Published at 21st of October 2022 06:01:22 AM

Chapter 233: - I'm not used to it!

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On second thought, I think something might have gone wrong since the mock battle with Taura and the others.


As I was wondering how he could have done that, I gradually began to feel pain in my body.

"Are you okay? Did you not manage to avoid the enemy's attack somewhere?"

Taura looks worried. Hippopo, who had been approaching the house late behind Taura and worrying about his footing, also asked me if I was all right. He tilted his head and looked into my face.

"Yes. I'm sorry you're worried about Hippopotamus.

I patted Hippopotamus and answered Taura.

"No, it's not that I couldn't avoid the attack. But what is it?

It's a type of pain I don't usually feel. A dull ache in my neck, below my knees, and on the front of my legs.

"Could it be muscle pain?"

I take a drink from the backpack and finish it.

Just like that, the dull ache disappears in a flash. It seems that I had at least injured a muscle.

"I must have moved beyond my limits with my untrained body. That still doesn't make sense, Rust. It's as if a warrior of many battles has inhabited the body of a reclusive researcher."

I can only laugh at the mention of a reclusive researcher, but I am nonetheless convinced by Taura's words.

I had not been aware of it, but it seems that the sorcerer had also developed his skills as a warrior over the years.

I remember quite a few battles. It seems that this wealth of combat experience is slowly beginning to rub off on me.

But of course, my body remains untrained.

The pain seems to have been caused by the repercussions of my earlier movement.

"So...if I have the right potions, am I capable of physical combat?"

My curiosity as a researcher tingles at the possibilities presented to me, and I mutter a few words.


Then Hippopo calls out to him.

Hippopo is in front of the dent in the ground where the enemy appeared.

A hole in the ground made by debris.

As you approach and look into the hole, you see what looks like a pure white board a little lower down.

"That's it, Hippopo! That's the entrance. Of course, the enemy just appeared from inside the dungeon, so there must be an entrance.

Hippopotamus, wagging his tail in good humor.

Taura, who is also looking into the hole, looks a little uneasy.

"Rust. Isn't this a little too convenient? It looks as if the enemy has appeared to show us where the entrance is..."

"Well, you have a point. Is it possible that they are inviting us on purpose? If that's the case, there could be a trap.

"Of course, the surprise attack was very close from the enemy's point of view. If Rust had not been able to fight as before, there is no doubt that it would have been the best opportunity of all.

"In that case, the risk of finding an entrance is acceptable. Hmm."

Me and Taura facing each other across a hole in the ground.

Taura seems to leave the decision to me. She is staring at me, waiting for my answer.

I take out the scroll.

And I Hippopo.

"Let's go. Either way, we have to go to protect the others.

Taura nodded in agreement with my decision.

I slowly lay down on the ground and reached into the hole with my hand holding the magic stone of the key.

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