The eSports King's Crush - Chapter 1343

Published at 19th of December 2022 08:46:29 AM

Chapter 1343

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At this moment, the situation is normal.

The host in a suit picked up the microphone and announced, "Heroes Asia Finals, the official start!"


Beam down!

All sounds and pictures are still!

Focus points are all concentrated on the left and right sides.

On the left is the Emperor League, and on the right is Theo!

Everyone is shouting for the team they support!

There is a wind blowing, agitating the black and red combat uniforms, and the hunting sounds

A man in the same uniform came out from there.

Their eyes are deep, as if a fire is burning.

Some people say that in them, there is all the meaning of youth.

You and the brothers in the dormitory are fighting in front of the computer in order to watch their game.

Your favorite teenager once hugged you and said, look, this is the team I like.

You and your girlfriends are under the same quilt, and they can discuss until the wee hours of the morning.

When you think life is like this, when you look up, there is a team that hasn't aged yet.

No matter how many years, they will never forget.

But they are like this, but now there are two people missing.

The two people who were supposed to be at the front of the line did not show up.

Although some people are already mentally prepared.

But when he saw this lineup, his face was still blank for a moment.

Some of the audience who stood up sat back in their seats, showing disappointment, and some even began to whisper.

"Why is there no Qin God?"

"I thought Big Spade and I, God Qin, would appear."

"Although there are always comments on the Internet, it is not impossible to bear the pressure."

"Really, the ticket was bought for nothing."

Sometimes e-sports players do face such situations.

They were the ones who said that Qin Mo had lost his strength. Now that Qin Mo really didn't come, they also said that Qin Mo couldn't bear the pressure.

It's not that the members of the Imperial League can't hear such voices.

Even Theo heard it, and didn't understand what he was talking about, but seeing the commotion, he turned his eyes and asked the translator beside him.

The atmosphere at the scene has changed slightly.

But no matter what kind of atmosphere it is, it will be brought back by the presenter.

"Everyone must be looking forward to what kind of excitement the two teams will bring us. Without further ado, let's look at the order of our appearance in the first two games!"

All are international teams.

Of course, he will not enter the competition with an attitude of underestimating the enemy.

It's just that the news of Qin Mo's absence is also a surprise to Theo.

In fact, when they got off the plane yesterday, they received a bit of news that Qin Mo had lost his memory and might not come to the competition.

But they always think that it is just false news sent out to confuse them.

Now it seems that it is true.

Don't worry too much about them.

After all, in this kind of international e-sports competition, Huaxia's team has always been at the bottom.

They were also afraid of Qin Mo who gave them a blow in the head, and even trained him for a month.

Now Theo also has a secret weapon.

Obviously, the Imperial League will not be their opponent.

"The order of appearance on the side of the Imperial League is out!"

Singles, forgive me.

Doubles, Yin Wuyao, Lin Feng.

"If it were me, I would choose this order of appearance." The commentator said.

Another narrator said, "Oh? Why?"

"Theo's team not only has a strong sense of teamwork, but is also one of the best in single-player combat. In these two games, the Dimension has clenched its teeth and wants to win one, so as to have a chance to enter the team battle. If this one If you can't win, it means that the Imperial Alliance has lost."

"That is to say, you think this match of the Imperial League is difficult?"

"After all, this is the Asian Championship, but I believe in the strength of each team."

The narrators are people from different countries, and their narration will make everyone look at the problem more comprehensively.

"Rao Rong is on the field. I remember that he has always been a group control player. Is it really possible to play singles?"

"You don't know that. In fact, for a long time, when Rao Rong was in another team, even as a team control player, he dealt the most damage in the team. It can be seen how strong he is in single combat. And as a starter, generally speaking, you will admit that there is a lot of psychological pressure, and singles is not so much about pure skill, but the bigger the game, the more you will value the players' ability to withstand pressure."

"The singles players on Theo's side don't seem to be burdened."

