The eSports King's Crush - Chapter 1551

Published at 19th of December 2022 08:39:50 AM

Chapter 1551

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Lin Feng paused with his fingertips, but did not speak.

Seeing such a son, Mother Lin took another deep breath: "I'll tell them that my son went on a blind date to make it clear to Ms. Liang that they are not suitable and did not intend to deceive others, but the Liang family But even personal privacy can be leaked out, after that, the Lin family will never share any resources with the Liang family again."

Lin Feng was shocked, raised his head, his eyes flickered slightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Mom, you are so handsome."

"You don't have to be happy too early, I still can't accept the matter between you and Huzi." Mama Lin cried: "You two, why do you make the family worry so much?"

What Lin Feng was most afraid of was his mother crying. He was flustered for a while, then reached out and hugged Lin's mother: "Just this matter, I won't let you worry about it anymore."

Mother Lin didn't speak any more.

Lin Feng also knew that it would take a long time to accept this matter.

He knows better that he has a good mother.

He was born in a very happy family.

It's just that such a thing is too difficult to accept.

If it's someone you don't know, it's a matter of orientation at best.

But once it becomes your dearest and dearest.

How can I accept it.

It is because I am enlightened that I know that this road is too difficult to walk.

Many people say that men and men are true love.

But in reality, men and women rarely understand the sense of responsibility.

Even if you have a regular boyfriend, you will find someone else to play with.

Not to mention, what it's like when the relationship is gone.

What Mama Lin is afraid of is not that these two people are in love.

What she was afraid of was, what would happen if they didn't love each other?

Hearing this, Lin Feng lowered his gaze: "I won't mess around, let alone play with others. If he thinks it's not fresh, then we should separate. Even if it's hard, I don't regret going this way. .”

Probably after hearing these words, Mother Lin understood completely and would not change anything.

Also, as a mother.

The deeper feeling is that the child in front of her has really grown into a man.

A man who can afford both good and bad.

After the mother and son finished talking, Lin Feng planned to go to grandma's place.

Grandma Lin still lives in an old courtyard house.

There is a big locust tree planted in the yard.

In Grandma Lin's words, she doesn't want to leave here. One is that the old people are there, and the other is that they live here. She can always remember when she was young, her family was still there.

Lin Feng basically came here every day.

Grandma Lin is still waiting for her grandson to peel oranges for her today.

Just wait for that kid from the Yun family.

Grandma Lin raised her eyes: "What's going on, are you fighting again?"

Yunhu did have a bit of a wound on his forehead, but it wasn't from a beating, it was his father who smashed the jade Pixiu at home in a fit of rage.

"No fight." Yunhu smiled. In order to let Grandma Lin watch him more carefully, one side of her long leg was half bent, and she squatted down: "Shall I peel an orange for Grandma to eat?"

Grandma Lin smiled cheerfully: "Is it because Feng'er caused trouble outside again and asked you to come over to take over the post?"

"This time it's not him, it's me." Yunhu lowered his eyes while peeling the orange and said, "My dad thought I did something wrong and kept calling me a bastard. Find grandma to make amends."

Grandma Lin stretched out her hand and touched Yunhu's head: "How could you get into trouble? Since I was a child, Feng'er in my family has been in trouble. You don't have to speak up for him. Your child has been like this since he was a child, and your father is also confused. They, I've been on it for a long time, and I have a big temper. Your grandpa Lin used to be like this, always holding a bamboo stick to beat the wind, but you stopped him, hehehe, you are so angry that grandpa Lin asked you to stand against the wall together , remember?"

"Remember." Yunhu reached out and handed the peeled orange to the old man: "Grandma is always by the side to help us talk."

Grandma Lin took a bite of the orange, and it was very sweet: "At that time, everyone in the yard said that I doted on my grandson too much, but I think you two are fine."

"Yeah." Yunhu handed a tissue to the old man: "But this time it's not the same, it's true that I caused trouble, and I pulled Lin Feng together to do a crazy thing, grandma, do you still remember when you were a child?" , you ask what kind of companion we all want, I didn’t say anything at that time because I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to afford it, now I want to ask grandma for someone.”

When Yunhu said this, he paused: "Grandma, can you give me Lin Feng?"

Grandma Lin is not a person who has read a lot of books. After all, they all came here at that age.

But at this point, combined with the context, Grandma Lin also understood what Yunhu meant.

The oranges in my hand fell off and rolled three times on the ground.

Grandma Lin paused before saying, "Your father should beat you."

Yunhu hummed.

Grandma Lin was a little anxious: "But you are all boys, you and Feng'er, if you are just playing, you haven't..."

"Grandma should know that I have liked him since I was a child." Yunhu's voice was steady.

