The God of Basketball - Chapter 265

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:31:15 AM

Chapter 265: [New York City Pickup Man]

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Grizzly General Manager Mr. West doesn't actually want Li Zhen.

He was not really interested in Li. He wanted Andrew Bynum.

He feels that Bynum is a material that can be made, because he has already experienced the test of the rookie wall, the physical quality is obviously the top in the center, the talent and immediate combat ability visible to the naked eye make West covet. Although Li Zhen has played very well so far this season, and has broken a single game record and hit multiple lore, he is a great figure. However, West always feels that Li Zhen's upper limit is not high, and it will become a typical example of another peak in history.

In addition, West felt that Li Zhen was too shocked. He believes that even if such young people come to a small city like Memphis, they will not stay for a long time, and when they leave, they will lose their gains.

Therefore, the transaction was stalemate.

Then, somehow, where did Isaiah Thomas get the news?

He actually called West's cell phone in person, and he told West: Let's cooperate.

Then, West held the ‘All League is pitting this fool, why I ca n’t pit this fool’ mood to discuss with Thomas. Unexpectedly ... Isaiah Thomas agreed.

This guy actually agreed to come up with a 2007 first-round draft pick, a 2009 first-round draft pick and an 11-year second-round draft pick. And the 2007 draft was still an unprotected draft, meaning ... Even if New York got the No. 1 pick with a bad record, he must be handed over to the Grizzlies.

With New York's current penultimate record in the East, the probability of top pick is very high.

Even if there is no champion, the first three are basically no problem.

Next year will be called the unprecedented draft year, not only the 100-year-old super center Greg Oden, but also now led by the Longhorns crazy to break the record and successively break the record of wheat Di-Kevin Duran special. There are also two big insiders of the University of Florida and a group of excellent international echelons.

With such a large group of building blocks, no matter who is selected, all win. Although Bruce Lee has realized his talents, his talents are far inferior to those monsters next year.

Therefore, West has almost no hesitation. Quickly reached a table agreement with Isaiah Thomas, as long as Bruce Lee was obtained from the Lakers. Immediately trade with New York to express sincerity. West even showed great mercy, saying that he could eat Mary Cross's garbage contract.

But at the same time, he also attached another junk contract ... Stromel Swift, who claims to be a magical deer who walks on foot, one of the strongest spring people in NBA.

Isaiah Thomas showed his boldness, but he did not refuse. Isn't it just jumping from one fire pit into another?

Thomas didn't care.

What's more, the team already has Eddie Curry, a big fat man, and Malik Cross, a big tonnage forward, has been sent out. Although Swift only dunks without mind and defense, it is good to be able to dunk!


So, after Li Zhen took the trophy for the best pop album and stepped down, he saw a text message from Bill Duffy on his mobile phone.

The content of the SMS is very detailed: the transaction happened again. The Memphis Grizzlies traded you to the New York Knicks. Memphis sent you and Swift to get Malik Cross and Matt Collins, two future first-round draft picks and second-round draft picks.

new York? ?

At that time Li Zhen was stunned.

Just go home?

Overnight, I received two awards, changed two teams, changed from the Pacific Division to the Southwest Division and then went to the Atlantic Division? From the largest city on the west coast to the largest city on the east coast? ?

Li Zhen was stunned.

Then his mobile phone shook again: Congratulations, this is a good deal.

Bill Duffy sent the message from the agent's perspective.

Because everyone knows that New York is now in ruins. Although they have a lot of garbage contracts, with Stephen Marbury being refrigerated, Li Zhen can get far more opportunities than the Lakers. And Isaiah Thomas took such a gambling-style deal in the face of the world, obviously he wanted to use Li Zhen as the core. Coupled with New York as the world's largest city, the commercial market is very active. It has great advantages for Li Zhen to run his own brand.

Most importantly, after a false alarm in Memphis, New York is simply heaven! !


"If you love someone, send him to New York. If you hate someone, send him to New York."

Jenny Bass murmured to herself. She never dreamed that the logo man had such a superb operation. He made a lot of money in this three-way deal, and actually got three precious picks from the Knicks. In addition to the two sent by the Lakers, there are Kwame Brown and Eddie Griffin.

It is equivalent to replacing the full rebuilding lineup with 1 Paul Gasol, and the salary space is also cleared.

High! !