"There is indeed a difference in this point. Theo's lineup has never changed, and the first person to play is also used to this rhythm. The most important thing is that even if he loses this time, with Theo's strength, he I believe that the teammates can also win back, Rao Rong's situation is different, he has had so many things before, and he just joined the Imperial League, he may have a lot of psychological pressure..."

However, soon after seeing the figure on the screen, the commentator suddenly laughed: "It seems that my analysis was wrong, Rao Rong's positioning is very skillful, this will be a very exciting game singles."

Indeed, from the moment Rao Rong put on the earphones, he seemed to be a different person.

It is indeed the team soul control of the entire team before.

This is probably why Feng Yi chose Rao Rong as the first person to appear.

Because that person, no matter what kind of competition he is in, can not be influenced by the outside world!

Time passed bit by bit.

The increasingly anxious battle made everyone very nervous.

Because soon, people from the Diamond League found out.

Theo is not a vegetarian at all in singles, he can predict Rao Rong's position every time, and deal damage.

A sense of tension burst out of everyone's heart little by little.

A full ten minutes of line-up.

Every time the two of them returned to the city with residual blood.

Soon, however, someone discovered the problem.

"If the fight continues like this, the Dimension will definitely lose."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because in the final analysis, the most suitable position for Rao Rong is the group control. The group control must cooperate with his teammates to do output in order to play his strongest side. Now he is placed in this singles position, obviously because of the Imperial League I really want to win this round, no, it should be said that the Dimension wants to win the first two games directly, it is best not to have the last team battle with Theo, because they know very well that if the team fights, the Dimension The current lineup can't beat the opponent at all. So they sent Rao Rong. No matter in terms of speed, skill and state, Rao Rong is undoubtedly outstanding. After all, he and Qin Mo Xiao Jing are regarded as the three pillars. The damage of controlling heroes is not very high after all, if it is delayed to the later stage, Rao Rong will be over."

Just as soon as his words fell.

The people over there have already passed in the direction of Rao Rong.

Everyone's eyes were shocked.

Just when everyone thought that Rao Rong was going to be caught up, who knew that with a flexible move, he would fight back!

Diamond, won this singles match!

Xue Yaoyao watched from the side, paused for a moment, then turned her head and hugged Coco who was still holding the rabbit ears!

Joy is like contagion!

"here you go!"

When Rao Rong walked back, everyone was patting him on the shoulder.

He hooked his lips and smiled, and he could see that he was in a good mood.

But soon, they discovered the problem.

Because the Theo team's expressions are all lazy and lazy, as if it doesn't matter if they lose this singles.

"You should understand the level of the Imperial League." Said the captain of Theo.

The two people over there stood up with smiles: "Singles are really good, but if it is the strongest player in the current Dimension, then the next game, the Dimension will soon realize what is the gap."

"Don't underestimate the enemy." This was Captain Theo's answer, but he didn't deny the words of his two players.

Seeing this, the experienced solver turned his eyes sideways to the microphone and said, "I guess from now on, Theo will show his true strength in doubles."

"According to Theo's combat style in the past, it is true that they will use singles to estimate the combat effectiveness of the enemy team, and they are also used to putting the powerful players behind. The Imperial Alliance must pay attention to it."

The Imperial League did not ignore it.

It's just hard to imagine that the opponent's doubles will be like this, with an incomparable tacit cooperation, fierce operation and positioning, and plundered their jungle resources at the beginning of the game.

Uncle Yin and Lin Feng have not yet cooperated.

The resources in the wild area are gone, and the economy has fallen by a large part.

This made everyone feel that Theo was menacing.

Unlike a single game that took nearly forty minutes of grinding, they began to show their true edge!

"Damn!" Lin Feng also realized that the opponent's style of play had changed, and began to move closer to Yin Wuyao, preparing to hit the road in a wave.

But the opponent's output is not hooked.

It doesn't matter if you don't take the bait.

The news that the tyrant was killed by the opponent also appeared on the screen!

The economy has been doubled at once!