The half-squatting position has been maintained all the time.

Grandma Lin stopped talking.

I don't know how long it has been.

The game of cards outside the yard seemed to be assembled.

Grandma Lin put her eyes on his face again: "I'm going to wait for my grandson to tell me personally, you go back first."

Yunhu lowered his voice: "Grandma, I came here because I knew he would come to you to talk about this matter, but if he told you about this matter, he would definitely do a lot of ideological work, and it is certain that he will feel uncomfortable. Yes, he has had a hard time recently. I think this matter is up to me. First, if grandma is really angry, you can take it out on me first. When he comes, you won’t be so angry Angry, secondly, I am entirely responsible for this matter, he can obviously live a normal life, but because of me, he has embarked on such a path."

Grandma Lin heard "If grandma is really angry, you can take it on me first."

I just remembered, when these two were young.

It was always the kid from the Yun family who stood in front of his grandson, but was beaten by her wife.

At that time, her wife was always embarrassed.

After all, it belonged to someone else.

But anyone who saw it would know that these two children were really close.

As soon as his wife passed away, Grandma Lin thought about it, even if the Lin family quit, many human relationships would appear.

But that child Huzi will not change.

Sure enough, the front-end time is usually when her grandson comes first and the tiger comes later.

She has never been short of what she eats and uses.

None of the grandsons of the Zhang family next door could do this.

Every time I come back, except for a meal, I won't touch his grandma for a while.

These two children always let her chase them away.

However, at that time, Grandma Lin thought that something had happened to the two children, after all they never came together.

Now it seems that it's not that I haven't thought about what I have to bear or live up to.

I wanted to come here, so I came to her to confess.

Grandma Lin looked at Yunhu: "If I don't agree, will I become a stubborn old woman?"

Yunhu's eyes paused, and then he smiled: "You are my grandmother and Lin Feng's, not a stubborn old woman."

"You've been smart since you were a child." Grandma Lin was still worried.

Yunhu understood what the old man meant: "I won't use my intelligence on him. When the time comes, I will help him deal with others."

Sometimes people are old like a child: "Who knows if what you said is true."

"Then grandma just look at me, don't let me do anything wrong to him." Yunhu lowered his head to peel the oranges again.

Grandma Lin looked at his posture that had never moved before, and seemed to sigh slowly: "I have always wanted a great-grandson."

"It's a bit difficult." Yunhu and Lin Feng have completely different styles, and their words are always realistic: "But it's not impossible if you want it. I have already contacted my friends in the medical field, and I can find a surrogate."

"Surrogate?" Grandma Lin: "Is that okay?"

Yunhu's voice was very weak: "Grandma, don't worry, surrogacy is very common now, as long as it's your wish, it's nothing, I've already arranged everything, and the things have been delivered to the other party."

Speaking of this, he raised his eyes: "The one used is Lin Feng's, and the first child's surname is Lin."

As soon as Lin Feng came in, he heard these words.

He didn't get close, but he also knew what Yunhu had done.

He was still holding a bag of fruit in his hand, and just stuck there.

After Grandma Lin saw her grandson, she didn't say much, her eyes were red, and she said: "The brat is still here!"

Lin Feng walked over, imitated Yunhu's posture, and squatted beside his grandma.

Grandma Lin looked at the two people: "I don't know anything else, but one thing, since the two of you have decided to be together, then live a good life for me, and don't have so many gossips, understand?"


"Will do."

Lin Feng was still a little dazed, he didn't expect grandma to agree so quickly.

But there are still punishments.

Grandma Lin asked Lin Feng to accompany her these days, going to the temple and then to his grandfather's cemetery.


There is really no way for the two of them to go to the club again.

Look at the time is about the same.

Also realized that the new promotion competition within the alliance is about to start.

Probably because too many things have happened recently.

So this event is different from last year.

compared to last year's event.

This year Diamond did not disclose any information about the contestants to the media.

All people can see is the game id.

Selecting the three most qualified trainees to become official members of the Diamond League is the core of this competition.

It's just that the voice of asking Diamond League to give a reasonable explanation is higher than the voice of the competition.

There are some other people who are saying: "It's time for the Dimension to get angry. It used to be so proud, but now it doesn't even dare to put a p. It's really haha. I heard that the selection only depends on the face, because it is easy to gain fans. This It is estimated that there is nothing to watch in one game, and it is really admirable to use the game as a public relations."

"After seeing so many things, anyway, I am very disappointed in the Dimension, and I blame myself for being blind before."

"Who has never been stupid, didn't they say that an assassin was selected because of his good looks? Hehe, what does the Dimension think of the fans who watch the game? Wait for him to cool down."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!