The God of Basketball - Chapter 110

Published at 16th of January 2023 05:26:31 AM

Chapter 110: [Love of Isaiah Thomas]

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Long Island is a quiet and peaceful area, with various villas one after another among the greenery. The villa is surrounded by tall trees, as if living in a forest.

Bruce's home is located in a small town called Letington. There are very good educational resources and community facilities here. Professor Li's villa is considered to be moderately high. Although it was less than one million yuan at the time of purchase, with the annual increase of about 15%, it is close to 1.8 million US dollars.

But neither Ms. Wang Junzhu nor Professor Li Jieke had any plans to sell this property for cash. This house carries too much memory.

When Li Zhen returned to Letingdon, he immediately alerted many neighbors, and they came to greet each other enthusiastically.

No one thought that Bruce, who grew up watching him, became a big star, and he made a big name on the West Coast.

"Hey, Bruce. You should join the Knicks. This team that has broken the hearts of fans needs your support."

Uncle Greg, who always wore a Knicks Ewing jersey for the summer, yelled to Bruce hard. He is a **** Knicks fan. When he was a teenager in the last century, he followed his father to become a Knicks fan. But after so many years, the Knicks are getting worse.

In the new century, Isaiah Thomas has given him hope, Stephen Marbury has given him hope, Eddie Curry has given him hope, and Larry Brown has given him hope ... but.

"Who would have thought that we would spend the most expensive luxury tax in the entire league, even in the playoffs ..."

Uncle Greg became more and more angry, and Bruce was really worried about the risk of holding the garden knife in his hand.

The younger sister Vivian, who is next to her, obviously did n’t want Greg to take up too much time. She eagerly asked about Lindsay Lohan ’s news. Did she fight with Hilary Duff at the backstage of the mtv awards ceremony, and ... do you already have a relationship?

Vivienne has shown off her close relationship with Bruce more than once in her school.

Therefore, before Bruce even had time to answer her first question, she could not wait to take out the camera for various shots, and also asked Bruce to cooperate with her to make various actions: because this would not make people think it was Computer synthesized.

In addition to Vivienne and Uncle Greg, there are many people who care about Bruce's experience after becoming famous.

If it were not for Li Zhen to say that his stomach hurts, this group of gossip neighbors will definitely be more enthusiastic.

But ... this is actually quite interesting.

Bruce shrugged his shoulders, everyone was just gossip. It will be fine in a while.

However, when his door was knocked open by Uncle Greg in the middle of the night, he realized that he had become a celebrity in New York.

The guy from Isaiah Thomas even declared in the media: "Bruce Lee is the most talented player in this rookie."

are you crazy?

When Li Zhen saw the news on TV, he realized that Uncle Greg, who was 180 and 260, would be so excited.

"I don't hate Isaiah Thomas anymore, if he can keep you in the Knicks." Greg emphasized vowedly.

Then, TV began to sneer at Isaiah Thomas.

"... Isaiah Thomas must think that the Knicks' backcourt is not messy enough. Or, as the general manager, he didn't even realize where the team's problems are."

"This past season, the Knicks' lineup has been seriously unbalanced. No one is available in the inside, Edikeri is strong and weak, Jerome James is completely tasteless, and a valuable middle-class contract is wasted. The outside is hoarded A group of stars: Marbury, Quentin Richardson, Jamal Crawford, plus Jaylen Rose and Steve Francis who traded in the middle of the season. It can be said that the big names are gathered. "

"However, none of them satisfied Brown. None of them could defend, and these big names have a strong self-awareness and no team awareness. Passing is completely a luxury for them. Brown advocates defensive supremacy and equalizing the ball. Tactics that have the right to share shots simply do n’t work. That ’s why the Knicks are now in a quagmire. But ... Isaiah Thomas ’solution turned out to be another pick from the draft that has a weak confrontation and weak defense Guard. Are you crazy? "

The television media in New York State has always been so venomous. "Why did a defender who got knocked down twice without a point during the Los Angeles Lakers trial enter Madison Gardens?"

This made Uncle Greg quite angry.

"They don't understand your talents at all. Bruce, I believe you!"

Li Zhen expressed his gratitude, and then he also honestly told Uncle Greg: "Actually, the possibility of me joining New York is very low. Because I did not do substantive training at the Knicks training camp today, Isaiah Thomas said so It may be to transfer some other actions. "


Uncle Greg burst into flames, and he immediately scolded Isaiah Thomas again: This old bastard! If you break the Knicks, you will still use you to transfer contradictions! ! ! That's awful! I must go to the fan forum to expose him! !

About 10 minutes later, he started to swipe the screen on the Knicks fan forum.

The netizen named ‘The Blue Little Witch’ constantly criticized Isaiah Thomas in the forum, accusing him of his poor record this past season, and vowed that Thomas ’s accusation was shifting focus. And emphasized that he and Bruce Lee are neighbors, the trial training is simply a guise, there is no substantive content at all.

Finally, don't forget to post an intimate photo of Vivienne and Bruce Lee to prove his neighbor's identity.

Crazy Knicks fans immediately stepped up their attacks and occasionally praised by two crooked netizens: The little blue witch is so cute.

The next day, Bruce Lee received a call from Isaiah Thomas on the way to the airport.

"Great, Bruce. Today the media scolded me, and your pick has dropped. This means that the possibility of our cooperation has greatly increased. I don't even have to trade the top ten picks."

Thomas's voice didn't sound ironic at all, he was very happy.

In the most recent month, the vicious New York media has been looking for material to attack Isaiah Thomas. The post posted on the Fan Forum by the 'Blue Little Witch' last night caught their attention immediately. They quickly made up the news and slammed Thomas through.

Said he ate human blood buns, said he deliberately shifted focus, said he was using ncaa mop.

And this crazy public opinion came down.

Inexplicably, Li Zhen became a victim again, and all major rookie prediction lists fell out of the first round.

mtf! !

Bill Duffy couldn't help but swear, this scene ... he really hasn't seen it.

After all, the Lakers have already given a definite draft pick. Although Isaiah Thomas is unclear whether he is talking or ‘pushing his heart to the moon’, his pursuit is still clear.

But when it came to the media, why did Bruce make no one care about it?

This fell into the second round.

"I guess this time when I go to Oakland, the Golden State Warriors' management team may not look good." Bill Duffy analyzed from the perspective of his professional agent.

Li Zhen also nodded, yeah, it fell into this way, what can I do?

Bill Duffy even started to think, otherwise, to Charlotte? Anyway ... it has already fallen like this. Stimulate with Michael Jordan's negative buff, maybe the negative is positive?

But after thinking about it in the end, I still give up.

After all ... Now there is the Lakers bottoming out, no matter how bad they look outside, let's go, then they will startle them!


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