The God of Basketball - Chapter 448

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:27:36 AM

Chapter 448: [Bruce Lee, God of Perfection]

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It's really a guy who knows nothing.

LeBron James sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Bruce, an overwhelming guy, surprised him. He had already preset his panicked expression when he appeared across from this guy, but he didn't expect ... to take the initiative to challenge himself.

The fans at the scene were so crazy.


"Trust me, you won't want to see the headlines of espn tomorrow."

LeBron told Li Zhen in a condescending manner. He is sure that he will make Li Zhen into a joke by himself. He can't understand the courage to find his own way. Is it true that Asians have this kind of suicide custom?

Ugh! nba has another example of incompetent anger.

The Son of Heaven even felt so sad.

At the same time, Daniel Gibson took the basketball to the frontcourt, and then quickly gave it to LeBron James.

James took the ball, he did not intend to suppress time.

The Cavaliers are still one point behind.

He had to fight back quickly and control the last wave of possession.

Only in this way can we take full initiative.

Although the little king read only high school, he still has some mathematical knowledge ... although he may never be able to figure out how many seconds are divided by 60 seconds divided by 24 seconds.

However, he has launched a fierce attack on Li Zhen's left.

He knew that he was not a technical stream, and he knew how gorgeous he did not need to dribble.

The body is his biggest capital.

Talent is his strongest capital.

Therefore, he stepped violently towards Li Zhen's left side like a billionaire, completely out of the momentum of the Forbes ranking.

However, the destruction he imagined did not happen.

Because, Li Zhen consumed 1 energy in his body at the moment he initiated the shock, and turned on Jordan state. Moreover, he relies on accurate calculations to stand in a very special angle position in advance.

At that time, he withstood James's dragon and tiger walk.

This shocked LeBron.

Isn't this guy's strength bad?

How do I feel better than Kobe?

Moreover, this guy's defense against me is clearly Kobe Bryant's way.


He was thinking about it, and Li Zhen suddenly pulled his left hand towards his basketball.

Aggression is even stronger than Black Mamba.

This forced LeBron James to step back quickly.

When the aggressive James actually withdrew, the audience screamed.

It was so incredible that the little fox forced him back.

David Lee and Channing Frye also stood up in front of the TV, staring with incredible eyes.

Only Fraser on the TV shouted, "It's an angle !!"

"The little fox is worthy of being a super learner. He used the principle of leverage and the stability of the triangle. He found the perfect fulcrum precisely, so he resisted LeBron.

Fraser swears, and his tone is quite authoritative, like a senior scientist spreading cultural knowledge to ordinary people.

But in any case, his nonsense really made many fans in front of the TV rethink: Can it still be like this? Worthy of being a learning genius who was admitted to Harvard at the age of 16.

Knowledge changes destiny.

At this time, Li Zhen's previous education has become a strong explanation.

But James as a party does not believe in evil, he rarely believes in knowledge, because his knowledge cannot even support him to enter the university.

So, he continued to assault.

This time, Li Zhen failed to hold him up.

Perhaps it is really what Fraser said ... This time Li Zhen did not find a dynamic fulcrum through the stability of the triangle, and he could not pry up the huge natural selection.

However, LeBron still feels very passive.

He found that he was enveloped by Li Zhen, and it was difficult to find a chance to stop the jumper.

This feeling was not even brought to him by Kobe.

Therefore, he can only continue to assault forward.

One step, two steps!

At this moment, Li Zhen quickly reached into his waist and prepared to interrupt his layup rhythm.

How do you know ... three steps!

Take off!

James even took another step. He jumped high, just like a dove of peace, freed from his cage. At that time, he fluttered with awkward wings.

Just when he raised his eyebrows and tried to get a backhand layup.

A shadow fell from the sky in an instant, which made LeBron James, who was not fully jumped, fearful at the time. He hurried to pass, but found that there was no room for passing.

You can only pull the basketball to the hoop with a big slash, and you are dead!


Stromer gave the death reprieve notice on the spot as if the iron-faced magistrate.

A slap fanned the basketball from above his head.

The Quotient can be taken lightly by the whole world, but it is definitely a big loss to look down upon his jumping ability.

Madison Garden boiled suddenly.

The mountains call for tsunami, and the mountains fall into the sea.

By the time LeBron James landed, Li Zhen had grabbed basketball.

He had launched a quick shock towards the frontcourt, and Daniel Gibson tried to chase it, but he could only fart behind.

Then he watched him rush into the free throw line one step, so he jumped up and jumped like a Dapeng wings, soaring in the air, countless mouths in the arena that could not be restrained.

