Published at 6th of March 2023 07:58:57 AM

Chapter 1649

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Fire control is not only used for fighting, but also for performing.

If you want to be an alchemist, you must first learn how to control fire. The fire used for alchemy is not ordinary flame. The terrible high temperature emitted by the blue flame in Chen Xiao's hands can be felt. As time goes on, the bluestone floor tiles under Chen Xiao's feet seem to be melting.

It is conceivable that even steel can be melted under these two terrible blue flames.

In addition to alchemy, fire control is also a good fighting method for alchemists. Even in front of the same level of alchemists, the alchemists who use fire control technique have a 90% chance of winning.

Fire control is not only amazing, but also terrifying in battle.

Judging from the previous confrontation between Chen Xiao and Xiao Han, although Chen Xiao's cultivation and strength are the highest level in the period of general metaphysics, but because Chen Xiaogang has just broken through the mirror, and Xiao Han's strength is somewhat abnormal, Chen Xiao's cultivation level and strength are in a weak position when compared with Xiao Han by conventional means.

But now it's not the same. Chen Xiao used the unique means of alchemy to control fire, which made him more likely to defeat Xiao Han.

But did not expect Xiao Han to follow Chen Xiao to imitate once, also initially mastered the fire control technique.

Chen Xiao was shocked, but he still didn't believe that the fire control skill he had practiced for many years could not be better than Xiao Han, who had just started.

In fact, for Xiao Han, the difficulty of controlling fire is not very high.

Xiao Han was born as a monk, but every realm of cultivation came up step by step. I'm afraid the stability of his cultivation realm is no less than that of anyone in the Xiaoyao sect.

Now that Chen Xiao has started, Xiao Han also starts to stimulate the spirit of his body to flow to his arm. Then the two light blue flames of Xiao Han's palm are more and more vigorous.

The appearance of Chen Xiao, a scholar of Xiao Han, also stimulates the two more and more vigorous flames in his palm. Xiao Han's left and right hands seem to hold a light blue flame whip.

Xiao Han threw his hands, the fire in his hands fell on the ground, and there were two burning black marks on the hard bluestone.

"Hey, this is fun, this is fun!"

Under this, even Xiao Han himself was frightened by the power of the flame whip in his hands.

"Sleeping trough, so handsome and handsome."

"Yes, if I can master fire control skills, I will definitely be a match for my younger sister in the future."

"Go away, Duzi. It's up to you. If you know how to control fire, the girls in the family don't stick up in line."


now, Chen Xiao and Xiao Han control the fire control technique at the same time in the process of competition. It seems that they are performing a performance. Many disciples of the Xiaoyao sect in the stands have uttered a burst of exclamation.

Controlling fire was originally an extremely dazzling skill. Even in the Xiaoyao sect, only some alchemists in the fire temple had this ability. Moreover, in the Xiaoyao sect, there were not many alchemists, and those alchemists in the fire god hall had a higher status in the Xiaoyao sect.

So don't say they are ordinary disciples of the Xiaoyao sect. Even some female disciples, watching the fire control performance on the field, can't help but look at the stars. This elegant and dazzling fighting style makes them yearn for it.

Seeing the long flame whip in Xiao Han's hand, Chen Xiao's eyes flashed with surprise.

Xiao Han is really a little strange. He is not very proficient in fire control, but it seems that his opponent's ability to control the fire is beyond his expectation.

however, if Xiao Han only can do this, he is not afraid at all. After all, how can Xiao Han surpass him in the control of fire control?

Chen Xiao's feet slightly twist, and then the whole body is turned into a shadow, directly to Xiao Han's violent rush.

When he saw Chen Xiao rushing towards him, Xiao Han raised his eyebrows and grinned slightly. If it was before, Xiao Han would be in a hurry when facing this kind of fire attack for the first time, but now it is not the same. At once, Chen Xiao has some, he Xiao Han also has.

Xiao Han's arm vibrated, and the two flame whips on his hand immediately turned into a fuzzy shadow and shot out. When the terrible high temperature cuts through the air, it brings out the wind.

Xiao Han used this flame for the first time. Xiao Han found that the speed of the fire whip was extremely fast. However, when it was about to attack Chen Xiao's body, the two dark blue fire dragons around the surface of Chen Xiao's body suddenly accelerated and bombarded them with Xiao Han's two flame whips. In a flash, countless sparks broke out on the field.

