Published at 6th of March 2023 08:07:56 AM

Chapter 1541

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After all, his current strength has already reached the point of PI Gu.

Without any food, Xiao Han was able to stick to it for months.

As long as Xiao Han's aura still exists, Xiao Han will not die.

Entering his own room, Xiao Han is very satisfied with the environment and decoration of the room.

Xiao Han also knows very well that Yulong mountain is a famous mountain in China. Yulong mountain is the only mountain over six kilometers in a radius of hundreds of miles. The peak top is always

the next morning, Xiao Han and Xuedao Laozu met Yunshao and Chen Dashao in the breakfast restaurant, with four young and beautiful girls eating breakfast.

With a smile, Xiao Han and Xuedao Laozu went to eat breakfast.

At this time, Yunshao and Chen Dashao transferred two SUVs from other places to the gate of Tianfu supreme hotel by truck.

These two off-road vehicles are not too luxurious models. They are just herdsmen. They are pure professional off-road vehicles among the off-road vehicles.

It's a strange car in this day and age.

There is no technology content in the car. The most advanced function on the car should be Bluetooth. Most of the other functions are manual.

Start with the key, manual windows, all kinds of lights are manual, the interior is also dirt.

But this car drives out to pull the wind, which is more than the drugs like bullying.

What's more, Xiao Han knew that the two herdsmen had been modified. The intake pipe was changed to the roof, the chassis was armored, the exhaust was changed, and a row of searchlights were installed on the ceiling.

On this posture, not to mention self driving tour, to the south pole is enough.

Willing to spend the money to transport two off-road vehicles from other places to Tianfu City, this arm is not small.

Xiao Han and blood knife ancestor are not so surprised, after all, for Xiao Han, what luxury cars have seen, he has no interest in this.

As for blood knife ancestor, he is even less interested. In his opinion, all cars and SUVs are similar. The only difference between them is that cars and SUVs are more comfortable to drive.

When we set out, Xiao Han sat in Yunshao's car, Xiao Han sat in the co pilot, and the remaining two girls sat in the back seats.

It can be seen that Yunshao is very warm to the younger sister in the back row, who is more beautiful and more beautiful. Of course, she is not bad to the other girl.

As for the blood knife ancestor, he was sitting in the car of Chen Dashao.

This makes Chen Dashao feel a little boring.

There is an old man in the car. What's the fun?

As soon as he got on the bus, Xiao Han began to keep his eyes closed. It was obvious that he didn't talk about sex. Yun Shao, who was in charge of driving, didn't pull Xiao Han to chat. Instead, he chatted with two girls in the back row, which made them laugh from time to time.

As for Xiao Han, who is sitting in the front row, the two girls always hold a cautious attitude. They think that he is a little difficult to get close to and seems not to be very easy to get along with. Although he is beautiful, he has a high and cold feeling in dealing with people.

Before getting on the bus, Xiao Han just smiles at them. Even if it is a greeting, there is basically no communication between the two sides at other times.

Yunshao's car is in the front, while Chen Dashao's is in the back.

What Xiao Han and Yunshao didn't expect was that the atmosphere in the car driven by Chen Dashao was much more enthusiastic than that of their car.

Don't open a bloody sword. My grandfather is not young, but it's still very exciting to collude with my sister.

Now, basically, Chen can't get in a word, leaving the bloody old ancestor to burst into saliva with his two sisters.

Chen Dashao's face was a little ugly, but in this case, he could not lose his temper.

Xuedao Laozu is telling his two sisters how he lived in the wild mountains and forests when he was young. He did not have any supplies or contact with the outside world. He lived a savage life alone in the mountains and forests.

What they eat and drink every day, and how many large carnivores they can meet every day, they are said to be very tasty. The two girls lived in big cities since childhood, and naturally they have not seen the cruelty of wild life, so they are also very interesting.

Chen Dashao was left in the cold, and it was hard to say anything. You can imagine the depression in his heart.

After a four hour long journey, the two cars finally got off the highway in the suburb of a small county.

The next journey is provincial road, the road condition is relatively poor.

However, the scenery on both sides of the provincial road is much better than that on the highway.

There are many mountains in northern Sichuan, and they are not the small hills along the coast of China. The mountains in northern Sichuan are one after another and connected in patches.

Mountains above 5000 meters above sea level are rare in other places, but in the whole north of Sichuan, there are 20 or 30 peaks above 5000 meters above sea level.

