Published at 6th of March 2023 08:20:37 AM

Chapter 1329

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Moreover, Xiao Han knows that it is still unknown whether he can escape under Rudi's hand today. In addition to protecting his life, there is also a very important reason for Xiao Han to convey the news that there is a demon level master hidden in the demon clan team to Lingxiao city.

The emergence of Rudi completely changed the strength contrast between the Terran Qi practitioners and the powerful demons in Lingxiao city. As long as Rudi appeared, neither Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the heaven palace, nor the deadwood master of Prajna temple, could resist it. At that time, I'm afraid that the whole Renqi practitioners in Lingxiao City would be hanged by the demons.

Pass the message back, so that the whole Lingxiao city in the Terran Qi practitioners to prepare as soon as possible, perhaps there is a ray of life.

At this time, when Xiao Han was thinking about how to escape, Rudi said something that shocked Xiao Han.

"I don't want to kill you, but I don't want you to do anything to Berger, so I'll give you a chance to leave here immediately. I don't want to see you or any other people's practitioners in three days, or I'll kill one if I see one!"

Here, Rudy pushed back the black robe on his head, revealing the face under the black robe.

The appearance of Rudi didn't surprise Xiao Han. In the eyes of Xiao Han and his Terran Qi practitioners, all the powerful demons looked similar to each other. They were a scaly face covered with crocodile skin. It was really hard to see.

However, after Xiao Han saw Rudi's face, it was obvious that he was much older than magic Shuai Berg or other demon masters.

Think about it, otherwise, Rudy can't be a demon level master now.

But let Xiao Han the most unexpected is not Rudy suddenly let him see his appearance, but Rudy's words.

Xiao Han even thought that he had heard the wrong thing. Did Rudy mean that he would not be killed?

Why is this?

Xiao Han didn't celebrate that Rudy didn't kill him completely, and even let him go. What made Xiao Han feel incredible is why Rudy did this.

Xiao Han asked himself that he should be the highest level of cultivation and strength among the Terrans in Penglai fairyland. Under normal circumstances, Rudi, the demon king, has no reason to give up an opportunity to weaken the Terran Qi practitioners.

Moreover, Xiao Han also knows that magic Shuai Berg is in the process of healing. As long as Rudi kills himself, when magic Shuai Berg recovers, the whole Terran Qi practitioners in Lingxiao city will be absolutely inferior to the attack of the powerful demons.

But why didn't Rudy not start with Xiao Han?

Xiao Han couldn't think about it.

Rudy will Xiao Han's eyes of consternation, to say that Rudy does not want to kill Xiao Han, it is impossible.

The boy in front of him inadvertently practiced the body building skills of their demons, and Rudy saw through Xiao Han at a glance. Now he has cultivated their body building skills to the level of a magic general.

To know that Xiao Hanzhen really got in touch with the body building skills of the demons, it was less than four months after the entrance of Penglai fairyland was opened. In such a short period of time, Xiao Han was able to cultivate the body building skills of the demons to the level of a magic general. We can imagine how much talent and strength Xiao Han has.

Even among the talented demons, Xiao Han is the top level.

If you kill Xiao Han in front of you, you will be able to help the demons eradicate a big trouble in the future.

However, Rudy knows that it is not the time to kill Xiao Han, nor to kill all the Terran Qi practitioners in LingXiao City, because Rudi's ultimate goal is not to kill all the Terran gas practitioners, but to rescue the Lord from the seal of the town's magic mountain.

And if you want to break the seal, you still need to use Terrans.

Rudy's heart is very clear, if you want to break the seal, you can't do without the help of Terran masters. After all, it's very difficult for the demon clan to get close to the town magic mountain.

It's just that many people who practice Qi are not clear about this kind of thing. Even the people who know the inside of the demons, in Penglai fairyland, in addition to Rudy, are only the superficial demon leader Berger.

Thinking of this, Rudy suppressed the impulse to kill Xiao Han and turned away from Xiao Han.

Rudy is really afraid that he is too long in front of Xiao Han. He can't help but kill Xiao Han. It's better to leave early.

By the time Rudy appeared near a distant valley, Rudy had put the black robe over his head again, and no one could see Rudy's face.

Magic Berger stood near the valley and waited quietly. He saw a bright light flying from the ground in the distance, then leaped into the sky, and soon disappeared in Berger's view.

There was a flash of surprise in Berg's eyes.

