Published at 6th of March 2023 08:38:16 AM

Chapter 1038

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Wudang school and Kunlun school have announced their achievements. Originally, only Zhang Qi and Tian Daren's team were left, and Xiao Han's "demon killing team" had not yet announced their achievements. Now Tian Daren directly announced the dissolution of the team, leaving Xiao Han and his "demon killing team"!

At this time, many people began to look back on Xiao Han, Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others. Now all the famous schools have announced the results of today's day, leaving Xiao Han's demon killing team still not.

In fact, a lot of people are not interested in joining Xiao Han's "demon killing team". After all, if you can follow a famous school like yelongxuan, few people are willing to follow Xiao Han's "demon killing team". Now many people are waiting to see Xiao Han announce their achievements of killing demons. They are just curious.

In any case, Xiao Han is among all the disciples who have entered Penglai fairyland. He ranks first in cultivation and strength. He is also the only master in the peak state of Yuanying period among more than 90 people. He is higher than yelongxuan of Wudang school and Wang Mang of Kunlun school. Therefore, everyone is more curious. Under the leadership of Xiao Han, Xiao Han is more curious What kind of achievements can his "demon killing team" achieve.

In particular, it has been known that Xiao Han's "demon killing team" killed 780 first-order magic spiders, Ye Yu and Zhan Peng. They are very curious. What kind of sensation can Xiao Han create when he publishes some shocking achievements of their "demon killing team".

Ye Longxuan, who has always regarded Xiao Han as the number one competitor, is looking forward to learning about Xiao Han's performance today. After all, his own record is clear in his mind. Although he has a good record compared with other famous schools, he has no reason to think about Xiao Han There is no confidence in it.

As for Wang Mang of Kunlun school, Huafeng of huashanmen and Ouyang Bing of Kongtong school, they also want to know about Xiao Han's achievements. Although they don't regard Xiao Han as the number one competitor, in their opinion, Xiao Han's strength is so strong that their "demon killing team" should be no less successful.

Xiao Han stood up from the sand and walked to the center of the field like the night Dragon Pavilion. Originally, he wanted to introduce the process of killing the first-order devil spider to all people. By the way, he shared the method that he thought of trapping the first-order devil spider to all people, so that they thought whether it had any effect and whether they would use it or not was their business.

But now, Xiao Han feels that the matter should be pressed back. After all, all the people present are just eager to know what their "demon killing team" has achieved in one day.

Of course, Xiao Han can't tell everyone directly. They killed 780 first-order magic spiders one day today. After all, in Xiao Han's opinion, some things should be kept low-key, so Xiao Han doesn't intend to name 780 first-order magic spiders.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said with a loud smile: "we killed 320 first-order magic spiders in a day, but this is not only my contribution to Xiao Han, but also the common contribution of all members of the team. OK, I'll say here. Thank you for your attention!"

After saying that, Xiao Han turned around and walked back, leaving only a back figure for all.

320 first-order spiders?

Isn't this just like ten more first-order magic spiders reported by the night Dragon Pavilion of Wudang sect?

Is all this a coincidence?

Hearing Xiao Han's report of his achievements, yelongxuan's face turned black and blue. No matter who saw the look of yelongxuan, he knew that he was in a bad mood. Originally, 310 first-class magic spiders of Wudang school could be ranked first in all famous schools. But now Xiao Han is not much, just like ten more than one Wudang sect It's just a magic spider. The first place in the ranking list will be changed immediately. Isn't this a naked slap in the face?

For Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, Xiao Han didn't feel surprised at all about the record of 320 first-order magic spiders. After all, they knew that Xiao Han didn't want everyone to know the real record of their "demon killing team" today. It's normal for them to have some reservations, so after Xiao Han finished, they all turned pale Sit still and show no reaction.

However, Ye Yu and Zhan Peng were surprised. Zhan Peng was better. After all, he had tried to persuade Zhong xuanhai before, so he knew more or less about Xiao Han's low-key attitude. Originally, Zhanpeng thought Xiao Han would directly report the achievements of 780 first-order magic spiders, but he didn't expect Xiao Han to reveal only 320 first-order demons Spider, even in this situation, Xiao Han has chosen to keep secrets. I really don't know what Xiao Han thinks. Should we keep the record of the war secret when all disciples of the sect have the right to choose the team freely?

