Published at 21st of October 2022 05:59:08 AM

Chapter 298: - Start investigating!

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"That's why."

With these words, Kahelonay described the funeral ceremony held at the church of Aleithra in the royal city of Gaan, the vice-president of the Armor Society, and the fact that the corpse was placed in an underground tomb until the burial. And that the corpse had disappeared when he came to find it. Not only that, he explained that several other bodies that had been placed in the underground tombs at the same time had also disappeared.

"It is ....... But doesn't that alone mean that they were resurrected? Or that someone just took it away."

"No, it's not. A number of sisters of the church have witnessed this. They testified that the bodies were walking around chatting and laughing peacefully.

"Chuckling, you say?"

Yes. It was during the daytime, when other worshippers were also coming to the church. So when the sisters saw them, they thought they were just worshippers at first.

"I see. If they were walking around during the day, it's hard to imagine them as mere undead, isn't it? So, after you discovered that the body had disappeared, you checked with the sisters and found that it was, in fact, ......?"

"That's right. I was told that it was indeed a garn. The other bodies are all ordinary citizens, but Gern is a former vice president of the Arms Association. His face was well known.

"And these resurrected bodies, where are their footsteps?"

I don't know. I would like to ask Rust to investigate that as well. Of course, I will be happy to accompany you.

"I see. ....... Who knows about this?"

Only those of the Church of Aleithra and those related to Her Royal Highness the First Princess Florent should be here."

"Okay. First, take us to the underground tombs.

"Yes, sir."

With that, Kahelonay gets up and starts walking away. The magical elements that filled the room dissipate.

After passing the courtyard, Kahelonay heads for the back of the church. There she finds an old-fashioned door.

It is a staircase leading to an underground tomb.

With these words, Kahelonay takes out a key from his pocket and opens the door.

"Is there only one door and you always use the key?"

"Yes. Yes, it should be. But there is nothing valuable in there, so I may have forgotten to put it on.

Beyond the door that opened with these words, the air was still and damp from the stairs leading to the dark basement.

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