Published at 6th of March 2023 08:39:16 AM

Chapter 1004

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Xiao Han said with a smile: "anyway, you saved the people of our demon killing team, and helped to kill so many first-order magic spiders. As the leader of the demon killing team, I should thank you!"

After listening to Xiao Han's words, the night rain, who had been concentrating on wiping the dark green sword, finally raised his head and looked at Xiao Han. There was no emotion in his eyes. The night rain looked at Xiao Han and Xiao Han also looked at the night rain. The two people looked at each other so quietly.

Finally, it was the night rain. It seemed that Xiao Han couldn't stand Xiao Han's fiery eyes. First of all, Xiao Han looked at her directly, which made her a little panicked. But soon, the night rain covered up the trace of panic in his expression.

Ye Yu deliberately did not look at Xiao Han's eyes and said with a soft smile, "well, since I saved the person, can I kill that person now, so you don't have to thank me?"

Xiao Han:...

Xiao Han looked at the night rain blindly, but in the twinkling of an eye, Xiao Han realized that the night rain was deliberately fighting with her. Since it was a challenge, Xiao Han of course would not care, and he did not believe that the night rain would really run to kill Ren Xin.

Think of here, Xiao Han dry smile two, then said: "night rain, no matter how to say, I still want to thank you, this time I owe you a favor!"

Ye Yu gently shook his head and said with a smile, "don't forget about the human relationship. Should the inner crystal obtained by the first-order demon spider I killed before belong to me?"

Xiao Han was slightly stunned. Ye Yu said that Neijing, the first-order demon spider killed before, should belong to her. After careful consideration, Xiao Han also felt that it was said in the past, so he nodded and said with a smile: "no problem, all the inner crystals of the first-order magic spider you killed belong to you, but you may have to wait a moment. We need a little time to clean the battlefield!"

Night rain does not agree to look at Xiao Han, and then did not speak.

Xiao Han knows that the night rain will not give him a good look, but it is also good like this now. At least he doesn't have the same vicious words as before. Besides, if you want to change the attitude of the night rain, you should take time. At least now the night rain is much better than before.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han went on to say: "now it's not long before the sun goes down. Let's clean up the battlefield first, and then I'll give you the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider you killed!"

After saying that, Xiao Han did not wait for the response of the night rain, he went back directly. Since the night rain did not speak at this time, it was quite tacit.

Xiao Han waved to Zhong xuanhai and others who were taking a rest not far away, and called out: "brothers, are you almost rested? We're going to clean up the battlefield! "

Li Jian got up from the ground and said with a smile, "boss Xiao, this time cleaning the battlefield is a big project. We can't do it without more than an hour's work!"

Xiao Han nodded. He knew what Li Jian meant. In addition to the bodies of more than 100 first-order magic spiders now in the sand, the most important thing is that the hundreds of first-order magic spiders trapped in the trap can't move in the trap. In this way, Xiao Han and seven of them want to take out the inner crystal from those first-order magic spiders Try to kill the first-order spider in those traps.

Then Guo Zimo also said with a smile: "yes, Mr. Xiao, the bodies of these first-order magic spiders on the ground are easy to handle, mainly the first-order magic spiders in the traps, but we have to waste some effort to get rid of them!"

Xiao Han said with a smile: "well, eight of us will divide the work once. Ren Xin, if you are hurt, you and Ren Nian will be responsible for handling the more than 100 first-order magic spiders on the ground. There are six of us left. I'll take Li Jian, Zhong xuanhai and Yan sensitive, Guo Zimo and Zhang Qiang. Let's divide into four groups and give those first-order magic spiders inner crystals as soon as possible Take it out, and today's task is finished! "

Then, Xiao Han and Li Jian, Zhong xuanhai and Yan sensitive, Guo Zimo and Zhang Qiang began to deal with the first-order magic spiders among the traps.

This time, Xiao Han's plan was beyond everyone's expectation. At least seven or eight first-order magic spiders were trapped in each trap.

Xiao Han first stabbed to death one by one of the first-order magic spiders in the trap, and then pulled those first-order magic spiders out of the trap one by one, and then took out the inner crystal from the body of the first-order magic spider.

The task of Ren Xin and Ren Nian is much easier. They just need to take out the inner crystal of more than 100 first-order magic spiders on the sand.