Even James can't hide the shock ...

"Hey, wife, come out and see God. Bruce put on the coat of basketball **** tonight."

Frazer exclaimed on the TV.

The screams in front of the TV had already gone crazy in New York.


Li Zhen finally solved this gorgeous glide with a layup.

But Frazer firmly believes: "This is a more perfect layup than a dunk. In fact, when Bruce landed on the ground, he could put the basketball into the basket."

"But anyway, there are 39 seconds left in the game, and the Knicks are already leading by 3 points at 101: 98."

Fraser announced good news on TV.

The audience in front of the TV has been very mad like a lunatic.

Only Denzel collapsed on the sofa, his eyes were blank, how could this be? How can Bruce Lee defend LeBron James, how can he be so powerful?

"I said earlier that Bruce is better than you."

Swift still chanted that line repeatedly, and it was LeBron James.

"To shut up!"

LeBron James glared angrily at him.

He was extremely angry.

But ... Swift was still there, saying: "Bruce can get me a double 20, you can never."

His reasons sound very good.

It is really not an easy task for a fool to cut a double 20 in a single game.

"You have to bet a third."

Li Zhen came back and told James.

The stiff-faced James ignored Li Zhen.

When Gibson brought the basketball over, he continued to take over the basketball, and then continued to try to attack the penalty area. But he made a two-step surprise, suddenly stopped, and when Li Zhen rushed over, he quickly passed the ball to the corner, and the basketball was handed over to Daniel Gibson by tactical running to the corner.

The little character who was hit by Li Zhen at the end of the game finally seized the opportunity. Under the cover of Valejo, he threw a three-pointer without hindrance!


101: 101.

The two teams tied.

There are 25 seconds left.

The scene suddenly fell into silence, and the tension quickly climbed into everyone's heart.

Isaiah Thomas quickly got up and tried to call a timeout to ease the wave.

But at this time, he saw Li Zhen's calm eyes.

He quickly halted the ** called suspension.

At the same time, Li Zhen has taken over basketball from Swift.

He rushed towards the frontcourt very slowly, and then stopped at the top of the arc of the three-point line 2 meters.

There is absolutely no idea to attack a wave.

He is even interested in saying to LeBron James: "You are still one rebound away from the Super Triple Double."

James responded tit-for-tat: "When you throw this ball, I will have it."

Ha ha.

Li Zhen smiled brightly.

Then he said: "Actually, I knew you would pass the ball. Kobe Bryant evaluated you, saying you have no courage to carry out the last attack."

"And I'm different. I will definitely attack this ball myself. You can now ask your teammates to come over and trap me."

Li Zhen told James confidently.

James pouted.

He believes that Li Zhen is talking to himself rubbish.

Moreover, he doesn't think Li Zhen will attack on his own. In his view, a point guard who is not capable of shooting, like Li Zhen, must first pass the ball, just like himself ... relying on keen visual field capture Offensive opportunity.

However, he miscalculated.

Li Zhen is a point guard who is not fake, but at the same time he is also an extremely paranoid and extremely proud person. Like the last Olympiad question in this math test paper, how can he give it to others?

Time ticks past.

As if there was a huge second hand turning heavily in the hearts of all Madison Garden fans, they were so nervous that blood seemed to stop flowing.

Denzel even held his breath in front of the TV and drew a cross on his chest.

He didn't want Li Zhen to hit this shot.

However, his mentality seems to be a negligible factor in New York State, because thousands of people are hoping that Li Zhen will complete this super lore and kill LeBron James and his knight.

In this way, the team has a chance to enter sixth in the East.

And, from now on, who dares to despise Bruce? Who dares to say that this year's best rookie is controversial?

Nineteen seconds was dragged on by complex thoughts and intense emotions.

But finally, Li Zhen was still running wildly in the countdown of milliseconds, and the attack time suddenly started when the countdown to the fifth second.

His pace was extremely fierce, but it was revealed that Zhong Zhengping was peaceful and kingly.

It is completely different from the previous "sword walker", and is famous for its sharpness.

It was replaced by an upright and impeccable kingly way.

At that time, Stephen Marbury sitting on the sidelines shouted mj's name.

LeBron James was clearly unexpected, he didn't talk about Li Zhen's move, so fierce and just right.

He had to step back.

At this time, Li Zhen has taken the second step, which is more and more popular, just like the waterwheel is put into the waterfall, and the rotation is getting stronger and stronger.

LeBron has been somewhat unresponsive, he can only follow up subconsciously.

At the same time, Li Zhen took the third step, his pace has entered the three-point line.

LeBron James couldn't keep up with even the conditioned reflex.

