The God of Basketball - Chapter 562

Published at 17th of January 2023 12:56:03 PM

Chapter 562: [Win the magnanimous]

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"There are no miracles in this world. Some are accidental and inevitable. Who else has done anything!"

Kevin Garnett began to fight wildly between the games.

The heavy punch he slapped on his chest tonight was much more violent than before. Li Zhen straightened his eyebrows as he watched, thinking...You are also in good health. It would be fat without a little lung blood for other people.

Under the influence of Garnett’s iconic roar and chest beating, Boston showed a wicked posture: each of them maintained a vicious expression, and every Knicks player in his eyes seemed to owe it. They are five million dollars.

"Some people just want to create such a fierce appearance in an attempt to frighten their opponents."

Zach Randolph said nonchalantly before the game started.

Switching to another team, the Celtics' posture may scare opponents. Every layup is worried about whether it will be overturned by the elbow.

But in the Knicks.

This look looks a bit funny. The Knicks are all cruel. If it weren’t for Stephen Marbury’s borrowed advanced ideas from the East to cover the locker room and suppress the devil in the players’ hearts, this group of people could give any ordinary dressing. The room feels like a prison for heavy offenders.

With Zach Randolph, Eddie Griffin, Matt Barnes...these guys' horrific names in the past, Boston's gnashing pretentious posture is too low.


The referee blew a whistle.


Kevin Garnett took the lead in shooting basketball.

But right after that, Li Zhen and Eddie Griffin completed the steal together...Because Griffin didn’t even jump up seriously, he didn’t plan to match Garnett, who was actually 216 in height but made false reports because he didn’t want to play center. Scrimmage.

When Garnett shot the basketball in a sturdy shot, he immediately rushed to block the wall of Boston for Li Zhen, and then Li Zhen took the lead, with the world's most explosive power and super speed, pop!

La Garrondo once again looked helplessly at the basketball being taken away by Li Zhen.

Rondo does not have the style of the fourth giant in this series.

Earlier, he was very dissatisfied with Li Zhen, and even made several moves to compete with Li Zhen. But now, he is honest and just wants to execute tactics silently. The idea of ​​competing with Li Zhen has long since died in the failed defense that Li Zhen has passed through as a useless one time and time again.

In fact, many experts analyze. The reason why Boston is so passive is that Lagarrondo, who is known for his defense, failed to restrict Li Zhen. If Rondo can successfully control the No. 1 position like the previous two series, Boston's victory will become easy.


Seeing Li Zhen rushing away, there was only despair in Lagarondo's head.

This is so unpredictable! !

He pursued desperately, and had just joined hands with Paul Pierce to lock Li Zhen on the left, but he suddenly stopped and leaned against him. The huge force made Rondo's step loose at the same time. At the same time, Li Zhen's right hand was already The basketball was quickly dialed out... The speed of Li Zhen's finger dialing even reminded Rondo of some Japanese movies he had watched.

When Jeff Reese received the ball and scored an easy layup.

Rondo's face was full of helplessness.

In the past, when Li Zhen's physical strength was not as good as his, he still had ways to deal with it.

Now, even the strength is Li Zhen's advantage. What else can I play? Fight speed? Fight for explosive power? Ball control skills? Fighting pass imagination? Ability to fight assists?

It won't work!

When Madison Garden cheered, the call of MVP shook the sky.

Doug Grieves paced back and forth on the sidelines with his mouth pursed, his anxiety filled with his vicissitudes of life.

His current position is in jeopardy. If he has the Big Three and can't make it to the finals, everyone will think he is a waste.

In contrast, Isaiah Thomas.

Now, when he appears in New York on any occasion, he can hear praise and praise from the heart.

The forgetful New Yorkers have called him the greatest head coach ever in the history of the NBA.

Isaiah Thomas has been sitting on the bench tonight, his eyes closed slightly. In the close-up of TNT's face, everyone can see the faint sadness on his face.

"Invincibility is a very lonely thing."

What he said before the game caused Charles Barkley to vomit for a while, but he had to admit that ‘this force is indeed very fierce now’.

Boston launched a storm in the first round.

