Published at 6th of March 2023 08:09:27 AM

Chapter 1513

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Xiao Han is also very clear that even if Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren admire and admire them again, they will only call Xiao Han the boss, and let them change their faces and worship Xiao Han as their teacher, which is absolutely impossible.

Of course, Xiao Han was also aware of this situation, so after coming out of Penglai fairyland, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren went back to their respective ancestral gates to report their lives. Xiao Han did not say anything.

However, the ancestor of blood knife is different. He was born in sanxiu and always considered his own interests.

That's why when the five subordinates of blood knife ancestor knew that they were not Xiao Han's opponents at all, they immediately told Xiao Han everything he wanted to know.

If it wasn't for that time that they didn't really know where the ancestor of bloody sword was, I'm afraid Xiao Han would have given them a clear and honest account as soon as he asked them. Even if Xiao Han asked them to lead the way to the ancestor, they would be willing to do it, just to save their lives.

Xuedao Laozu has been struggling in his heart, Xiao Han does not urge.

After all, such a thing, we must be willing to do.

As the saying goes, it's not sweet to twist a dog. If the bloody old ancestor is not willing, even if he agrees on the spot, he can repent afterwards. However, Xiao Han has to spend some time to find out and kill the bloody old ancestor and his followers who don't keep his word.

After thinking about it, ancestor Xuedao finally sighed.

The hope of improving the realm of cultivation overcame all the rationality of the blood knife ancestor.

What's more, Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength are more than enough to be the master of his cultivation in the early period of transforming God.

Thinking of this, Xuedao Laozu stood up, then stepped back two steps, and knelt down in front of Xiao Han with a direct plop, and bowed to him.

"Disciple blood knife, see the master."

The five hands not far away looked at each other.

Is this the case of Shenma? His boss actually takes this young man as his teacher?

What happened?

The eldest brother is going to call Xiao Han Shigong, so they are the people who are the ancestors of bloody swords. Are they going to call Xiao Han Shigong?

Nima, it's two generations behind?

However, when Xiao Han thought that he could make the old man of blood knife master upgrade two small realms in a short time, if Xiao Han was willing, wouldn't he let them who were in the state of primordial cultivation step into the stage of transforming God in minutes?

After stepping into the period of God transforming, it's the ability to fly the sword. When the time comes, you can walk on the immortal sword and roam the sky. What a pleasant and breeze it is?

Thinking of this, the five monks looked at each other, and then ran to Xiao Han in front of him and behind him. He also looked like a scholar, and bowed to Xiao Han.

"My grandson visited Shigong. Please give me your advice."

"My grandson visited Shigong. Please give me your advice."


when he heard the cry behind him, the blood knife ancestor scolded him in his heart.

These guys are really on both sides. When they see that they worship Xiao Han as their teacher in order to improve their cultivation level and strength, they come to recognize Shigong with their buttocks urinating.

It's... Shameless.

However, Xuedao Laozu scolded him in his heart, but he didn't dare to show his displeasure in front of Xiao Han, because he didn't want to leave a bad impression on his master Xiao Han.

At this time, Li Xiaoya, on the second floor, had just finished washing out of the bathroom. A bath towel wrapped her graceful figure, revealing only two snow-white arms and a groove with snow flowers on her chest.

Bath towel is too short, can cover Li Xiaoya's sensitive parts, exposed two jade legs, if other men see, keep boiling blood.

But the French window glass can only see from the inside outside, but there is no way to see inside.

Li Xiaoya wipes her wet hair with a towel. When she looks at it, she can see that the blood knife ancestor and the five monks kneel in front of Xiao Han and pound their heads like garlic.

"What is it? At the beginning, I was beaten to death. Why did I take a bath and kowtow now? Are these people too spineless? Well, it's still my Xiao Han who is very good. "

Li Xiaoya muttered twice, and felt very boring, so she went into the room to blow her hair.

Xiao Han laughs and calmly accepts the worship of the ancestor of blood knife and the worship of the five monks.

However, this is not the same as Xiao Han's idea.

Where does Xiao Han want to accept the apprentice of Xuedao Laozu? He is very old. Even if he still has the hope of breaking the mirror in his life, his potential is limited.

Although Xiao Han has always been unruly in nature, he has taken in a disciple of 100 years old, which is a bit of a shame, isn't it?

What's more, the blood knife ancestor is so ugly and his appearance is so low that it's not good to be an apprentice.