Jenny Bass couldn't help but secretly praise.


"What is Isaiah Thomas?" Old Bath frowned. Although Thomas often does this kind of suffocating operation, but ... this guy's eyes are always very poisonous to watch rookies. In the draft last year, he and Jordan were the most optimistic about Li Zhen. Jordan called him his successor. Isaiah Thomas also touted him to the sky and even issued trade applications three times and five times.

But, I didn't expect this guy to be willing to pay such a price.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Old Bath had a strong sense of crisis in his heart, which seemed to tell him that he had made the wrong choice.

But at this time, Jenny Bass said beside him: Isaiah Thomas has now become a sinner in New York City. Originally all New York fans were waiting for Greg Oden or Kevin Durant, but now, he has ruined everyone's dreams. Many fans believe that Bruce is not enough to compare with next year's rookie.

Jerry Bass smiled, somewhat relieved: "Isaiah Thomas will not care. The New York media has long been unable to see his positive news, his image has been destroyed. So, he will not Be afraid of these. "


Isaiah Thomas is indeed a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water. When the deal was officially handed over to the league and passed quickly, he opened a bottle of champagne at home and sprayed his living room everywhere.

He had long lost his trust in the so-called Stephen Marbury, the son of New York, and the relationship between the two had long since broken, and they had not spoken to each other for three months.

So why not change a new helmsman?

A good point guard is the key to making all the dead moves alive.

He persuaded James Dolan for this reason.

James Dolan's favor of Isaiah Thomas even exceeded Donny Walsh's imagination, when Walsh proposed that "this transaction is very likely to make us unable to adjust through the draft in the next two years."

But James Dolan ’s answer was: “There is an element of gambling in any transaction. I still believe in Isaiah.”

Walsh even doubted the special relationship between the two at the time. Why did this guy make the team's locker room sullen, the team's record plummeted, and the salary space was so messed up that he paid luxury tax every year and even paid him a court He still trusted him so much for the huge sealing fee for foreign settlement?

How deep is this love? What kind of heart does the moon in New York represent?


Kobe Bryant was furious in Memphis.

Before the deal was officially announced, he and Eddie Griffin shoved each other on the court, and were both sent off the court.

Immediately after, when he got the news of trading blues in the locker room, he started to smash the chair in the guest team's locker room.

Then, he dialed Kupchak, Jim Bass, and Jerebas respectively.

He seemed very angry and very polite, and even asked: Why not trade me away?

But in the end, Jerry Bass, who watched him grow up, convinced him. His reason was simple: he wanted to live and watch the Lakers win again.

This reason was so powerful that Kobe Bryant's emotions calmed down quickly, and then he began to accept this fact slowly.

Then, he and Phil Jackson discussed the matter seriously.

After Phil Jackson realized that Bruce's departure had become a foregone conclusion, he comforted him: Paul Gasol's comprehensive skills will be the most suitable for your inside partner, he can seamlessly connect the triangle offense. We do have a chance to hit the championship trophy this season.

Kobe finally didn't speak again.

But Eddie Griffin has complained loudly after the game: "Kobe Bryant has no capacity. He found that the combination of me, Bruce Lee, and Kwame Brown was very powerful, so he used his energy to kick us away. "

Griffin seemed very excited.

And his remarks were quickly forensic by the media, believing that what he said was very reasonable, after all, in the media labeling system, Kobe Bryant was an unacceptable parochialist.

This left Kobe Bryant inexplicable.

But in any case, the tripartite transaction is a foregone conclusion.

Bruce took off the Lakers jersey and went to New York from the West Coast with no room for manoeuvre.

And this shock bomb also made the alliance into a long-term shock.

No one thought the Lakers actually made such a deal, and no one thought that the Knicks were willing to pay such a high price to get Li Zhen.

In all the comments, everyone agreed that Jerry West had made the difference as an intermediary.

And Isaiah Thomas is like the last receiver in the MLM system, the bomb will explode in his hands.

However, for operations like Thomas, everyone is used to it anyway: since he joined the Knicks, he has never done a profitable transaction, and has never signed a value-for-money contract.

But what is surprising is that afterwards, Michael Jordan, after learning of the deal, actually thumped his chest. He was blatantly in front of the media: the Lakers really want to trade Bruce Lee? Why didn't anyone notify me? We can give more chips! ! !


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