Published at 6th of March 2023 08:13:11 AM

Chapter 1441

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Xiao Han killed so many demon masters outside Lingxiao city before. It seems that no demon master has such a black fog in his body. It seems that only the demon master whose cultivation and strength reach the level of demon king can produce such a black fog in his body.

Xiao Han turns a deaf ear to Rudi's plea for mercy, but at this time, Xiao Han doesn't mind teasing Rudy.

"Want me to let you go? In fact, it's not impossible! " Xiao Han said with a smile at the black fog in his palm.

"Really, are you willing to let me go?" Rudy, who was in the dark fog, was surprised to ask.

"Unless I can kill the devil who is sealed at the foot of the town's magic mountain, as long as I can kill the demon general, I will surely release you!"

"You... You don't want to!"

Where does Xiao Han pay attention to Rudi's threat now? Even Rudi's demon king's body has been cut into mud by all the Terran gas refiners. Rudi, once a mighty demon, now has only such a black fog. Where will Xiao Han take Rudi's threat as his heart.

Originally, Xiao Han was thinking about whether to find a chance to devour the evil Qi left by Rudi. After all, Xiao Han's "immortal body", that is, the body building skill of the demon clan, has not made any progress for a long time.

Now Xiao Han, which is equivalent to the strength of a magic general, is just a little more powerful than ordinary magic generals.

As long as Rudi left this group of life to devour, I think it should be able to let Xiao Han's "immortal body" once again.

However, Xiao Han thought for a while, and felt that he could not be in a hurry for a moment.

After all, now Xiao Hancai has just stepped into the early stage of the spiritual cultivation. Now Xiao Hancai has just stabilized his cultivation realm and strength. This is not the time to do such a risky move.

After all, the evil spirit left by a super strong demon king level must be extraordinary. Xiao Han wondered whether he would swallow up the life evil Qi left by Rudi of the demon king level after his cultivation realm and strength were improved again.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han no longer paid attention to Rudi's incessant begging for mercy, and directly put the black fog into the bag of heaven and earth.

At this time, the surrounding Terran gas refiners began to wake up one after another.

Many people's eyes are full of ecstasy. You know, they just practiced for a short hour, but they not only replenished the aura consumed in their bodies, but also found that the muscles and veins in their bodies actually showed signs of expansion again.

That is to say, many Terran gas refiners have just practiced for one hour, and their cultivation level and strength have been improved a little bit. If they continue to practice, it is not that many Terran gas refiners can break the mirror smoothly.

Xiao Han seemed to see through everyone's ideas. Xiao Han had no choice but to smile bitterly: "gentlemen, it's not too early now. Those who are qualified to climb the town magic mountain should go to the town magic mountain first. If we have more time when we come back, we will continue to practice for a period of time. As for other people, it is not impossible to stay here to practice."

What Xiao Han said is that only the Terran gas refiners who are qualified to climb Zhenmo mountain, at least the top ten in the combat power ranking list, are qualified to climb Zhenmo mountain. As for other Terran gas refiners, they can only stay in this level of boundary.

In addition to the dead wood master of Prajna temple, Yang Kang of Linglong academy and the admission of sun moon god Pavilion, three top ten human gas refiners were killed in battle.

There is a vacancy in the battle effectiveness ranking list, not to mention that it is replaced by the Terran gas refiners behind.

Xiao Han's voice just dropped, and the other nine people also stood up.

In addition to Xiao Han and Zhang Xiaoqiang, the night dragon Xuan of Wudang sect and the night rain of Emei sect are also among the nine people, including Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team. As for the other Terran gas refiners, they are basically the top 11 to 20 top-20 people in the combat power ranking list.

If the number of Terran gas refiners who had just died in the battle with Ludi and Berger was too many, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team would not have been qualified to enter the previous life ranking of combat effectiveness.

Add Xiao Han, a total of 10 people, then the remaining 11 people can only stay in the same place to practice, waiting for Xiao Han and his people to come back from Zhenmo mountain smoothly.

Among them, Wu Yong of chongxumen and nightingales of Emei sect are among them. Their eleven members can only stay in the eight times gravity area to practice, waiting for Xiao Han and them to come back.

