense! Even if it can't be saved, it will be saved! We won't watch you stay here by yourself

Si fanhan probably didn't expect me to say so. After a long pause, he closed his mouth.

At this time, Jinyun's head was covered with sweat. He seemed to choose the position on my hand. After a moment, he cut my finger belly vigorously. This time, the strength of Jinyun's hand was a little heavier than usual. I shivered because of the pain. However, Jinyun pressed my hand and slowly wrote and drew on the back of the cross. The cross was originally made of grindstone The pain on the wound was unbearable.

But at this time, I didn't say anything, biting my lips tightly and waiting. After a few minutes, Jinyun finally seemed to have completed the task. When I saw that his head was covered with sweat beads, I couldn't help but ask Jinyun, "how is the situation now?"

Jin Yun nods at Si fan Han and me, and then laughs. I thought this kind of array is hard to crack, but now it doesn't look like that. Don't worry, fan Han, we'll be able to rescue you immediately. "

I was relieved to hear Jinyun say so, but before I could be happy, Si fanhan said to us: "it's not so simple. You can't save me. If you know what's going on, you can't leave here. I beg you."

Who knows she said this just finished, Jinyun coldly roared: "little nonsense, we can't give up you, you give me a quiet moment, don't disturb our work!"

After hearing Jinyun's words, Si fanhan cried: "you're like this"

before she finished her words, a gust of wind suddenly blew around us.

To the cold wind, I shivered, Jinyun also quickly stopped the action in his hand, raised his head to look around, and then narrowed his eyes: "who is it? Can you get out of here? "

As a result, as soon as Jinyun said this, we heard the voice of the boy and the girl: "Hey, you have to bear what you do. Si fanhan is right. As long as you destroy the cross, you will release the following ten thousand year old demons, but you can also change your mind

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