The God of Basketball - Chapter 633

Published at 17th of January 2023 12:53:09 PM

Chapter 633: [The contradiction is completely open]

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After all, **** is still old and spicy.

The Boston Big Three did not let the Chicago Bulls drag the game into the tiebreaker.

They overturned the young bull to the ground in the away game, and they exhausted their efforts in this game. Frankly speaking, if it weren't for an unnecessary foul by Lor Deng at the last moment, the outcome is far from conclusive...Even if it enters overtime, the young Bulls will have a better chance of winning!

The Bulls who paid for the young and immature, the Bulls fans who cheered loudly for the players after the game.

They knew very well in their hearts that as long as they insisted on playing with Derrick Rose as the core, it was only a matter of time before they could kill Boston...Time is no longer standing by the old Celtics.

Everyone knows that this year is Boston's last fight. Whether they admit it or not, they can hardly cope with the increasingly fierce Knicks and Bulls.

Li Zhen learned that Boston had eliminated the Chicago Bulls by a big score of 4:2, and immediately began to book flights to Boston.

Although he has been staying in Los Angeles these days, he has not reduced his exercise. He has maintained a good condition.

But who would have thought that flights would be delayed?

As a result, when Li Zhen rushed to the North Shore Garden Arena, the first game was over.

The Knicks lost to the Boston Celtics.

This was the Knicks' first loss since the playoffs, and the first time since the All-Star Game, they lost as many as 20 points.

The painful defeat made some fans feel dissatisfied with Li Zhen's absence.

In addition, Phil Jackson previously said that Li really went to Los Angeles to deal with his brother's affairs, which was even more emotional. How can you miss important games because of some family scandals?

Some articles criticizing Li Zhen appeared in the New York media.

This made Phil Jackson ecstatic.

What he wants is this opposite effect.

What he wants is to make fans crack on their spiritual idol basketball totem, only in this way can he just proceed with the next operation.

He didn't want to work with a strong man like Li Zhen.

He admitted that he couldn't control Li Zhen, he just wanted to engage in the previous dynasty, not the dynasty led by strong men.

Li Zhen apologized to the fans for his absence and also apologized to the players.

Although the flight cover is an objective fact, he does not want to make this reason public.

However, some fans have great abilities and turned out the flight information, and to some extent, Li Zhen's innocence was returned.


Winning the first victory was especially important for the Celtics, and the whole of Boston was encouraged by it. This means that they seize the opportunity and also greatly boost their morale.

It's just that they can no longer claim as arrogantly as they did two years ago that the Knicks are nothing but a chicken and Li Zhen is just a fake star.

Times have changed, and the nature of many things has changed.

The day before the second game, Zach Randolph began to speak harshly, spraying Boston with nothing.

Li Zhen was looking at the game record at this time.

He deeply realized how stupid the team traded Jordan and Eddie Griffin.

If these two were still there, even if Li Zhen missed the first game, Boston would not have won so easily.

It's a pity that Phil Jackson and Jerry West actually gave away Eddie Griffin and Jordan's two amazingly athletic defensive interiors for their own desires.

In exchange for Russell Butler is basically a pension, Eric Gordon is slightly better, but in front of Boston's cruel defense, his weakness has been infinitely expanded. Ray Allen caught his weak defensive, short stature, and beat him several times with the ball.

This made Li Zhen extremely depressed.

He even thought of the ancient frontier generals who had the intention to kill thieves and were unable to return to heaven.

These two are obviously professionals in their professions, why should they make such a stupid mistake?

Who didn't know that the playoffs were about the thickness of the inside line. They did it well and handed off Jordan and Griffin! Especially Jordan, he showed amazing potential in the first grade. Although he is easy to be fouled by others, in time, not to mention becoming a superstar, but being an ordinary All-star is not difficult.


Li Zhen deeply felt that the difficulty of the series has increased.


