Published at 6th of March 2023 09:17:27 AM

Chapter 140

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"Eat slowly." Xiao's mother laughed, and then said, "it's always finished."

Xiao mother is obviously not willing to drink, she wants to leave Chicken Soup for her son to drink.

Xiao Han is in love with his mother. I want my mother to have a bowl of hot chicken soup. Xiao Han simply poured half a bowl of chicken soup into another bowl and picked up more than half of the chicken. And he said, "Mom, these are yours. You eat it. Don't waste it

"You eat, I don't eat." Xiao's mother shook her head and then said, "you are under heavy pressure to study. You should eat more."

"But I really can't eat that much." Xiao Han's tone has been aggravated a little, he is anxious: "if you don't eat, I won't eat either!"

Under Xiao Han's coercion, Xiao's mother can only start eating with chopsticks.

See mother move chopsticks, Xiao Han also began to move chopsticks.

This bowl of chicken soup, Xiao Han drink very happy, also very happy. This kind of happiness is incomparable to anything else.


Cold door training class suddenly changed the teacher, the news soon spread, many parents began to make comments. In their opinion, their children have paid so much tuition, how can they let an inexplicable teacher teach?

Therefore, many parents began to go to the cold door training class office to ask for a statement. However, there are only two security guards on duty in the cold door training class office. These two people can only contact Li daphou.

Li daphou gets the news and finds Xiao Han in the classroom in a hurry.

"Xiao Han, it's bad. Something's wrong." Li Da Pang is in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"The news just came from the training class that many parents have come to make trouble." Li daphou said anxiously, "it's said that we changed the teacher, and they all have their opinions. We are required to replace the teacher. "

"And something like that?" Xiao Han was surprised.

"Yes Li daphou nodded his head in a hurry and said, "what can you do about it?"

"No matter what they are!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "this is what these people are like. If you are soft, they will pinch you as a soft persimmon. They can do whatever they like. You can tell people in the office that you can drop out if you have any opinions. There has never been a shortage of trainees in the cold door training class! "

"Er..." On hearing this, Li said, "this is Is that really good? "

"What's wrong with it?" Xiao Han snapped back and said, "don't give them a chance to kick their nose and face."

"All right." Li Da Pang nodded quickly.

Hanmen training class office.

Competent parents have already sent for the reporter. The reporter came to understand the situation and felt that it was a great news. Because the cold door training class is very famous in LJ City, any news about the cold door training class will be hot news. If you stir fry, maybe the news will be more popular. LJ local television stations, reporters and media quickly set up long guns and short guns, and arranged some on-site. And interview the angry parents on the spot.

"Liars, they are liars. Why do they change teachers?"

"Yes, we protest, we oppose!"

"They are not allowed to change teachers. The college entrance examination is coming soon. If the children's academic performance declines at this time, who will be responsible for it? "

The parents all appeared indignant, one by one very angry. More than a dozen parents have been sitting in front of the office. They decided to use this way to protest against the practice of the cold door training course. In the office, two security guards on duty appeared anxious.

All the people from the TV station came, but they couldn't deal with what happened in front of them. Therefore, they are helpless and innocent.

Seeing that things are about to expand, finally, the phone call above.

"All right, all right!" The security guard went out in a hurry and yelled, "our leader has given the news!"


More than a dozen family leaders stood up one after another.

The reporters of the TV station followed in succession. The camera was aimed at the security guard. The security guard was very proud. He patted his chest and said, "the leader has spoken. If anyone has any opinion on the training course of poor gate, he can choose to quit and the tuition fee of this month will be returned intact. "


There was an uproar at the scene.

"Too It's too wild! "

"Drop out! Drop out of school

A group of parents suddenly became angry, they were angry. I didn't expect that the other side didn't compromise, but even intensified. These parents can afford to pay 1000 yuan a month for training, which is obviously not bad. What they need is an attitude of the training class, but they didn't expect that the other side even said a lot.

"To drop out of school." The security guard said in a hurry: "one by one come in and register. Come and collect the money tomorrow. "

This group of angry parents, at this time did not have a person to register. It's standing at the door protesting, opposing. However, such a practice has no effect at all, but under such circumstances, these parents can only turn to the media and journalists.Soon, not only reporters from local TV stations, but even reporters from provincial stations also came to interview.

