Published at 21st of October 2022 06:01:29 AM

Chapter 230: - Research mode!!

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Immediately after the mock battle, His Highness Lily left the courtyard quickly because she had to take care of some business.

Every time one of her wet feet touched the ground, she left behind a trail of footprints.

Maybe she was going to change her clothes.

Taura and I looked at each other.

"You know what, Rust?"

"Oh, Taura. I'm already...

"Okay. Come on, Rust.

"Oh, wait a minute! I'm getting ready!

"A little bit of this, a little bit of that, okay? Oh!

While I was preparing the pendulum and the scroll of transcription, Taura activated the purifying light on the sword again.

A part of the light had transformed into a thunderbolt.

It seems that Taura can move the lightning form of the Johrei in a way that reflects her will.

Taura is holding the sword in one hand and the other hand a little apart from the sword.

A shimmering light is passing intermittently between his grip and his free hand.

A cracking sound echoes through the courtyard.

"Ah. I wanted to observe it in detail from the beginning. But it's amazing. I've never seen anything like this."

"Even Rust! But this is really great. And it's a beautiful shimmer. What the hell is that?

Taura watches the light of the lightning form moving between her hands with a twinkle in her eye. When Taura returns the palm of her hand, the light moves along with it.

I am inwardly relieved at Taura's seeming recovery, but I cannot suppress my curiosity as a researcher at the unknown phenomenon in front of me.

"Okay, I'm ready. If Taura cooperates, maybe we can find out what it is."

My sword is dedicated to Rust. I am willing to cooperate."

Taura's happy face tightens as she tells him this. But his eyes are still glistening.

It seems that Taura is also interested in the phenomenon in front of her.

For better or worse, we now have time.

"Good. "All right, turn off the lights for a moment. Let's take our time."

I told him this and began to investigate the matter vigorously.

I started to investigate hard.

"Not yet, Rust! ...... is indeed a long time!"

Taura is breathing hard and tells me so.

Before I knew it, it was past lunchtime and well into the afternoon. It seemed that he had been overenthusiastic. He had asked too many times, from the activation of Joko to the operation in its lightning form.

It seems that the consumption of physical energy is also ......

When my mood is not waking up from the research mode, I hear a cute sound coming from Taura.

"...... come to think of it, I haven't even had lunch yet."

I mutter in response to the sound of Taura's stomach.

"What! Rust! I think you can pretend not to hear me there!"

Taura would be furious with me. It is my fault for skipping lunch, so I apologize to her.

"No, I am sorry. We have gathered some interesting data and that's all for now. I'm going to go to ...... for dinner."

That's when I said all that.

I see a figure approaching.

The figure was someone who worked for His Highness Lily in this mansion.

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