Published at 6th of March 2023 07:58:36 AM

Chapter 1656

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After watching Lu Xuan's fight for a while, Xiao Han can only shake his head helplessly. The situation on the field is obviously Lu Xuan's deliberate effort.

Xiao Han's heart is very clear, Lu Xuan this woman obviously just took out a part of the strength to fight with the opponent, from the beginning to the end did not see Lu Xuan take the initiative to attack the opponent.

However, even so, after more than ten rounds of wrangling, Lu Xuan solved the opponent within one move and won the victory as expected.

In the whole process, there was no more than five minutes from the beginning to the end, which was the reason that Lu Xuan could let the other party attack at will. Xiao Han knew very well that if Lu Xuan needed, she could solve the battle in one move just like Chen Jinnan had defeated Zhou Yanbing before.

After the battle, Lu Xuan, who had just retreated from the field, looked at Xiao Han with a playful face and shook her head with a smile.

Xiao Han can't see where Lu Xuan has just appeared. Lu Xuan obviously doesn't want Xiao Han to analyze her exact strength from the process of her competition with her opponent. From the beginning to the end, Lu Xuan doesn't show her real strength, so Xiao Han can only roughly calculate Lu Xuan's real strength.

It seems that Lu Xuan's strength is also terrible.

The overall strength of the guy who just played with Lu Xuan is no worse than Zhou Yanbing, who played with Chen Jinnan before.

That is to say, judging from the current situation, Lu Xuan's strength will not be much worse than Chen Jinnan, and may even be stronger.

But it is obvious that Lu Xuan is not murderous. If Chen Jinnan is like a devil from hell, then Lu Xuan is a fairy from heaven.

Seeing Xiao Han smiling, he returned to Lu Xuan, who was on the road, and asked, "what are you laughing at?"

Xiao Han admitted: "no, I just want to see your real strength, but I didn't expect to see how you can't see through. You should be intentional?"

Lu Xuan gave a mysterious smile and then said, "my strength is just like that. Then you will know."

Xiao Han curled his mouth and saw that Lu Xuan said so. Xiao Han had to give up.

Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future. Sooner or later, Lu Xuan will make a move.

Not long after Lu Xuan appeared on the stage, Li Xuanfeng and Zhen xue'er, a girl with a bell, also appeared on the stage. They were indeed worthy of the attention of elder Moyan. Their opponents were a high hand in the middle and peak of the period of enlightenment.

These two games are also very interesting. Li Xuanfeng and Zhen Xueer are one of the five talented disciples of the Xiaoyao sect. Therefore, the attention on the field is very high. Many disciples of the Xiaoyao sect have been looking forward to their appearance.

Li Xuanfeng and Zhen Xueer are both the focus of xiaoyaozong. Their appearance naturally has a lot to look forward to.

However, the two opponents they tried were a little bit miserable.

In front of Li Xuanfeng and Zhen Xueer, they have no chance of winning, which is also very clear to them.

But what to do? It's impossible to admit defeat directly. Even if you can't win, if you admit defeat directly, you will have no face to face in the future.

Therefore, Li Xuanfeng and Zhen Xueer's opponents are both hard headed.

The disciple of the school who competed with Li Xuanfeng in the middle of the period of Enlightenment was OK. After more than ten rounds of fighting with Li Xuanfeng, he saw that Li Xuanfeng lightly took all his attacks. He also knew that if he was tired, Li Xuanfeng would still be undamaged, so he took the initiative to admit defeat Game, caused a burst of boos on the stands, but somehow the whole person is still safe and sound off the field.

As for the xiaoyaozong disciple who competed with the bell girl Zhen Xueer, it was different.

After the grey robed elder stood up and announced that the competition could start, the disciple of Xiaoyao sect just said to Zhen Xueer, please give me some advice.

But he did not say the most teaching word, the bell girl Zhen xue'er suddenly and strangely appeared in front of him, Zhen Xueer gently handed out a fist, but that fist contained a very terrifying force.

With such a blow, he slapped the famous disciple of the Xiaoyao sect, who was a little famous in the xiaoyaozong sect. He was beaten upside down by Zhen Xueer, and finally rolled on the ground for more than ten meters before he was embarrassed to stop his body.

All the people sitting in the stands, looking at Zhen Xueer's valiant action, even if it is not the first time that many people see Zhen Xueer's move, they can't help but look stunned.

Xiao Han also looked at the competition with surprise on his face. He didn't feel relieved for a long time. After thinking about it, he was worthy of being called a goblin by the disciples of xiaoyaozong. He was really a monster.

With the appearance of Li Xuanfeng and lingdang girl, there were not many bright spots in the following competition,

therefore, after several more contests, the election for elders on that day gradually came to an end. Until the end of the contest, many people were still full of ideas.After two days of elder election competition, the number of ten elders has come out, but the elder election is far from over.

