Published at 6th of March 2023 07:31:27 AM

Chapter 17: A New Body

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'Not as comfortable, but not bad either.'

The morning had come quicker than estimated. In the current situation, there was no way to tell the time, but Dustin had woken up just around the time the sun went above the horizon.

He turned to check if the goblin he tamed was still around. "It's still there. Does this guy even need sleep?"

'He probably does, all living things do.'

Dustin did some light stretches as he got up. He's body was in perfect condition, the best it had ever been since his birth.

'When last did I have so much energy after waking up?'

"I feel hella healthy." He said as he continued on some more stretches.

The goblin had noticed him awake and had walked up to him while he was still stretching. He looked at it, and for some reason, he felt something strange move in him. The feeling was quite abnormal. 'Does it want to tell me something?'

"How was the watch? Notice anything unusual?" Dustin asked. He wasn't expecting any answer in particular. Goblins were low level monsters with low intelligence, so communication wasn't really something one would expect from them.

Despite that, the goblin replied with a plausible response. In fact, it was like Dustin could tell exactly what the goblin was saying. The feeling was inexplicable.

Dustin completely understood what the goblin was saying, and that apparently had shaken him from his stretching.

"Go towards that side and scout the area. Make sure not to be seen." Dustin ordered.

The goblin nodded firmly and left to carry out the instructions given. Goblins were agile more than they were strong. With nimble steps, it wouldn't be so easy to spot the goblin.

As Dustin watched the goblin disappear into the forest vegetation, he couldn't help but wonder. The way the goblin acted towards him, that firm nod before carrying out it's duty like a soldier. How did the goblin view him, he wondered.

Maybe to the goblin, he was it's master, or maybe it saw him as it's Lord, ah. The thought of being the leader of a troop that never betrays and never slacks was soothing to Dustin.

'Is this the way presidents and army heads feel? The feeling of holding martial power. Ahh..' Just as he was enjoying the thought and was about to do another stretch, he noticed something that threw him off his balance.

"What the...? When did this happen!?" Dustin questioned, in surprise.

He hadn't noticed anything odd since he woke up. He just felt extremely good. Even though he slept on the ground, the feeling was still quite nice, and he had nothing to complain about. He hadn't really looked at his body.

To Dustin's surprise, his body had undergone major changes while he was asleep. A total miracle, no, a gift from the gods. His once scrawny malnourished looking body that could break under a little pressure was no more. This figure had been replaced with a barrage of compact looking muscles, each of them looking chiseled and toned.

Maybe it was because of the way he looked, but looking at himself now, Dustin didn't doubt that he must have had

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