Ye Yu was slightly stunned. Originally she thought Xiao Han would tell all the people present the day's achievements. After all, 780 first-class magic spiders were killed one day. This is a great achievement. As long as it is said, the shock and admiration of all people is not the kind of earnest eyes that ordinary things can enjoy, but Xiao Han actually chooses Choose to keep a secret, which makes the night rain a little confused.At first, Ye Yu thought whether he should stand up and ask Xiao Han what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, but after thinking about it, he held back. No matter what kind of achievements Xiao Han announced, it was Xiao Han's record. After all, Ye Yu was the leader of the Emei sect, not a member of the "demon killing team".

Not waiting for Xiao Han to sit down in the same place, ye Longxuan finally couldn't stand it. Looking at Xiao Han's direction, he asked in a deep voice: "Xiao Han, why don't you kill the devil team? Just like we have ten more first-order magic spiders from Wudang sect?"

Xiao Han, who was just about to sit down, stopped after hearing ye Longxuan's query. Xiao Han turned around and looked at the night dragon Xuan's helplessness and said, "yes, I also feel strange. How can it be just like you have ten more first-order magic spiders? There's no way. We've just killed 320 first-order magic spiders, and we've just killed ten more first-order magic spiders than you. All this is just a coincidence! "


Night dragon Xuan's face became extremely ugly, and his eyes were about to burst out fire. Xiao hanyue said this, the more representative the situation was not as simple as he said. After all, Xiao Han was a man who asked himself more about it. No matter what the situation was, he didn't want to lag behind others.

Even ye Longxuan even thought of another possibility. Now all the shared achievements are just mentioned by the leaders of each team. Is it possible that Xiao Han compiled 320 first-order magic spiders just like Wudang in order to let everyone know that their "demon killing team" is better than Wudang sect Most of the achievements of the school are just the first-class magic spider, in order to suppress the momentum of their Wudang sect?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high. After all, Xiao Han, a guy who always refused to lose, how could he be willing to see that the Wudang sect's record today was better than their "demon killing team". What's more, he announced the results in front of all the disciples?

Thinking of this, ye Longxuan sneered and continued: "Xiao Han, you said that you killed the devil team is not many, many, just like our Wudang school today's War record more than ten first-order magic spider, you can't be in order to surpass our Wudang school's combat performance just nonsense?"

"Isn't it? How dare Xiao Han lie about his achievements? "

"Yes? Does Xiao Han really lie about his achievements? It seems that there is such a possibility. After all, the fighting achievements of their demon killing team are just a little bit better today than those of Wudang sect, which is just a little more than that of Wudang sect? "

"Yes, I think so too!"


there was a lot of discussion on the stage, and Xiao Han naturally stopped in his eyes. Originally, if only ye Longxuan was slandering him, Xiao Han would listen to it casually, and he didn't intend to take it seriously. However, so many people present are beginning to conform to yelongxuan's query, which makes Xiao Han's eyes coagulate and annoy him.

At this time, ye Longxuan stood up to question the performance of their "demon killing team" today. It seems that he is preparing to kidnap the intelligence of the melon eating crowd. If ye Longxuan had not publicly questioned his published achievements, with a trace of instigation and provocation in his words, how could these disciples in the field want to go there?

Xiao Han coldly takes a look at ye Longxuan, and ye Longxuan looks at Xiao Han without showing any weakness. It seems that he wants to find a clue in Xiao Han's eyes to prove whether Xiao Han is lying about his achievements.

But night dragon Xuan looked for a long time, did not see a trace of abnormality in Xiao Han's eyes, but saw a trace of displeasure.

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, then suddenly grinned. He looked at the night Dragon Pavilion and all the disciples of the sect. Then he said with a smile: "the battle record of our demon killing team today is really 320 first-order magic spiders. As for whether you believe it or not, it's beyond my control. If you like to question, you can doubt it!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Han directly sat back to his original place, intending to ignore the queries at the meeting. In any case, no matter how many or how little, people who are willing to join their "demon killing team" will naturally apply for joining. It is useless for you to force those who do not want to join. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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