As for the five subordinates of bloodknife ancestor, Xiao Han is even more despised.It's OK for such a person to be a little Luo Luo, but to be an apprentice?

Xiao Han has no spare time.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand, kneeling on the ground felt a soft force to hold his body up, and he could not help but stand up straight.

As for the five free practices behind the blood knife ancestor, the best one is to wipe eyes and observe color.

Even if Xiao Han didn't ask them to get up, the eldest blood knife ancestor was all helped up by the teacher, and when they saw Xiao Han smiling, they were relieved to stand up with him.

Laozu Xuedao thought that the etiquette of apprenticeship was over. He was about to call the master again when he heard Xiao Han laughing: "Lao Dao, you misunderstood me. Where do I want you to be my apprentice? I want you to be my servant and do things for me."


"Not a teacher?"

This is not only the bloody sword ancestor is stupid, but also the five casual practitioners behind him.

Originally, Xiao Han didn't want to accept them as apprentices, but wanted them to be his subordinates and work around him?

The ancestor of blood knife said happily: "boss Xiao, in the future, my blood knife will be your man. If you let me go east, I will go east. If you let me go west, I will go west. I will obey you absolutely."

It must be better to be a subordinate than a teacher.

Working under Xiao Han's hand is Xiao Han's younger brother. Although there is only one word difference between him and his apprentice, there is a big difference between them.

Of course, ancestor Xuedao is willing to be Xiao Han's younger brother, not his apprentice.

To be Xiao Han's younger brother, all the benefits can still be obtained. In the future, when his wings are hard, maybe he can go out and set up his own house and fly freely. But the apprentice is not the same.

Apprentice, that's Xiao Han's life, but Xiao Han's ghost is dead.

Therefore, it is normal that the ancestor of bloody sword almost jumped up after hearing Xiao Han's words.

As for the five loose repairs behind the blood knife ancestor, they were all laughing.

Xuedao Laozu became Xiao Han's younger brother, and five of them were his younger brothers. Where did Xuedao Laozu benefit from Xiao Han, how could he have lost their share.

Blood knife ancestor follows Xiao Han to have meat to eat, they also can gnaw a bit bone at least?

For the five of them, it's very good to have bone gnawing. What do you want?

"Boss, we will follow you in the future. We will do as we are told."

"That's right, old man. After all, the five of us will follow you to have a meal with the bloody old ancestor. We will do whatever you ask us to do, and will never violate your will."


"old boss?"

That's a very awkward title.

Xiao Han was a little dumbfounded.

Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile, "you five go to one side first and wait. I have something to say with you bloody ancestor."

The five men turned around and left.

They are also very clear in their hearts. Now they are in the space blockade established by Xiao Han. Although Xiao Han talks to bloodknife ancestor alone, they can hear them standing in the distance.

Besides, now that they recognize Xiao Han as the old boss, they dare not violate it.

After waiting for Xiao's, he said, "respectfully wait for the old man to stand in front of him, respectfully ask the elder brother to leave."

Xiao Han smiles, then reaches out his hand and grabs out a pair of first-order magic spider Neijing from the heaven and earth bag and puts it in front of the bloody sword ancestor.

"This is the first level magic spider inner crystal, which I brought back from Penglai fairyland. It contains much more pure aura of heaven and earth than our secular world. If you want to improve your cultivation level, as long as you have enough magic spider inner crystals, it is not difficult to raise one or even two small realms in a short time."

With that, Xiao Han laughed and said nothing.

Laozu Xuedao grabs an inner crystal of the first-order demon spider from the stone table and puts it in his hand. His cultivation level and strength are not low. Of course, you can feel that this small crystal contains abundant aura.

The expression on the face of blood knife ancestor is more and more happy.

According to Xiao Han, as long as he can get enough first-order magic spider inner crystals from Xiao Han, he can directly refine the crystal and absorb the aura contained in it. In this way, it is not difficult to improve one's cultivation level.

Thinking of this, ancestor Xuedao once again knelt down in front of Xiao Han, but this time he knelt on one knee.

I saw the old ancestor of blood knife clasped his fist at Xiao Han and said: "boss Xiao, I swear to the heaven that I will follow you wholeheartedly in the future. If you have any other intention, I will be punished by God."

Xiao Han nodded with a smile. He knew that he would take out the inner crystal of the first-order demon spider. Now the ancestor of bloody sword has decided to follow him.As for the other five free repairs, their faces were full of surprises. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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