The second game soon started at the North Shore Garden Arena. When Li Zhen came out, he still received the most violent boos from the audience, and his malice came like a frenzy.

But Li Zhen stayed still.

At the beginning of the game, the Knicks performed a triangle offense, but was quickly dismantled by the experienced Big Three.

Immediately, Li Zhen began to automatically switch to the original system.

Even if Phil Jackson showed a very surprised and surprised expression on the court, he completely ignored it.

Victory is the most important thing.

He doesn't want to be a papermaker at this time and take care of the emotions of the head coach.

Moreover, he believes that Phil Jackson, as such an experienced head coach, should also be able to see that his tactics can't give full play to the full power of the Knicks players.

If he has ideas, it just proves his impure motives.

When Li Zhen turns on his crazy impact power, Boston must restrict him... and once Boston restricts, Li Zhen will quickly play the ball. The other players in the Knicks can quickly seize the opportunity to complete the attack.

The Knicks have long been one.

The amazing tacit understanding they formed in the battle is the best in the league.

Moreover, every player and Li Zhen bless each other.

Especially, this season...all players have improved.

The Celtics couldn't stop the Knicks' offensive at all.

They fell behind quickly.

However, the Knicks now have a problem that their rotation lineup has become very fragile after Marbury went to China to seek advice. Griffin and Jordan were traded.

Boston can always chase points in this time period.

Then wait for the Knicks main force to return before being pulled away.

So repeatedly.

But fortunately, Li Zhen's physical fitness is no longer as weak as he used to be.

In the end, the game was won without danger.

The Celtics lost a home game.

Their game became difficult.

However, after the game is over. The Boston media was frantically reporting on Phil Jackson's stunned expression. They deliberately provoke the contradiction between the Knicks generals, and even played Li Zhen's arrogant and domineering head coach.

Generally speaking, such a clumsy heart attack will be refuted by the parties righteously.

However, this time Phil Jackson was silent.

He deliberately allowed this voice to rise wildly.

Li Zhen suddenly realized that something was wrong, and when he recalled those things before this season, he suddenly realized: Zen Master came to the Knicks not to make a record, he came to play politics.

What made Li Zhen more sad was that the board of directors even intervened.

James Dolan’s wife talked in the media that players should cooperate with the head coach tacitly and follow the command.

This time.

Not only was Zachrandorf angry, but Li Zhen was also extremely angry.

"I really don't want to play in this team."

Randolph told Li Zhen angrily: "Look, see, how many incidents have happened to the team since Isiah left!!"

Li Zhen did not persuade Randolph this time.

He already had grievances in his heart.

On the one hand, the Knicks are getting more and more outrageous, and on the other hand, the Los Angeles Clippers show infinite sincerity.

To be honest, he has preferred the Clippers.

but now.

I have to win the championship again.

Li really wanted to give the Knicks fans a final explanation.

Therefore, he told Phil Jackson very clearly: "You don't have to play with people's hearts. Next, we will not let you execute the wrong tactics, you can make this statement public!"

Li Zhen had a showdown with Zen Master.

The Zen master is also very simple.

He is a cruel man.

Since the age of the Bulls, he has stood firm in the alliance.

When Li Zhen showed off to him, he also showed off to the media.

He directly released the recording of Li Zhen's phone call.

As a head coach, he has a natural advantage.

Because everyone thinks that players should obey the coach.

There is no reason why the coach listens to the players.

When these words were announced.

The Knicks' generals battle has become irreconcilable.

Everyone started to discuss who the Knicks would drive away.

Although most of the media are criticizing Li Zhen's domineering behavior, most people still think that Phil Jackson will be driven away. Although he used to make 3 dynasties as a head coach and won 11 championships, none of them were won in the Knicks. But Li Zhen has already won a championship for the Knicks.

This is why Zach Randolph publicly accused Phil Jackson of having no morality in the media, and even disclosed the internal contradictions of the team. At the same time, he criticized him: before you came, we were already the championship.

