The eSports King's Crush - Chapter 322

Published at 19th of December 2022 10:31:19 AM

Chapter 322

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Qin Mo lowered his eyes, seeing the young man looking at him, he didn't know what he was thinking, anyway, his eyes were a little dull.

He thought for a while, probably the child was frightened.

That's right, the Great God just thought his younger brother was scared.

This may be a natural protective mentality.

Qin Mo had automatically ignored how ruthless Fu Jiu was when he kicked someone just now.

Anyway, the boy looks dumb now, with a little blood on his face, no different from a broken child.

Although still too handsome.

But still stay.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo's eyes turned warm, he reached out to take out his wallet, and put the amount of compensation on the bar where the wine was ordered.

Because the amount of compensation was too large, the hotel bodyguards who rushed over didn't know what to do next.

After all, these things that fell on the ground are not worth that much money at all.

Qin Mo grabbed Fu Jiu and passed through the noisy crowd as if no one else was there.

The lights above the head are still flashing, and the music played is also the kind that can make the heart speed up.

A person who still wears a white shirt in a nightclub, if it is someone else, you will think he is conservative.

But when that person was replaced by a great god, everything seemed extraordinarily different.

It's not just getting out of the mud without being stained, but that kind of abstinence and indifference, like a god who has fallen into the sky.

And the young man he was holding was so monstrous, with a black leather jacket and silver hair, he was simply a demon transformed from illusion.

Both of them are so good-looking, with different temperaments.

Only one black and one white can create such an impactful picture.

The heartbeats of the rotten girls in the crowd almost accelerated.

Holding hands like this is really sweet!

Awow, I don't know that a man is so domineering, what is he going to do with the boy!

However, the fight just now was really cool!

They are handsome until now when they see Qin Mo's side face, how can there be such a perfect man in the world.

Hearing the sound of gasping all around, Fu Jiu raised her lips.

It's fun to be with God.

Even fighting is so fun.

Bodyguards don't stop.

Moreover, there were still broken wine bottles behind them.

Before the master, he must have been a master who loved to fight in nightclubs!

On this point, Fu Jiu was wrong.

Qin Mo never fought in Jiangcheng.

Who would dare to fight with the eldest son of the Qin family.

Unless you want to die.

Qin Mo also went to nightclubs because it was difficult for him to fall asleep.

The young masters of the military area sat there, and none of them dared to provoke them.

Especially since everyone knew that Qin Mo didn't like others touching him.

So even girls dare not arrange for him.

It's not that it hasn't been arranged before.

Qin Mo only took a puff of cigarette, telling people where to go.

It was the most chaotic year for Qin Mo, but he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Therefore, many people thought that the young master of the Qin family actually liked men, so they kept sending young men to that box.

Qin Mo smiled, shaking the wine in his hand, but he was full of gentleness: "I am a handlebar myself, you want me to touch a handlebar? Heh, if you don't have that hobby, go away."

This is what I said to the young masters in the military compound.

Then he stood up and buttoned his shirt. It was the cold and inviolable young master of the Qin family.

What seemed like a joke was full of warnings.

So since that time, no one dared to be a monster in front of Qin Mo.

Fu Jiu thought that according to the strength of the Great God, she would definitely drag her back to the room and ask her, for example, why are you so good at martial arts...

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