Published at 21st of October 2022 05:59:16 AM

Chapter 293: - His Highness Florentine

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This way. They are already waiting for you."

I arrived at the capital, and as soon as I passed through the gate, for some reason, I was immediately captured.

I guessed that Kalin had contacted me through the communication device, but it seemed that they were waiting for me at the gate.

There was even a man there to guide us.

They were dressed in ordinary people's clothes, but their body movements clearly showed that they knew how to fight. However, he did not look like a knight.

They may be subordinates of Her Highness the First Princess Florent, who is widely rumored to be in charge of the dark side of the city.

At any rate, the place to which we were led was not the royal castle.

After passing through the aristocratic district, we walked for a long time through the intricate alleyways and came out into a wide open space. A building was built nestled up against a large tree that grew there. The guide quickly walks up to the building, which has an old-fashioned, retro charm with a design that is not often seen.

He puts his hand on the open door, saying the same words as before.

"Excuse me for disturbing you."

The interior of the building, which we entered after saying a few words, was decorated in the same tasteful and attractive manner as the exterior.

Sunlight streamed in through the large slanted skylight, and a woman stood under the soft sunlight looking at me.

She was a slender-looking woman with a calm atmosphere. She had golden hair similar to that of Her Highness Princess Lily. She is two years older than His Highness Lily, but she does not look so because of her calm expression.

She seemed to me to be far away from the image of a reclusive princess who controls all the information of the kingdom and oversees the dark side, a person to be ridiculed and feared.

No, not quite. Those dark indigo eyes. They seem to have a deep look in them.

"Your Highness, I have brought Master Rust."

The guide's presence suddenly disappears.

He may have just walked out of the door, but he moved with great grace.

If I had not inherited a certain amount of battle memories from the sorcerer, I would not have realized just how good he was.

I was about to get down on one knee in admiration and say hello. Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Florence opens her mouth.

"Master Rust. I am Florent Calzato. Thank you for coming. This is an informal occasion, so there is no need to thank me.

Yes, sir. Your Highness.

This way, please. I'll get you a drink.

I did as I was told and went to the door at the back of the room.

It must be a strange building. Beyond the door was the root of a large tree. His Highness Florent indicated a table and chairs placed there.

I bow lightly and take the top seat. Florent smiles softly and shakes his head lightly. He seems to start preparing the drinks. I only nod my head and take a seat in the lower section.

I'm sorry... He prepares the drinks with his own hands? This is the first time I've seen this type of man.

Florent prepares the drinks very efficiently. He seems to be very skilled.

"This tea is made from the seeds of a special southern plant-type monster. It has a slightly bitter taste, but it is very fragrant. If you don't like bitterness, I can add sweetness, would you like that, Master Rust?"

Florent asks as he slowly pours the hot water.

As the hot water is poured, I can definitely smell the aroma.

"Then, please make it sweet.

"Your candor is a virtue, Your Highness. Please."

I feel as if the color of her indigo eyes has darkened a little.

I guess he is evaluating me and daring to tell me that. He is telling me that I am as honest as you are.

I'll take it.

I take a sip of my sweetened drink. The smell, which was so strong that even from a distance it could be smelled, became so rich that it overwhelmed the others.

The taste that follows the aroma is also wonderful, with a moderate sweetness that blends well with the bitterness.

While I was admiring the taste, Florent, who had also enjoyed the aroma, began to talk to me about the commission.

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