Published at 21st of October 2022 05:58:13 AM

Chapter 328: - Lights and traces!

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"Rust, light."

I've taken care of the enemies around me for now, Roa asked me.

I deploy several scrolls of "projection" for additional illumination.

The walls of the cavern are illuminated by the light emitted from the scrolls.

Lower checks the vertical marks with his hands and his face close to the scrolls.

There is no doubt. The marks of Ary's spear. Not directly. A bluish-white liquid in the groove. It's scraping the wall after she stabbed the enemy... Yes, Arya, she's slowing her fall here.

Roa looks somewhat relieved.

"How do you know?"

"The depth of the trenches, they change in stages."

I see. That's how it works.

As I listened in admiration, Loa called out to me again.

"Thanks for the light. I'll be quick."

"Yeah. I'll do that."

After checking, I responded to Roa and asked him to increase the speed of descent of the Rose spiral staircase. The scrolls of Projection that were illuminating the walls are joined by other scrolls of Projection that have been deployed to illuminate the entire pit.

The decision was made to increase the descent speed so that there would be more lights for spotting the enemy.

I had thought that the brighter the lights are, the more enemies would come closer to us, so I had to hold back on the number of deployments, but if so many enemies would come, it would be the same. Then it is better to have enough light. But still, the way these enemies appear, it seems that there is an entity that commands them.

As I think about this, I can see the end of the pit.

At the bottom of the rose vine, Roa jumps to the edge of the end of the pit. Loa gently thrusts out his spear, and Loa checks the scene captured on the tip of the spear.

I walk up the spiral staircase behind him and call out to him.

"Loa, what's wrong with your eyes?"

"...... don't worry. Just in case."

Roa answers without looking at me. Loa continues to speak.

"We have no enemies. Let's go, Master Rust."

"...... got it. Rose. Keep going."

I worry a little about Roa, wondering if he is still suffering from the effects of overworking his eyes on the ground, but I decide to trust his opinion for the time being.

In the meantime, we exit the spiral staircase of rose vines that carries Loa and me into a wide space. It was more spacious than the vertical hole we had just descended into. However, it is still tilted at a great angle.

I sent the scrolls of the Projection to various places, moving them along the slanting slope to check.

"Master Rust, there it is! The marks of Ary's sister..."

The spiral staircase of the Rose moves rapidly toward the destination pointed to by the loa standing in front of me.

There, on the steep, sloping floor, are faint marks.

Again, the marks that Loa had found.

"Maybe it rolled down here."

"Yeah. The damage from a fall of this distance would be considerable, no matter how much he was slowed down. And then there's the steep slope. Ary, that must have hurt. ......"

"Sister Ary, you are strong."

I'm sure Lois will answer with a tight-lipped smile.

"Yes. Ary is strong. But let's hurry up and join him.

From the corner of my eye, I see countless pale, massive lights coming toward me from above and below the slanting passageway.

"...... No. I'll kick them out right away!"

"What? Rose, please!"

However, Roa strongly denied my words and leapt downward with his spear ready.

I hurriedly asked Rose to follow Loa's foothold and deployed the scrolls toward the enemies rushing toward us from above.

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