Published at 26th of September 2022 09:11:14 AM

Chapter 81

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In the evening, after the rescue team hadn't arrived, and even the ant man Mike expected didn't appear, he sighed.

It's too slow for him to let some children stay here for one night.

He overestimated the speed of the government's rescue.

But why is hank Pimm such a ant man so slow?

Didn't receive the message, or has it been completely abandoned?

Mike looked helpless and unreliable.

Moreover, he increasingly felt that this experience gave him a familiar feeling.

It seems to be a movie I saw in my last life.

If so

He tried to recall, his face was a little ugly, and he remembered some key places.

For example, after the rescue team sneaked in, it was destroyed in the confrontation, such as the missile launched by the government here at last.

Let's go quickly. If the plot changes and the politicians can't think of it, they can directly launch missiles

Hiss, I know it's not good to meet Colson.

With a sigh in his heart, Mike thought about it and made a decision.

Letting Charles and Eric do it can also test the extent to which their abilities have grown.

With their current ability, no one should find out. Even if they were traced back later, Charles could easily cope with the past with his ability. If there was any evidence, he would not be late to start again.

Thinking of this, he nodded his head at Charles.

Charles's eyes lit up and used his ability to connect himself with Mike's thinking.

"Charles, connect Clark and Eric together, and we start to act. We don't wait for the rescue team. They are too slow."

Not only is it slow, it is also likely to fail, and after the rescue fails, it is likely to be blown up by missiles here.

Charles answered and pulled Eric and Clark into the 'chat channel'.

"In a moment, Clark will provide vision. Charles will use your ability to knock those people down one by one. Eric, pay attention to the unexpected."

The three nodded excitedly, which made them feel like super agents.

Clark's eyes changed slightly, turning on perspective and super vision, looking for the location of all enemies.

A few seconds later, Clark remembered the location of all the enemies in his heart. Then he looked at the furthest enemy guarding the gas bomb and said to Charles, "first."

Charles answered, his eyes frozen, and the power of his heart quietly appeared. After controlling the man, he directly stunned him.

The whole process was silent, and because there was only one enemy there, it did not disturb others.


Charles cheered secretly. With Clark's guidance, he first solved the enemy guarding the poison gas bomb, and then went outside and inside, and began to clean up one target after another.

The whole process is faster and faster, and Charles is more and more skilled.

Looking at this scene, Mike seemed to see the shocking picture that Charles had a thought and everyone was fixed in place.

Soon, all the enemies outside were subdued by Charles, and then began to deal with the enemies guarding the cell.

Now, there are only a dozen people left.

Eric is a little bored. It doesn't need him at all.

As Charles kept getting dizzy, especially after a soldier not far from them was stunned by Charles, this strange situation was finally discovered by general hammer.

"There are enemies! Pay attention!"

General hammer shouted, and everyone began to get nervous.

With the sound of bullets loaded, the atmosphere in the prison became cold and solemn.

Mike said to Charles in his mind, "Charles, stun the general first. Eric, pay attention and control their guns."

With that, he was also ready to use cards.

The two nodded, and Charles' eyes coagulated. The invisible power confused general hammer's head and fainted to the ground.

There was a moment of silence in the prison.

The tourists looked puzzled, but the soldiers were shocked and angry.

"Damn it! Get out!"

"It must be among these tourists!"

"Who is it!"

Angry soldiers pointed their guns at the tourists, causing bursts of exclamation and crying, which made the soldiers more anxious.

Looking at this scene, Eric was shocked, and finally it was his turn to do it!

He closed his eyes, then suddenly opened it, and secretly shook the palm of his hand. The soldiers' guns were instantly out of their control and broke free from their hands. Just as the soldiers watched this scene with fear, Mike said in his mind, "Charles, use your best ability to stun them."

After that, Charles' eyes flashed, and the terrifying power of his heart burst out.

The next second, the soldiers' heads were stuffy, like dominoes, fell to the ground one after another, and passed out directly.

Can you handle so many at one time?

Mike looked at Charles in surprise.

Has this boy grown to this point?

He still underestimated their growth rate.

With a whisper in his heart, he touched their heads and looked at Colson and hope. Seeing that their attention was attracted by the fallen soldiers, he nodded secretly after failing to notice Charles and Eric.

The soldiers fell to the ground one by one, and the tourists in the prison were not happy about it, but afraid.

Because it's so weird. Who knows if those who confuse soldiers will attack them?

At this time, Colson looked at Mike and whispered, "it seems that they fainted."

Although he didn't know who was behind the scenes, he knew that the person should be among the tourists.

Glancing at the tourists, Colson walked to the door of the cell, stretched out the iron fence with both hands, fumbled for a while, opened the door with the skills he had learned from the previous task, and then walked out.

"Go! Mike!"

Colson said hello.

Mike walked out of the cell with four children.

"Come on! Help us!"



Seeing Mike and his party walk out of the cell safely, the other tourists shouted loudly.

"Don't move."

Mike asked the four little guys to open the other cells with Colson and let the tourists out.

Eric and Charles looked at the soldiers on the ground and laughed. When they wanted to touch two guns, Clark pressed their heads and said, "be safe."

Hope covered his mouth and smiled.

Soon, all the tourists were released.

Everyone looked at the soldiers dizzy on the ground and felt like a dream.

"Don't run around. We don't know whether others have also been knocked down by mysterious people." Colson shouted loudly. After the tourists looked at him, he said, "is there anyone who can help me throw these people into prison with me?"

"I'll help!"

"I'll come too. I can tie them a beautiful, strong and sexy knot!"

"Well, this doesn't need..."

With the cries, tourists walked out one by one. Under the command of Colson, they unloaded all the soldiers' weapons and threw them into the cell.

After dealing with the soldiers here, Colson breathed a sigh of relief, carefully touched them out, and then determined that all the soldiers had been quietly killed. Together with the tourists, he put all the soldiers who fainted outside into the cell, and dialed the rescue call with general hammer's mobile phone.

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