Published at 21st of October 2022 06:01:41 AM

Chapter 223: - Arrived at the border!!

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We boarded the sailoak and continued flying to the southeast.

As we passed mountains and rivers below us, His Highness Lily called out to us.

"Master Rust, we can see them now. The eastern border.

At the end of the road, there were two large buildings standing next to each other, covering the road.

Apparently, the border between those two buildings is the border between the two countries.

"Yes, sir. There must be soldiers from the neighboring country. Please descend carefully so as not to provoke them. Sailuku."

I dare to speak aloud so that I can be heard.

The warm heat in my back suddenly disappears.

Phew... Taura must have been so preoccupied that she hasn't slept much in the last few days. He left early this morning. Even though I had my safety belt on, I'm glad I didn't fall.

I sigh with relief as I tug lightly on the safety belt I am also wearing for riding Sailuku. A saddle for Sailuku, which I made in a hurry. Three safety belts extend from it, but only Taura and I are using them.

Her Highness Lily seems to like the sky so much that she takes it off halfway through the ride, as it gets in the way of her movement.

Even though Sailuke was flying in a stable position, why did he have to move around so much on top of the dragon in flight? I felt like a restless child. Even now he was out of the saddle, sitting on his side on Sailorque's neck, looking happy.

"Um, I'm sorry I fell asleep. ......"

I hear Taura's small voice apologizing from behind me.

I glance behind me and see Taura, who has covered the lower half of her face with a handkerchief she has taken out, looking at me shyly.

And her forehead is a little red. That must be where my back had been.

Seeing this, I suddenly feel embarrassed and reply in a slurred voice.

"No, I mean ....... Yes. I think it's important to rest when you can, since you're going to be in hostile territory.

I turn around and pick up my rucksack, which I had slung over the saddle of the sailor's rucksack.

Just then, Sailuke lands softly on the ground.

"Hmmm.... Rust, I'm down first."

Her shyness changes and she smiles happily. Taura removes her safety belt and jumps down from Sailuke.

His Highness Lily was already on the ground, staring up at us.

─ Didn't Her Highness Lily jump off the sailor before the sailor stopped? Well, it doesn't matter. I'm glad to hear that Taura is feeling better. I'm not sure why she was laughing at the end.

Sailorque comes over to me just as I finish putting my backpack on my back.

I thankfully let him drop me off.

People are coming out of the border buildings. By the time I reached the ground, I was completely surrounded by them.

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