At this moment, Li Zhen stopped suddenly.

Then quickly retreat, like a Harrier turning over, naturally.

At this point, James could no longer control his conditioned reflex, and his body could not make two distinct commands in an instant.

He could only watch Li Zhen jump, lean back, and then shoot!

Li Zhen in the air set off a perfect silhouette.

He clearly saw the basketball **** shoot in front of his own eyes, as he had seen in countless dreams when he was a kid.

Although he has always vowed to claim that Magic Johnson is his idol, but ... his conditioned reflex will not deceive himself: mj.

He murmured two letters in his mouth.

At this point, the basketball had quickly flown over his head, with a perfect arc.

Di ...

The backboard flashed red before the basketball got into the Nets, followed by the rapid electronic beep at the end of this round of attack.

But soon, with the white wave turning up.

Madison Garden's screams drowned everything.

Bruce's name became particularly magnificent under the screams and screams of the dj on the scene.

And the fans at the scene have shouted from the fox to the mvp in unison ~! mvp! mvp! !

When Li Zhen raised his hands high, the sound became even more boiling.

Like the scene of a rock star, everyone's hormones are colliding violently.

The external mapping of all people's adrenaline forms the current ocean of joy.

Although the game has 1.0 seconds.

However, the Cavaliers without suspension have been unable to return to the sky.

Even if they are lucky enough to hit a three-pointer from a long distance, can they beat the little fox that is now in a crazy state?

Let's go to the special son of Heaven. Tonight Bruce Lee is God.

"LeBron James has no chance to get a super triple double of 41 points. And our little fox has already scored a double 20. He scored 5 points in the last minute. He put the game to the end by himself. And, I It must be said that his one-on-one at the last moment is simply too powerful. "

"He conquered LeBron James in a row, using Michael Jordan."

"Yes, God, I promise that I saw Michael Jordan. Whether it's his imposing layup, or this complete copy of Michael Jordan's emergency stop, he stepped back and made a three-point jumper."

"So, guys, this thing lets us know. The person wearing the No. 23 jersey may not necessarily be the successor of the **** of basketball ... Michael Jordan has been confused for a lifetime, and he finally got it right."


Under Frazier's excited chatter.

The Cavaliers completed their last serve. LeBron James was surrounded by Swift and Jeffries. He didn't even receive the basketball. The basketball passed to Gibson.

The guy who threw the basketball from a distance of 3 meters from the center line finally did not work a miracle.

Basketball didn't even hit the backboard and flew out of bounds.

everything is over!

The sound of the scene was violent again.

The colorful ribbons descend from the sky.

Numerous fans hugged each other, and various scenes of men and men staged in passion.

James Dolan jumped tango in the VIP box.

Isaiah Thomas is performing a glide on his knees ... This victory in the Eastern Conference below allowed the Knicks to stabilize the playoff tickets and had the prerequisites to hit the sixth in the Eastern Conference.

The two 361 spokespersons of Swift and Eddy Curry lifted Li Zhen up like a plane with wings, and surrounded them.

As if the king was patrolling his territory.

And the guy who is called the little king has quietly left his head with his head down.

Despite his confidence before the game, although everyone thinks that Cleveland will easily take a victory from here.

but now.

"We are the winners! We killed the Cavaliers in the absence of two main forces. The victory belongs to us and the future belongs to us. Believe me, guys, don't take champagne out now, we have more crazy this season things happen."

"Bruce Lee is simply a perfect angel. If I were a woman, I can't wait to rush into his room and massage him now ..."

"Oh, right. If those two don't have a cold, we really don't know that Bruce is so great ..."


David Lee turned off the TV.

He knew how disgraceful he played in this victory, and he also knew what cynicism would follow.

And all this ...

Denzel sat on the sofa decadently, and he hadn't had the courage to start the game.

Even less hysterical.

He was like a balloon pierced by a toothpick a hundred times, not only deflated, but also rotten like honeycomb.

Now, Bruce Lee has become the biggest basketball hero in New York City. He even defeated the Son of Heaven.

Who else can compete with him in the basketball field?

David Lee finally realized what his good hand looked like.

His eyes locked on Denzel, full of anger.

Denzel shivered.

He had to fight hard to stand up. He tried to search the vocabulary in his brain. He knew that he had to convince his employer in a short time, otherwise the rich kid would definitely let himself go.

"you are fired."

David Lee's tone was cold, like the cold wind in New York City in December.

Denzel tried to say something more.


David Lee's roar was already 3d around his ears.

He had to bow his head and leave in a daze.

It looks like a funeral dog.


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