Next, Xiao Han and eight of them are busy living to take out the inner crystal of those first-order magic spiders, and the night rain looks at them without knowing the sound and color.

Ye Yu was surprised to find that not only Ren Xin and Ren Nian were very skillful in taking the inner crystals from the body of the first-order devil spider, but also Xiao Han. Moreover, the eight of them were not frightened by the blood and flesh of those first-order evil spiders. They did not even frown when they took the first-order magic spider.

On the contrary, those female disciples of Emei sect were disgusted to the extreme when they took the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider. If there was no way, Ye Yu believed that those Emei disciples would not touch them.Xiao Han and Zhong xuanhai are very skillful when they take the first-order magic spider, and they are not affected by the flesh and blood of those first-order magic spiders. It seems that this is the difference between men and women. It does not mean that Xiao Han and Zhong xuanhai are used to or used to such scenes, but the adaptability of men is much stronger than that of women.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu also thinks of her sister nightingale. When she sees the flesh and blood of the first-order devil spider, the whole girl vomites all the time, and her fighting power can't give full play to half of her usual fighting power. How can we go on like this? How to survive in Penglai fairyland?

Thinking of this, Ye Yu's eyebrows wrinkled. For her sister Nightingale, the night rain is really worried. Just like now, the night rain is not around the nightingale. When I think of her situation, I feel a little upset. At this time, I don't know whether Wenjing has brought several of them back to the assembly point, and whether there are any dangerous situations along the way.

For Nightingale, Nightingale's problem is really difficult. Nightingale just dares not to take the inner crystal from the first-order spider. After all, a first-order magic spider is ripped open, and then a small inner crystal of the first-order magic spider is taken out from its body. This scene is really hard for a woman to accept, not to mention Nightingale, even nightrain herself It's disgusting. At the thought of the sticky blue flesh of the first-order devil spider on both hands, the Nightingale has some nausea.

However, Nightingale is not only unable to get the inner crystal from the first-order magic spider. Even when fighting again, she will be pale and weak when she sees the scene of the first-order devil spider's flesh and blood. Her cultivation can't play a part of the usual. Let alone fighting with the first-order devil spider, it can't even resist the attack of those first-order devil spiders.

Night rain can't protect Nightingale all the time. One day, the night rain will also face the time when she can't take care of her. Just like Xiao Han, the eight people's "demon killing team", Xiao Han's strength is always very strong, right? Even though Xiao Han's cultivation and strength are the strongest among all the disciples of Penglai fairyland, there are also times when Xiao Han can't take care of the players under his hand.

Just like the disciple who was saved by Ye Yu before, if ye Yu didn't take care of him, Xiao Han almost died under the attack of the first level devil spider. Therefore, it is not the night rain that keeps watching the Nightingale, and the Nightingale will always be OK. What if the night rain is besieged by dozens of first-order magic spiders that day?

Who will save the Nightingale?

Therefore, for the night rain, if this problem is not solved, the safety problem of nightingales will become the biggest hidden danger among the Emei sect.

It's not that Ye Yu didn't think of a way to solve this problem. For example, she tried to train the Nightingale, let her see the flesh and blood of those first-order magic spiders, and tried to make her get used to that kind of scene slowly. Unfortunately, the night rain did not work for many times. She could only comfort herself that today was only the first day, saying that nightingales would not adapt to it.

The Nightingale incident is the biggest challenge that nightrain is facing now. If we don't find a way to solve it, there will be many headache things for nightrain in the next time.

Now looking at Xiao Han and their eight member "demon killing team", they are cleaning the battlefield with laughter and talking. They take out the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider from the body of those first-order magic spiders. It seems that they are doing a rare and ordinary thing when they open their belly. They are envious of the night rain.

In addition to worrying about his own sister Nightingale, as Xiao Han slowly cleared out the first-order magic spiders in those traps, the night rain really saw Xiao Han's achievements in the day.

The hill that had been piled up on the mountainside was all made up of the corpses of the first-order devil spiders. In addition to the scattered corpses of the first-order evil spiders around, the number of the first-order devil spiders on that hillside may exceed 200.

Now, on the flat land here, night rain saw Xiao Han kill 150 or 60 first-order magic spiders, which were only solved in the sand, and now there are 1560 first-order magic spiders trapped in traps. There are quite a number of them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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