However, for Wu Yong and Nightingale, they are not qualified to climb the town magic mountain. However, it is also a great opportunity to stay in the surrounding environment of eight times gravity. After all, the efficiency of cultivation in the surrounding eight times gravity area is more than four times higher than that outside the boundary.It's too late for them to be happy to stay here and practice. Now Xiao Han and his ten top ten Terran gas refiners in the battle power ranking list are going to Zhenmo mountain. Of course, there is no one to envy.

After Xiao Han and Zhang Xiaoqiang explained some things to the remaining eleven people, they were ready to start.

According to a suggestion put forward by Xiao Han, the only thing left for the eleven people to be on guard against is the devil burger.

After all, Berger has just escaped, but his strength is not damaged, and his combat effectiveness is still very strong. If he did not go far, when Xiao Han and his Terran gas refiners boarded the town magic mountain, they might kill a bullet back.

Therefore, Xiao Han's suggestion is that it is not impossible for the remaining 11 members of the Qi refining clan to practice. It is better to practice in front of the barrier near Zhenmo mountain. After all, their position is too close to the four times gravity area. Once Berger really appears, they will not have much reaction time.

Moreover, Xiao Han also suggested that the remaining 11 people should not practice at the same time. At least one person should be assigned to be the guard figure, and the eleven people should come in turn. This should be more stable.

Xiao Han took everyone to the barrier to enter Zhenmo mountain. At last, eleven people such as Wu Yong of Chongxu gate and Nightingale of Emei sect stopped. Ye Yu and Xiao Han and others said hello to Wu Yong and Nightingale and walked into the barrier.

Wu Yong and Nightingale and others sat down cross legged nearby, ready to enter the state of cultivation.

The first one to take charge of the guard task was a disciple of the burning heaven palace. It was not Hua Shao and Yan Wushuang, but the little guy who was in charge of working as a bartender in the tavern opened by the burning heaven palace.

The disciple of the burning heaven palace is one or two years older than Wu Yong and Ye Yu of Chongxu gate. He looks smart. Otherwise, he will not be assigned to be in charge of the whole pub.

What's more, the talent and root of this guy's cultivation is quite good, and now he is the strength of the peak state of the transformation period.

Although he has just stepped into the peak state of the transformation period, it seems that his talent and backbone are much better than ordinary disciples.

You know, the burning heaven palace arranged for him to take charge of the tavern. During the day, he and all the people would go to the city head of Lingxiao city to fight with the demons. When the battle in the daytime was over, he had to wait in the tavern, so there was not much time for cultivation in one day.

As for the continuation of the battle, relying on the pub to earn the magic spider Neijing is no longer as good as the harvest in the battle. Therefore, the reason why the tavern opens one day is not to earn the magic spider Neijing from the disciples of LingXiao City, but to have a place to drink, so that the Terran gas refiners in Lingxiao city can relax.

As time went by, Xiao Han and his nine Terran gas refiners crossed the barrier and entered the inner part of Zhenmo mountain. After about an hour, a figure appeared in the four times gravity area.

This figure is just Berg who ran away in confusion before.


Xiao Han was the first one to cross that barrier. When Xiao Han stood firm, his eyes narrowed, and he found the abnormal situation around him.

Xiao Han and others are now in a very dark space with low visibility. In front of Xiao Han and others, a small mountain not high or low stands not far away. It seems that as long as you go forward for a minute or two, you can get to the foot of the mountain peak, where there is a path that leads straight to the top of the mountain.

This is not the most surprising thing for Xiao Han, but the surrounding environment.

The environment here should also be in the gravity environment, but Xiao Han, who can completely ignore the surrounding environment in the eight times gravity area, now appears at the foot of Zhenmo mountain, but the pressure from all over his body makes Xiao Han a little breathless.

"What? 16 times gravity? "

Xiao Han couldn't help exclaiming.

"Cluck, cluck..."

behind Xiao Han, there was a very dense clucking sound. Xiao Han knew that this was the unbearable sound of the people behind him, the joints of their bodies in the surrounding gravity environment.

Xiao Han turned his head with some difficulty and found that the faces of the nine people who were standing behind him showed a trace of crying in varying degrees. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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