Published at 6th of March 2023 08:28:00 AM

Chapter 1222

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There are at least two experts in the peak state of the transformation period in a sect. This does not include the disciples of the sect. Those whose cultivation level and strength have reached the middle stage of the transformation period. It seems that the overall strength of the burning heaven palace and the sun moon god Pavilion, Prajna Temple, Linglong academy, Xuantian temple and tianshe league are still very strong.

At this time, Xiao Han thought of another thing, that is, whether there has been any treasure that can restore the spirit of the dead in the market of Lingxiao city.

Wu Yong spent a long time in LingXiao City, and he wandered in the streets every day. He should have a better understanding of the market.

Now, in order to repair the ghost of his master Saint Xu Taoist, Xiao Han wants to look for treasures that can repair the spirit in the market. Instead of wandering around one stall above the market, it's better to ask Wu Yong whether he noticed that there are such treasures on the market before Wu Yong.

Wu Yong had heard Xiao Han talk about Chongxu sect's ancestor, Shengxu Taoist. He also knew that Xiao Han was looking for a kind of treasure that could repair the soul. Now, after hearing Xiao Han's special inquiry about this matter, he carefully thought about it and shook his head and replied, "I've been in Lingxiao city for such a long time, and I haven't heard of anyone who has a baby to repair the remnant soul As for the situation in the market, I know it very well, and no one has ever sold this kind of treasure! "

Hearing this, Xiao Han's face couldn't hide his disappointment.

Before, Xiao Han had always hoped to come to Lingxiao city to find a kind of treasure that could repair the spirit of the dead, help master Shengxu Taoist to repair the spirit, and let him regain his vitality. However, he didn't expect to find such a thing in Lingxiao city in the end.

Think of here, Xiao Han's face flashed a trace of melancholy.

Wu Yong also knows Xiao Han's meaning. Now he hasn't found a good thing that can help the old ancestor Saint Xu Taoist to repair the remnant soul. It's normal for Xiao Han to feel disappointed. Wu Yong comforts him in a soft voice: "don't worry, master. There are more and more disciples of various sects entering Penglai fairyland these days. There should be many new people coming out to set up stalls Well, in the past few days, I've been to the market to inquire more about it. I don't think I can find this kind of treasure? "

Seeing Xiao Han feel so sad about the affairs of the saint Xu Taoist, Wu Yong's heart is also very gratified.

Wu Yong had no doubt about Xiao Han's identity. After all, if Xiao Han was not a disciple of the sect accepted by the Taoist Saint Xu himself, Xiao Han would not have known so much about Chongxu sect.

Moreover, Wu Yong had overheard that his master had mentioned the body building skill "immortal body" practiced by the old ancestor Shengxu Taoist. Before the immortal devil war, there was an old ancestor in Chongxu sect. As a younger brother of the sect leader of Chongxu sect, he didn't like to think about how to refine alchemy, but he found a body building skill 10 by accident He devoted a lot of effort to study, and finally he really got some skills from his brother.

However, Wu Yong did not know much about the cultivation method of "eternal immortality", and he only heard the name from his master.

In Chongxu gate, many of Wu Yong's martial uncles don't know much about "immortal body". Xiao Han knows the existence of "immortal body" and knows the things of Saint Xu Taoist. Wu Yong has no doubt about Xiao Han's identity.

What's more, after Xiao Han heard that Wu Yong was a disciple of Chongxu sect in the market place, he didn't expect that he was wrong. Xiao Han really met the only real disciple in Lingxiao city. This is also a kind of fate that is destined to happen.

Thinking of this, Wu Yong took out a jade ring finger from the bag of heaven and earth. Then Wu Yong knelt down in front of Xiao Han and sent the jade ring finger in his palm to Xiao Han. He said in a positive tone: "Wu Yong, the 36 generation disciple of Chongxu sect, please take over the position of headmaster!"


Xiao Han was just thinking about how to save the master Shengxu Taoist. He had not yet returned to his mind. When Xiao Han reacted, Wu Yong had already knelt down and directly asked Xiao Han to take over the position of sect leader.

What's the situation?

Seeing that Xiao Han didn't respond, Wu Yong quickly explained: "shishuzu, you are the only expert in Chongxu sect now. Please take over the position of Chongxu sect leader and lead the disciples to revive the Chongxu sect's prestige."

Is this the keepsake of Chongxu gate?

Xiao Han looked at the jade ring in Wu Yong's palm and couldn't speak for a long time.

Now, Wu Yong is the only child left in Chongxu gate. Moreover, the Mountain Gate of Chongxu gate is occupied by the people of tianshe League, which is almost the same as killing the gate.