Lin Feng's expression changed, and he soon realized that the other party showed up and made him slander, just to divert his attention, so that the people on the road could concentrate on killing the tyrant!

Such a routine!

Such the simplest routine!

He didn't see it!

In fact, Lin Feng was not to blame.

No one expected to use Tyrant so early, or to use a Futank.

But after looking at the equipment from the opponent, I realized that everything was premeditated.

The jungle knife is specially used to deal with wild monsters.

Everything is calculated!

The audience present could see with their own eyes how difficult this doubles match of the Dimension was.

After all, the economy is too bad.

Fortunately, this time Lin Feng seemed to be much smarter, he didn't get entangled too much because of a mistake, but did what he should do.

The doubles player on Theo's side looked at it and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I really didn't expect him to be so calm. It seems that some information is still not fully believed."

"The tyrant was killed by us, his mentality is still so stable, and the Dimension is not bad."

The two looked at each other with headphones on, swiped their right hands, and with very consistent movements, the figure on the screen disappeared on the game map again.

Ordinary viewers can't see any mystery in it.

But a team that appeared on the audience stand saw it very clearly.

"The double play of the Dimension is about to be defeated."

When someone heard this sentence, they subconsciously wanted to refute.

But when he turned his head and saw clearly who was speaking, his throat seemed to be blocked.

Hoshino Kazu!

It turned out to be Hoshino Kazu!

Everyone knows that Hoshino's judgment on this kind of matter is particularly accurate.

He seemed very unwilling to say this sentence, his eyes looked at the screen, and his pupils were a little dark.

The fans sitting in the auditorium couldn't help but screamed.

"Dongying! It's really Dongying! It's so handsome!"

"Strange, isn't Dongpu still competing? Why did you come here?"

"Wait a minute, the audience and reporters over there seem to be moving here too."

"What do you mean? Don't tell me, Dongpu has ended the game?"

The person who was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone shook his head: "In one hour, it took only 20 minutes to defeat the opponent in singles, and in the doubles, it took 40 minutes because of Tao Zi's failure. Win, the last game, that side directly forfeited the game."

Those who heard it opened their mouths wide and hesitated for a long time before saying: "As expected of Dongying."

Compared with the ease of Dongying.

It's hard to get to the blue sky on the side of the Imperial League. .

It's not that Lin Feng and Yin Wuyao didn't play a role.

But I don't know if it's because of the opponent's tactics, but it gives people a feeling that the Imperial League is being suppressed by the opponent.

"That Lin Feng seems to have noticed something." This sentence was said by a member of the Dongpu team.

Hoshino only replied with two words: "It's late."

Yes, it's too late.

Yin Wuyao found for the first time that his hand speed could not keep up with his thinking.

Although the support on the opposite side also died twice.

But this is the third time that Yin Wuyao has died.

It is impossible for Lin Feng to win two against one.

Sure enough, the Emperor League's doubles game lost.

Even after receiving praise from their opponents, the atmosphere on the side of the Imperial League did not rise. They knew very well how passive they were in this doubles match. .

Lin Feng lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry."

Yunhu put his hand on his shoulder: "There is nothing to be sorry for, it's my turn to play, don't you smile at me?"

In fact, at this point, everyone seems to understand that the next game of the Imperial League is really not easy to play.

The strength of Theo team can be seen from the doubles.

Hoshino's sentence is late, not just referring to the late doubles.

But from the very beginning, the Imperial League did not force out all of Theo's strength.

So it's too late to fight any further.

What's more, in the next team battle, the Imperial League is not the strongest lineup.

Whether Lin Chentao's jungle rush can bring the rhythm is what everyone is most worried about.

Theo's captain smiled: "Okay, since there is no Qin Mo, according to the original plan, destroy the jungler on the opposite side. In this way, they can't even counterattack. Sometimes we really have to thank the marginal audience."

Yes, thanks for that.

Those people don't think about what the team needs, they keep saying they like it, but they force away a pillar of the team, the soul jungler...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!