In addition to the number of elders to be elected in the elder election, ten elder candidates also need to be ranked. The top five candidates can get more clan awards.

Therefore, the whole contest process of the elder election will reach its climax on the last day of tomorrow.

After the end of the competition, Xiao Han and Lu Xuan took the lead in quitting the noisy square. Holding hands, they walked slowly in the door, which naturally caused a hot look.

Along with Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wan'er, as well as Mo Yan elder, they have become the focus of the whole journey.

They returned to the Zhao family's courtyard, ushered in the first guest.

Chen Xiao, standing at the gate of the courtyard with a smirk on her face, wanted to come in, but seemed a little afraid to step out of that step.

What Chen Xiao is afraid of is of course a figure in the courtyard. As one of the five gifted disciples of Xiaoyao sect, Chen Xiao is so timid or guilty that Xiao Han is surprised.

Xiao Han looked at the figure at the door and said with a smile, "Chen Xiao, come in and sit quickly. What are you doing

Zhao Wuji also said with a warm face: "younger martial brother Chen Xiao, I haven't seen you for a long time. Come and sit in it."

Chen Xiao laughed two times. He had just raised his leg and was ready to step in. Before the foot landed, Chen Xiao saw Zhao Wan'er, who had a cold look.

Chen Xiao's heart trembled. The legs that had already stepped out were taken back. Chen Xiao looked at Zhao Wan'er with a smile on her face and said, "younger martial sister Wan'er, long time no see."

Zhao Wan'er snorted, "haven't you seen you for ten days and a half months? Where is a long time ago, when I was at the foot of the mountain, didn't you sneak out? "

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "yes, yes, in my heart, ten days and a half months did not see you, it has been a long time."

Seeing that Chen Xiao is so careful in front of Zhao Wan'er, Xiao Han and Lu Xuan both smile bitterly.

It seems that Chen Xiao is a bit afraid of his own affairs? Now standing at the gate of the courtyard, where does Chen Xiao have the momentum of one of the five gifted disciples of the xiaoyaozong?

Zhao Wuji said with a wry smile: "Wan'er, elder martial brother Chen Xiao should have something to do here. He should not be rude."

Zhao Wuji sees his sister to Chen Xiao so fierce, had to stand up to speak for Chen Xiao.

Zhao Wan'er snorted coldly and said, "do you have to come in and say something? It's OK to stand at the door

It seems to know that Zhao Wan'er and Chen Xiao have some unclear relationship. Zhao Wuji can't speak with a bitter smile, so he has to cast a sympathetic look at Chen Xiao at the door.

At this time, Mo Yan elder, who was sitting on the side drinking tea, said softly with a smile: "Wan'er, Chen Xiao, this guy will not come to you in general. If you come here now, you should have something serious to do. Let him come in again."

Zhao Wan'er still wants to speak. Elder Mo Yan stares at Wan'er fiercely. Zhao Wan'er has to keep silent.

Xiao Han is also dumbfounded. Looking at his present appearance, I think Chen Xiao didn't dare to see Zhao Waner before. It seems that there should be some small misunderstanding between him and Wan'er, but it's their business. Other people don't want to interrupt. But now elder Mo Yan appears, it's much better.

Sure enough, seeing the elder Mo Yan speak, Zhao Wan'er also chose to keep silent. Chen Xiao came in with a strong burden.

Chen Xiao went to Xiao Han's side, said hello to elder Mo Yan and Lu Xuan, and finally came to Xiao Han's side.

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "brother Xiao Han, in fact, I'm looking for you."

Xiao Han said with a smile, "do you want me to drink?"

"You also know that I am a disciple of the fire temple. I came to see you just now and asked if you are interested in entering our fire temple."

Join the fire temple?

Xiao Han is a Leng first, then some inexplicable strange.

Around Lu Xuan and others are also looking at Chen Xiao unexpectedly, but in the twinkling of an eye they react.

Xiao Han showed his strong talent and strength in the process of competition with Chen Xiao. In addition, Xiao Han was able to learn fire control in such a short period of time, which proved that he had the potential to become an alchemist.

Now, it's no surprise that Chen Xiao, the fourth leader of the fire god temple, has invited Xiao Han to join the fire shrine.

Xiao Han laughed and then said, "Chen Xiao, you know that I am not a disciple of the Xiaoyao sect. As for joining the fire god hall, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me to join it?"

Chen Xiao waved his hand and said with a smile, "you don't have to worry about this. Since the four elders of the fire god temple have spoken in person, whether you are a disciple of the Xiaoyao sect has nothing to do with whether you want to join the fire temple." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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