It's not that Xiao Han doesn't look down on the position of the head of Chongxu gate, but even if Xiao Han takes over the position of headmaster of Chongxu gate, when the exit of Penglai fairyland is opened, Xiao Han still needs to return to the secular world first, and it is impossible to follow Wu Yong to the world where Chongxu gate is located.

of course, for the disciples of tianshe league who enter Penglai fairyland, as long as Xiao Han still has In one breath, we will not let the disciples of tianshe League walk out of Penglai fairyland alive. Even if Xiao Han's strength is not enough to deal with the tianshe league's people, this Qiu Xiao Han still wrote down.In this way, Xiao Han felt that he did not need to take over the position of the head of Chongxu gate. Otherwise, when Xiao Han returned to the secular world, Wu Yong could not survive under the pursuit of the heavenly snake alliance.

"Get up, get up, I can't do the position of Chongxu sect leader!"

Xiao Han quickly helped Wu Yong, who was kneeling on the ground.

Wu Yong can't resist Xiao Han. He is still helped up by Xiao Han. However, Wu Yong's eyes are red again.

Wu yongzu swallowed and said, "shishuzu, don't you even want to take over the position of headmaster? So we have no hope of revenge at the Xuxu gate? "

"I don't mean that!"

Xiao Han grinned bitterly and said what he thought in his heart.

Wu Yong was stunned. Xiao Han, the great uncle of Wu, was worried about this problem.

Wu Yong immediately said: "don't worry, after the exit of Penglai fairyland is opened, we will not revenge in the gate of Chongxu, and I will not go back. I will follow you to the secular world, and when shishuzu has the ability of revenge in the future, shishuzu will take me back to the Chongxu gate for revenge!"

Xiao Han thought for a while and asked in doubt, "do you mean that you can shuttle from the secular world to your world in the future?"

Wu Yong said with a smile: "of course, but it is said that if you can tear up the space and switch the world, you should at least cultivate to the realm of spiritual cultivation."

At this time, in fact, Wu Yong was a bit surprised. His master and his martial uncles mentioned a lot about these cultivation realms. After the cultivation reached the spiritual realm, he had the ability to tear apart the space and switch the world. How could he get to the master uncle? He didn't know anything about it?

Xiao Han thought for a moment that he is now the peak state of the spiritual transformation period. He is still a step away from the cultivation realm of the tongxuan period. After the tongxuan period is the Tongyou period, and after the Tongyou period is the channeling period.

There are several cultivation realms in the middle. Although Xiao Han is very confident about the speed of his cultivation, he dare not say that he will be able to cultivate to the spiritual cultivation realm in his lifetime.

Wu Yong then said: "uncle, don't worry. I know how to avenge Chongxu gate easily. Then I'll follow you. I'll go wherever you go. Anyway, I can't go back to Chongxu gate for the time being. When you are strong, we'll find a chance to go back to Chongxu gate for revenge. What do you think?"

Wu Yong's words all said this, Xiao Han had to nod. Anyway, Xiao Han's cultivation realm is still early from the psychic realm that can tear the space, and there is no need to go back to the Chongxu gate. Besides, Wu Yong has said that he is willing to follow Xiao Han all the time, and he is willing to follow Xiao Han to the secular world after the exit of Penglai fairyland is opened First of all, Xiao Han has nothing to say!

Xiao Han then said, "well, you can follow me later. Let's go out of Penglai fairyland alive, and then follow me back to the secular world. When we are strong enough, we will go back to the Chongxu gate for revenge. However, before we go out of Penglai fairyland, we must kill all the people in the sky snake alliance!"

Hearing this, Wu Yong nodded heavily, and said, "OK, kill all of them!"

Xiao Han went on to say, "well, before that, don't expose our Chongxu sect disciple's identity. As for the matter of revenge, we should take a long-term view. Now the most important problem is to improve our cultivation level as soon as possible. Only when we are strong, can we avenge our school and kill all the tianshe League disciples who enter Penglai fairyland."

Wu Yong nodded and said with a smile, "don't worry, I still have a way to hide my identity!"

With that, Wu Yong took out a thin piece of dough from the Qiankun bag. Xiao Han looked at it and found that the one Wu Yong was holding in his hand was completely different from the previous one.

Then, Wu Yong gently covered his face with the mask. After a while, after a while, after that, Wu Yong became another person.

Xiao Han is the first time to see such an imposing thing, and he is also surprised.

Wu Yong changed a mask. Seeing his uncle Xiao Han staring at his face all the time, Wu Yong quickly said with a smile: "shishuzu, this set of face changing is a relic left to me by my master before his death. There are four of this set of face masks, three of which I have used. This is the fourth one. I have never used it before, so no one can recognize me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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