Originally, Berg thought that the demon lord Rudi secretly shot, and Xiao Han, the Terran Qi practitioner, must die. But what Berg didn't expect was that Xiao Han still left here alive, and Rudi seemed to have let Xiao Han leave alive on purpose.Really can't think of the connection inside, Berg respectfully asked: "adult, why not kill Xiao Han?"

Rudy looked at Berg in front of him, laughed and then said, "don't worry, Xiao Han, it's very useful for us to break the seal and release the Demon Lord. It's better for us to let him live first."

It seems that he doesn't agree with Rudy's idea, but Berger doesn't dare to show his opposition too much. He knows that his magic commander has no strength to fight back in front of Rudy.

Therefore, Berger said more respectfully: "my Lord, isn't there still Zhang Xiaoqiang? I think it's enough for us to make use of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Xiao Han is really a big problem for us demons. It's better to get rid of it early! "

Rudy didn't seem to be very angry about Berg's query, but it was obvious that Rudy's tone had been a lot colder, "I have my own discretion in how to act."

"Yes, my Lord!"

To hide his anger, Berg bowed slightly at Rudy.

Berg wanted Xiao Han to die very much, and he wanted Xiao Han to die soon.

But Berger is very clear that he has no ability to kill Xiao Han for the time being. Even after his injury recovers, he is still not Xiao Han's opponent without breaking the situation.

However, this does not affect Berger's idea of Xiao Han's death, but in front of Rudi, the devil, Berg dare not show any dissatisfaction, although Rudy himself released Xiao Han.

Rudy turned a blind eye to Berg's mind. He walked back into the valley with his hands on his back. Before he left, he whispered, "you only have three days to heal!"

The sound has not yet completely dissipated, Rudy's figure has disappeared behind Berger.

When Rudy left, Berger slowly raised his head and looked at the light of Xiao Han. There was a trace of resentment in Berger's eyes.


it was not easy to escape from death, but Xiao Han did not have the joy of rebirth after the disaster.

For Xiao Han, why didn't Rudy kill him but let him go? There was a mystery.

Just Xiao Han wants to break, can't you think of Rudy, the demon level master, why should he let himself go?

Of course, Rudy didn't make a move. The blow just made seemed more like a demonstration for Xiao Han. Rudy wanted to tell Xiao Han that if he wanted to kill Xiao Han, it would be easy.

Rudy certainly is not disdainful to do it yourself, according to Xiao Han's guess, Rudy deliberately let himself go, there should be a very deep reason.

At this time, Xiao Han thought of a very important detail.

Just after Rudi was on the road, what impressed Xiao Han the most was Rudi's words pointing to the Zhenmo mountain in the distance. His goal was the demon king under the Zhenmo mountain. The purpose of Rudi's appearance in Penglai fairyland this time was to release the demon king who had been sealed at the foot of Zhenmo mountain by the eight leaders of the Terran more than a thousand years ago.

Yes, Xiao Han thought about why Rudy let himself go.

Xiao Han speculates that the reason why Rudi just didn't kill himself is that Rudy, for his ultimate goal, had to let Xiao Han go first, in order to successfully climb the town magic mountain and release the demon king from its seal.

In other words, Rudy didn't kill himself, probably because he had something to do with Rudy's lifting the seal of magic mountain. Even Xiao Han also thought that Rudy didn't do anything from the beginning to the end in the previous battle, because Rudy needed the Terran gas trainer to complete some things to achieve Rudi's ultimate goal.

Think of here, Xiao Han did not come back from the hopeless life of small lucky, face on the contrary more dignified up.

Just now Rudi casually handed out a punch, Xiao Han found that he had no way to resist it. This powerful force beyond his own level made Xiao Han have no time to react. Rudi's fist was in front of Xiao Han.

It seems to be extremely slow, but it makes people resist. This is a kind of absolute strength and absolute speed control ability, which can not be resisted by a strong man of Xiao Han's level.

Now in Xiao Han's body, the aura keeps rolling. It's very hard for Xiao Han to suppress the rolling aura in his body again and again.

However, Xiao Han found that he seemed to have passed the fist delivered by the demon lord Rudi, and thought of a trace of enlightenment. Xiao Han knew that Rudi, an expert of this level, even if he was seriously injured, would be of great benefit to Xiao Han's own cultivation realm and strength.

Soon, Xiao Han had not entered Lingxiao city. On the tower of LingXiao City, there were left behind disciples of burning heaven palace who found traces of Xiao Han's flying sword.

"Look, Xiao Han is back!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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