The picture of Kevin Garnett screaming made Professor Li on the sidelines sigh: What a fierce Zhang Fei!

However, this time Garnett rushed into the penalty area to force a layup but was interfered by Eddie Griffin's forcible defense, and the basketball fell from the basket.

Just as Perkins wanted to do his best to shoot the basketball off the court, a figure galloped forward, and jumped up to pull the basketball from Perkins' head abruptly: explosive power, bounce talent, and strength talent surge. Li Zhen's ability to control backcourt rebounds has also made a qualitative leap.

When Li Zhen scored the rebound, Boston rushed back in a panic, for fear that Li Zhen would fight back quickly.

Looking at the Celtics like a frightened bird.

Li Zhen stopped the fast break, he has already begun to consider for the finals. Whether the San Antonio Spurs can perform miracles in the end, or the Los Angeles Lakers reach the finals again. The Knicks must all learn to play at a slow pace.

The Lakers and Spurs are far more difficult to deal with than Boston in terms of player structure.

Boston is very fierce, they are good at dragging opponents into the quagmire for ground-breaking offense and defense. But in fact...they don't really have any strong points that can kill people, especially in the penalty area, where they score pitifully. This is why the Atlanta Hawks and Orlando Magic can drag them into desperation.

"Anger dulls the blade!"

Li Zhen told Kevin Garnett when he ran side by side on the frontcourt: "You are not as tenacious as you thought, you just look tenacious and very successful."

"If you are really a person who is willing to make all the sacrifices for victory, you can't choose to team up until last year. You just want to enjoy the high salary with peace of mind on the one hand, and on the other hand accuse the team for not giving you the best. s help."

"A person like you, in fact...has been used to failure!"

Li Zhen talked trash all the way.

He tried to break Garnett's fighting spirit.

However, Garnett was even more angry.

As for whether it is irritated into anger or violent anger, it is not known.

Anyway, the defensive action is more open and close.

When Li Zhen used cover to rush into the restricted area, he quickly stepped up to block Li Zhen.

But Li Zhen didn't do anything with him. An ingenious pass from behind turned the wolfish Kevin Garnet into embellishment, reflecting how clever and smart he is.

Eddie Griffin received the pass and completed a dunk deep into the penalty zone: Kentrick Perkins was blocked by Zach Randolph.

The Celtics acted like a group of restless and highly nervous lunatics tonight.

The Knicks are so light.

After changing sides to fight again, Boston finally passed the pick-and-roll between Lagarrondo and Perkins, and then passed the ball to Pierce. Pierce broke through Jeffreys's defensive assists and re-run Ray Allen to complete a beautiful 3-pointer.

After all, the hard power of the Big Three lies here.

"The Knicks need to work harder to win the Eastern Conference tonight."

Barkley said on TV.

Kenny Smith also agreed very much.

In the next game, the Knicks showed more than just hard work.

Under the leadership of Li Zhen, there are still more flowers. And Zach Randolph was completely unaffected by the negative news. He repeatedly hung Perkins in the penalty area and hit Perkins, his turn-over jumper, his low pace, his pure back... all were bleeding Boston.

The Celtics have nothing to do with him. Although Randolph is not a superstar, he is a copper pea, and you can't subdue him. He can pull out jump shots, rush in for layups, and use the offensive rebounds to get the basketball in. The most important thing is that his back singles are still good, and his hands are particularly delicate.

Coupled with his huge and flexible body.

This is what defenders fear most.

What's more, the thing that makes the Boston coaching staff helpless is... Randolph has been so difficult to do, he has an all-round ADC next to him. Li Zhen's wandering around made Boston uncomfortable to attack Randolph, and he could only watch Randolph pull away one by one.

If it weren't for the Big Three to play superpower tonight, they would have to fall behind by double digits at halftime.

From the beginning of the first quarter, the game became a duel between dual-core and triple-core.

The difference is that the Boston Celtics only play by the Big Three.

The Knicks rely on Li Zhen to thread the needle and play with all players.

Even for a while in the second quarter, the Knicks blatantly put on a three-point guard lineup, with Li Zhen, Marbury, and Sessions playing at the same time.