This scene of sparks splashing everywhere is rare in the whole xiaoyaozong, so all the people on the field are staring at the battle between Xiao Han and Chen Xiao, enjoying the rare scenery.

The scene of sparks only lasted for a short moment. The two dark blue fire dragons in Chen Xiao's hand shot out again at Xiao Han's storm. Xiao Han's two blue whips were completely resisted by the blue fire dragon in Chen Xiao's hand.Chen Xiao is close to Xiao Han's body within three meters. His mouth bends with a smile. Then his hands open and close, and the dark blue fire dragons become more and more vigorous. Then the two fire dragons in Chen Xiao's hands suddenly rotate at high speed. Then the two fire dragons shrink rapidly and become a big fireball in a short moment.

In that Xiao Han's fireball above, the faint blue flame is beating, constantly ejecting the terrible high temperature outward.

Chen Xiao suddenly changed his moves. Before that, the two fire dragons turned into a fireball. It seemed that Xiao Han was not very proficient in fire control. He laughed and said, "Hey, the one I used just now is just the introduction to the fire control technique. Now the fireball in my hand is the unique skill of the fire god hall. The power of breaking out with fire is absolutely super As you can imagine. In the fire shrine, few people can do it "

Chen Xiao's face is a little proud. He saw Xiao Han, but he only roughly mastered the basic skills of controlling fire, and immediately changed his tactics when he failed to hit the target.

The little blue fireball was beating in Chen Xiao's palm, making a whine and roar. Chen Xiao grinned and smashed his palm at Xiao Han's chest. The ball of fire rushed to Xiao Han at a very fast speed.

the dark blue fireball pointed at Xiao Han with terrible high temperature and violent energy around. In the process, the small fireball was even in the air High speed rotation makes the surrounding energy more and more violent.

"NIMA, what's the matter? It's like a bomb. It's more terrifying than a bomb."

At this moment, Xiao Han is also aware of a trace of danger, Chen Xiao threw over the fireball, the energy is extremely violent, even Xiao Han has some scalp numbness.

"There are indeed some ways in the fire god Hall of xiaoyaozong. In addition to lighting the aura, they can use it like this! No wonder the fire Temple of xiaoyaozong has such a high status in the sect. These so-called alchemists really have two brushes. "

In addition to refining pills, alchemists can control the fire control technique, so that the combat effectiveness is much stronger than ordinary gas refiners.

Xiao Han is clearly aware of the terrifying energy contained in the dark blue fireball, and a touch of surprise flashed in Xiao Han's heart.

His heart moves with his will. This time, Xiao Han did not look like Chen Xiao, a scholar. He also fused his long braid into a fireball.

After all, Xiao Han's heart is also very clear, before his appearance Chen Xiao's fire control skill, that's because Chen Xiao's performance is relatively simple. No matter the way or skill of aura operation, Xiao Han can see a general idea.

But Chen Xiao's move is not so simple.

So Xiao Han gave up the possibility of imitating Chen Xiao. Now what Xiao Han needs to face is the fireball shot by Chen Xiao.

Just when the ball of fire was about to concentrate on Xiao Han, in the blink of an eye, Xiao Han waved the flame whip of his left hand to the fireball shot by Chen Xiao, while the flame whip of Xiao Han's right hand was quietly dragged to the ground by Xiao Han, as if Xiao Han had given up all his strength to resist.

Xiao Han left the fire dragon on such a quiet trip on the ground, the terror of the high temperature on the ground burning, Zizi sound, but did not cause Chen Xiao's attention.

Don't say Chen Xiao, even other people on the field, at this time, all the attention is put on the two sides who are about to collide.

At this time, the blue fireball shot by Chen Xiao was finally carrying the sharp wind breaking sound, and smashed the whip in front of Xiao Han.


suddenly, a violent explosion sound changed the color of heaven and earth, making the sun and moon dim. The collision between the two sides brought a circle of fire waves and sparks, which spewed out from the positions where Xiao Han and Chen Xiao stood.

All of a sudden, a layer of heat wave began to sweep the whole stage. The disciples of the sect sitting in the front rows could not help avoiding the sudden heat.

As for the elders on the Presbyterian table, they did not move. It seems that the high temperature did not affect them in any way.

When the sparks of the fire wave river had just erupted, Chen Xiao suddenly shot back. After rubbing his feet against the ground for a long distance, he looked up at the place where the sparks and fire waves had gradually disappeared. However, Xiao Han could not see the place where he had stood before To half a person.


at this time, a burst of exclamation came from the stands. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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