With the participation of media reporters, the news spread quickly. Originally, only a few parents knew about it, but later it became known to everyone. However, even so, the attitude of the cold door training class remains unchanged, so parents are very dissatisfied.

Competent parents soon contacted the Education Bureau, hoping that the Education Bureau could put pressure on the poor training class. After all, there are two months to go before the college entrance examination. It's obviously not the right time to change teachers at this time.

The Education Bureau has also received many news.

"Director Wang." The Secretary knocked in.

"What's the matter?" Wang Quanxi looked at the secretary. He just hung up a phone call from an old classmate. It seemed to be asking about the situation of the cold door training class.

"I just received a few complaint calls, saying that the cold door training class changed the teacher without the parents' consent. You see..." The secretary looked at Wang Quanxi solemnly and then said, "this matter Is it under our education bureau? "

"Again?" Wang Quanxi frowned.

Just received not only a question about the cold door training class, but two, one of whom is a friend of the tax department. Another is my old classmate. Although it was all side tapping, he could feel that the other side was coming for this matter.

"Yes The Secretary nodded.

"All right, I see." Wang Quanxi nodded with a cigarette in his hand. Frown. Unexpectedly, a poor training class even disturbed the Education Bureau.

Wang Quanxi knows more or less about this training class, and he also knows that Li hengzhong helped to "endorse" this training class. Therefore, Wang Quanxi decided to contact Li hengzhong for his opinions.

After thinking about it, he called Li hengzhong with the phone.

Li hengzhong received a phone call and said to the point, "Lao Wang, are you coming for the cold door?"

"Ha ha, you're good!" Wang Quanxi laughed and said, "yes, I came here for this. You should have known that? "

"Yes!" Li hengzhong nodded.

"It's not big, it's not small." Wang Quanxi took a puff of smoke and said, "so, I want to hear your opinion on this matter."

"Lao Wang, in fact, I don't think it's necessary for the Education Bureau to go through the muddy water!" Li hengzhong laughed and said, "it's someone else's business after all. Hanmen training class is not affiliated with the Education Bureau. People are just a training class, even if it is really a change of teachers, that can be understood. It's not the volume of money to run away. "

"You're right, too!" Wang Quanxi nodded and said, "but now, parents have a lot of opinions."

"So what?" Li hengzhong said with a smile: "there will be solutions in the training class for poor families. Trust them. "

"All right Wang Quanxi nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Li hengzhong sat in his chair, looking out of the window with a smile on his mouth.

He knows everything about the cold door training class. Moreover, he also knows Li Yunpeng. The reason why he helped Xiao Han was that he knew Li Yunpeng and that Li Yunpeng was a qualified teacher. Li Yunpeng went to the cold door training class. At first, Li hengzhong was very surprised. However, he thought for a while and thought that Xiao Han did make a good move. Before he was still worried about Xiao Han after the college entrance examination, what should the training class do? Now, at last, there is a suitable candidate.

Li hengzhong laughed and said, "Stinky boy, the next step is to see how you go."


It's a big deal. Many parents have come to make trouble. The two security guards obviously couldn't stop the angry parents.

Helpless, Li daphou can only as the person in charge of the cold door training class personally.

Li daphou appeared, and all the parents immediately surrounded him. "What are you doing?" Li said in a loud voice? What do you want to do! "

"Now that you're here, settle this matter." The parents yelled.

"Yes, solve the problem. Don't go if you don't solve it

"Shit!" Li Da Pang was angry. He rolled his sleeves with both hands and said, "do you want to fight? I'm telling you, we've got a solution. If anyone is not satisfied, he will refund the money immediately, and there is no need to wait for tomorrow! "

"We don't need a refund. We're just asking for a statement."

"Yes, we only have one statement."

"We must be given a reasonable explanation. We have only one request, let the former teacher come back to class, and let the present Li Yunpeng get out of here

Parents are indignant, they seem to have decided that the teacher wearing a mask is really a good teacher. Because in their opinion, only excellent teachers need to wear masks. Such teachers do not teach for fame and wealth. They disdain to know anyone and be famous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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