What's interesting is that LeBron James is actually on Phil Jackson's side.

He actually made a clear-cut statement: "No matter how talented young players are, they should respect the coach. Phil Jackson is the best coach in the league and everyone of us respects him. Bruce should apologize for his behavior. !!!"

These words are generous and just.

Aroused praise from many players and commentators.

It's just... Some people find it funny, James actually talks about how to respect the coach?

Li Zhen ignored those criticisms standing on the moral high ground.

He doesn't care.

He also rejected the proposal of James Dolan's wife to convene an internal meeting, and he didn't want to get along with it.

For Jerry West's proposal, he even ignored it.

He directly left a line on his website: The championship will prove right and wrong.

It was meaningless to Li Zhen to waste words.


Before the third game, Boston thought he had a chance.

They feel that the Knicks' infighting is the biggest in history, and they have never seen the coach and core players interact to this degree. They even thought that the Knicks' locker room had become a mess.

However, when the third game started at Madison Garden Arena.

They immediately felt what it meant: a mistake in judgment! !

The Knicks' combat effectiveness has not been affected at all, and has even become stronger.

The three armies of Zachrandorf and Gasol fought their lives and united closely with Li Zhen.

Interestingly, before the game started. Little Jordan, Griffin, Jamal Crawford, Swift and even Stephen Marbury in China all appeared uniformly on the side of the court.

They proved the unity of the Knicks team with their actions.

And Li Zhen and the current Knicks players proved Eddie Griffin's words: It's dawn!

Griffin made a public statement after Li Zhen Jackson turned his back on him: "It's dawn! Bruce has been tolerant for too long. People's worship of meritorious coaches is blind. In fact, he was a mistake joining the Knicks. He was not comfortable. Sri Lanka’s players are also uncomfortable. Now this break is just to release the fighting power the Knicks should have!!"

The Celtics were beaten in the first quarter.

They didn't expect it.

Madison Garden Stadium has been caught in a huge carnival since the first round. The fans who were still anxious instantly forgot their previous worries about the general's disharmony.

Does it matter to them who is the head coach?

As long as you can win!

Phil Jackson sat on pins and needles in the VIP box. He originally thought that his anti-general behavior was extremely clever, but now it seems that he threw himself on the cutting board.

In addition, he heard the discussion from the board of directors: It seems that the team without the head coach is playing more smoothly!

This is the truth.

Fortunately, Jerry West saved Phil Jackson. He whispered: "The fans are discussing, Isaiah Thomas should be invited back."

This sentence is the deadlock of the board of directors. They cannot accept the return of Isaiah Thomas.

This is a scandal that must be erased for the entire Dolan family.

As a result, there was no discussion about the head coach.

Subsequently, Jerry West came up with an exciting plan. "We have a chance to get LeBron James and Dwyane Wade."

"LeBron is very interested in joining the Knicks. He admires Phil very much."

Jerry West continued.

Such words are too lethal to Dolan's wife.

During this period of time, her ears have heard the cocoon coming, and she has formed a pattern under the brainwashing: the Knicks are strong because of the team as a whole. Bruce Lee is the engine of the Knicks, but he is far less powerful than James.

So, she was thinking, maybe it would be more perfect than Li Zhen to change to James's engine?

Hasn't James Dolan been in Quanex and still living in the shadow of Isaiah Thomas? I completely cut off his thoughts. As long as James is dealt with, the team will still be the championship, and it has been imprinted on me!

Women are often the source of confusion!

Li Zhen has taken down the Boston Celtics without a single blow.

After the game, Zach Randolph was transferred to the technical desk, and he shouted: "This is Bruce Lee's Knicks. Not Phil Jackson's Knicks!!!"

Aroused turbulent feedback from fans on site.

After this battle, a hearty victory made New York fans all stand on Li Zhen's side.

As Randolph said, the Knicks were already a championship before Phil Jackson arrived. He and Li Zhen must have taken advantage of Li Zhen.


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