Now they appear in the small county, located at the foot of a big mountain.After getting off the highway, Yunshao proposes to find a farmhouse on the side of the road and have lunch before going on the road.

Xiao Han said there was no comment.

As for the two girls in the back, their stomachs had been purring for a long time.

After parking the car, Chen Dashao swung hard, and the door closed heavily. I can see that Chen Dashao's face is very bad.

"Chen Dashao, what are you doing?" Cloud little one face is stunned of ask a way.

"It's OK!"

Without saying a word, Chen Dashao walked into the hotel and took a seat at random.

Where's the ancestor of blood knife?

He got out of the car with his two girls in full face and chatted with them while walking.

I don't know what interesting things they are talking about. In short, the two girls laugh like silver bells from time to time.

For Chen big little abnormal, Xiao Hansi did not care.

What do I have to do with the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of a mole ant?

This is a farm by the provincial road.

When Xiao Han and his wife walked into the hotel, they saw that in addition to them, there were several tables of people eating in the hotel.

Listening to many cars at the door, it seems that the business of this hotel is good.

It is close to the mountainous area, but the economic conditions of this small county seat are not poor because of its dependence on mountains, tourism, planting and breeding in mountainous areas.

As can be seen from the local cars outside, the aborigines here are still very rich.

Judging from the dense wine bottles on the table next to them, the atmosphere of drinking here is very strong, and the local people have a good amount of wine.

Sitting beside Xiao Han, Yunshao is worried.

They have four charming beauties here, surrounded by big men drinking. In this case, it is easy to have some unpleasant things.

In addition to the four delicate beauties, the three of them had an old man. In the eyes of those picky men, they had no difference.

In this case, it would be troublesome for those drunk people to see the color or something.

Not only is Yunshao worried, but also Chen Dashao, who is in a bad mood.

The four girls around her seem to have noticed something wrong on the field. They dare not speak one by one, so they sit on the stool and drink tea in silence.

As for Xiao Han and Xuedao Laozu, they sat in the same place with calm faces. They did not worry about what would happen in such places.

It seems that Laozu Xuedao has dried up his saliva in the car, so he basically doesn't say anything now. He just drinks the tea on the table. It seems that he is really thirsty. Soon, a pot of tea is snowed to Laozu and almost drinks.

There is no box in this hotel. If there is a box, Yun Shao and Chen Dashao will definitely choose to sit in the box.

The whole restaurant is full of picky big men eating, only on their table, there are four Petite little beauties.

Therefore, it naturally attracted the attention of almost the entire hotel customers.

A lot of people are eating and drinking, while secretly looking at this side.

Yunshao and Chen Dashao face a little embarrassed, but they don't want to be seen that there is some emptiness in their hearts, so they strongly pretend to be very calm.

After a short time together, Xiao Han also learned the origin and background of Yunshao and chendashao.

This cloud is called Yunhui and Chen is called Chen Jin.

Yun Hui and Chen Jin are classmates. Both of them are from China.

The family is open factory, so the economic conditions are very good.

This time I went to the north of Sichuan Province. I made an appointment with two people to go to Yulong mountain.

Most tourists go to Yulong mountain by bus with tour group. In the past, there are more tourists.

Of course, nowadays, there are many people who choose to travel by car.

However, most of the self driving tourists either drive from home to North Sichuan all the way and play while driving, or rent a car to Yulong Mountain in Tianfu city or near Yulong mountain after arriving in northern Sichuan by plane.

The latter is the lowest cost, and can enjoy the pleasure of self driving tour, so this way is most popular.

As for Yunshao and Chen Dashao, there are some local tyrants.

They directly transported two herdsmen to Tianfu city by truck from Lingnan, and then set out from Tianfu city to Yulong mountain.

This kind of travel is a bit luxurious. After all, the Portuguese can not afford to transport two herdsmen from Lingnan to Tianfu city by truck.

Maybe this is the difference between local tyrants and ordinary people.

At last, Yunshao said, "brother Xiao, this man is..."

all the way, Yunshao never asked Xiao Han who the old man was.

Now, after thinking about it, they all have to find a topic to talk about, so Yunshao took the initiative to ask.Xiao Han laughed and did not speak. The bloody ancestor sitting beside him said, "Xiao Han is my... Master."

Originally, Xuedao Laozu wanted to say that Xiao Han was his eldest brother. However, the word "eldest brother" really has a strong sense of the world. Therefore, Laozu Xuedao used Laoda to describe Xiao Han. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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