The three excellent point guards showed their own characteristics and brought the art of the backcourt to the fullest.

The two most popular point guards on the sidelines this year are dazzled and excited: it turns out that basketball can still play like this. It seems that the future trend of the league must be that the point guard is in charge of everything.

Derek Ross and Russell Westbrook are full of enthusiasm, both of them are full of ambitions, and both are waiting to become famous in the NBA.

To some extent, this game even opened their eyes. Let them have positional confidence: the original point guard can still control the game like this.

The stage of the Eastern Conference playoffs fully proved that it is not only the rebounder who can control everything. The one who controls the ball is the fiercest.

Both souls were baptized.

If at this time, Li Zhen walked down and said to them: Do you want to worship my point guard?

The two were sure to pay their respects and fought over who was the number one student.

At this time, Li Zhen didn't know that, as he was only in the second grade, he began to have a little bit of social status.


Sure enough, the fate of people...not only depends on individual struggle, but also depends on the course of history.

When the game has finished three quarters.


The Knicks led by 2 points.

Although the score is not big.

However, from the scene, the Knicks have won the overall advantage.

Although the current staff of the Knicks are not as neat as Boston, they have been watching the flowers tonight. Even Scala Bryan, who is at the end of the bench, has played and performed well.

On the other hand, the Boston Celtics can only hold fast to the Big Three, **** desperately, treating this game as the final battle. can

But the more this is the case, the more desperate.

From the coaching staff to the players, the Celtics are like a string that can't be loosened.

They have only two choices now, either rely on tenacious nerves and tenacious will to fight to win the game in the end.

Or it crashed in the middle of the fourth quarter because of lack of energy.

"When the Knicks dared to replace Li Zhen to rest in the third quarter of the second quarter, the Celtics replaced Ray Allen with less than 2 minutes to rest when the team fell behind by 3 points. You will understand. , The balance of victory and defeat is already skewed to which side."

Kenny Smith said so during the third quarter timeout.

His words made all the audience in front of the TV feel agree.

At the same time, the staff of the alliance and the staff of the Knicks also began to make some active preparations. If the Knicks win the Eastern Conference tonight, then...the awards ceremony will definitely be right away!

Isaiah Thomas finally got up from the bench.

He swept away the sadness at the beginning of the game because he received a text message. The content of the text message made him smile, and he thought tonight would be a night of double happiness. If he knows Chinese customs, he even wants to cut a Xixi out of red paper.

Everything is moving in a better direction.


The fourth quarter started soon.

The Boston Celtics are already in a frantic situation at this time. They are unwilling to lose this game, let alone the end of the series tonight.

Therefore, they played crazier and their movements were even more amazing.

Fortunately, the Knicks were prepared.

Whether it's Stephen Marbury, Isaiah Thomas, or Eddie Griffin all stressed on the bench: "We have to prevent the Bostonians from losing control. If they use any dirty action at this time, they will ruin everything."

Therefore, Kentrick Perkins' elbow never succeeded.

When the time reaches the fifth minute of the fourth quarter.

At this time, with Quentin Richardson hitting Li Zhen's basketball from the penalty area in the front court, the score expanded to 7 points.

The Celtics finally appeared the first mad patient.

In the next attack, James Posey directly raised his elbow and hit Eddie Griffin's neck. But Griffin had been prepared for a while, a dodge, James Posey fell from the air, he fell straight to the ground.

Then was carried away.

The whole process of the action was recorded truthfully by the camera, and there was a burst of laughter and contemptuous mockery in Madison Garden.

Boston loses and loses.

Subsequently, Griffin was also discovered by Griffin when Kentrick Perkins tried to step up the basket on Randolph. He walked over without losing the opportunity and gave Perkins a kick directly. Perkins who stepped on at that time screamed.

"It is impossible for you to try to interfere with the result of the game in this way."

"We won't fall short at this moment."

"At the last moment, it's best to show your true ability."

"Don't let us look down on you."

Li Zhen spoke to Kevin Garnett when Randolph walked to the free throw line.

He hopes this is a clean victory!

Win is magnanimous.

If you lose, please lose decently!



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