Published at 21st of October 2022 06:02:57 AM

Chapter 182: - Grave Cloud Field

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In her arms, Her Highness Lily lets out a short, startled scream.

Sailuku soars.

Soon the cumulonimbus cloud to which His Highness Lily was pointing is close at hand.

The next moment, the view turns white.

It is many times thicker than the fog we encounter on the ground. The visibility is clearly worse than that of ordinary clouds. And yet, not a single flash of lightning seems to occur.

This is clearly not just any cloud. Not even a drop of water.

The sailboat rises rapidly through the white space, where a strange silence reigns.

Ahead is bright.

It continues through what seems to be a cloud.

It is dazzling.

The sailer's wings start to flap, and it begins to glide slowly.

He looks around with eyes that have adjusted to the brightness.

"Mr. Rust, that's ......."

The pure white clouds below. His Highness Lily points to the center of the cloud.

I look at it and wonder what she is pointing at.

"Are those bones?"

It was hard to tell because of the same white color, but there were countless bones piled up in the center of the cloud.

It seemed as if they were floating in the clouds.

The sailor glided toward the pile.

Up close, each bone is large. They are clearly not the size of a human being.

"Dragon bones?

I mutter something, and as if on cue, Sailuke lands on the pile of bones.

For a moment, I tense, expecting him to sink into the pile of bones. However, Her Highness Lily looks happy.

And, contrary to my expectations, Sailor Kiku was still standing safely on the pile of bones.

"Amazing, isn't it? I wonder if the bones themselves are floating."


Do you want to come down? I can feel through the bond that he is listening to me. The tail of the sailor's rump is curled up and comes closer as a foothold.

"I can come down, can't I? Thank you, master dragon. I'll leave you to it.

While I was hesitating, His Highness Lily, who had just gotten up, jumped onto the tail of Sairouk with a nimble movement, and then she ran along the tail.

I hurriedly moved to the foothold that Seyruk had made for me. Sailuke slowly lowers me down. I thank him for his concern and stretch out one of my legs on the bony ground that is close to me.

I slowly put my weight on it, but it does not budge.

I carefully step down onto the pile of bones.

Then, Her Highness Lily comes running toward me.

"Master Rust, this place is amazing! These bones are so sturdy, yet they are not heavy at all. I wonder if they are all dragon's bones.

His Highness Lily lifts the bone at his feet and speaks to him.

I am about to warn him of his selfishness, but I almost stop myself.

Watch out, watch out, watch out. If I warned her, she'd tell me to wait until we're married before she starts acting like a husband again, you little princess. I'd tell her to stop hanging around, but I'll just have to be patient.

While I'm struggling alone, Sailorque cries out again.

And through the bond, it begins, I can feel it.

The bones beneath our feet begin to clatter.

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