Published at 6th of March 2023 07:47:45 AM

Chapter 1821

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"Yes, I didn't think that the body of the sky sword could be used as a hiding place for Xiaoyue."

On the body of the sky sword, it can be regarded as the place where Xiaoyue, the golden Python soul body, lives.

Xiao Han has not tried before.

When he was in Penglai fairyland, Xiao Han once let the ghost of his master, the Taoist Saint Xu, into the body of the sky sword.

But later, the spirit power contained in the remnant soul of Shengxu Taoist became weaker and weaker, and it was about to disappear. So Xiao Hancai tried his best to get a piece of white jade jade pendant from the hands of other people.

Now that Xiao Han's bags of heaven and earth have been burned to nothingness by the breath of dragon fire, it is certainly the most suitable place for Xiao Yue to live with the sword body of the sky sword.

Xiao Han was originally connected with the sky sword, so when Xiao Han thought about it, the soul body of Xiaoyue in front of Xiao Han disappeared and entered the body of the sky sword.

Now, Xiao Han alone, at least do not have to separate attention in Xiaoyue's body, can concentrate on dealing with the ancient dragon.

There is another thing that makes Xiao Han a little confused.

Before coma, Xiao Han remembers that he has been completely possessed by demons, and his body is covered with scales peculiar to the demons.

However, after Xiao Han woke up in a coma, the scales of the demon clan all over his body have disappeared, and I don't know whether it turned into ashes under the burning of the Dragon burning breath.

Xin Hao Xiao Han now secretly investigate the situation in the body, found that those hidden in the body of the devil Qi seems to still exist.

It seems that the demon scale outside the body should be scorched, and his skin now may be growing out again.

At this time, Xiao Han began to look around and search for the figure of the ancient dragon in the magma.

Xiao Han had been in a coma before. When he was on the verge of death, the ancient dragon did not kill Xiao Han. Now Xiao hanxiu's realm and strength have greatly increased. I don't know where the ancient dragon is now.

The lava lake is very broad, and the sight in the magma is not very good. Even if Xiao Han is in the peak state of Tongyou period, he can't find out how far away he is.

"Where would the ancient dragon go? Is it difficult? The ancient dragon has not yet sobered up and has been recovering its strength in the closed door

In Xiao Han's meditation, in front of Xiao Han not far from the magma, a pair of huge longan with a trace of fierce eyes, slowly floating in Xiao Han's line of sight.

The ancient dragon seemed to have noticed that Xiao Han was looking for his figure everywhere, so at the critical moment, the ancient dragon was ready to show up.

When the giant dragon head of the ancient dragon appeared in Xiao Han's eyes, the ancient dragon was also staring at Xiao Han, who had become lively and lively not far away.

The ancient dragon saw that Xiao Han was still alive. First, he was slightly stunned. Then he said with a playful look: "interesting ha, you can not only not die, but also live well under the refining of my Longyan breath. It really surprised me."

Xiao Han sneered: "you are not dead. How could I possibly die? Do you regret not having killed me directly before? Now if you want to kill me, I'm afraid it won't be so easy. "

"Confidence is a good thing, but blind self-confidence is arrogance." The ancient dragon disapproved and said, "do you really think I can't kill you? I just think it's really boring in this lava lake, so I'll save your life and plan to play slowly. Otherwise, when you first appear in the lava lake, you will be a dead man. "

Xiao Han curled his lips. Of course, he knew that the ancient dragon had just said something true and false.

Compared with the strength of the ancient dragon, even if Xiao Han has entered the peak of Tongyou period, Xiao Han is still not the opponent of that ancient dragon.

We should know that when Zhen Jia, the third elder of junior high school, and the elder of tens of meters, simultaneously launched the magic sealing array, there was no way to take advantage of the ancient dragon.

Although Xiao Han's cultivation level is almost the same as that of three elder Zhen Jia, his real strength is still far behind that of the three elder Zhen Jia, who stepped into the peak state of tongyouqi many years ago.

So if we really fight, Xiao Han is not the opponent of the ancient dragon.

"Don't always think it's easy to kill me. If it's really easy, show me the action." Xiao Han said with a cold smile: "otherwise, if you say so many times, it's just bragging. No one will believe it."

"I think you are sincerely looking for death. Well, I will help you."

With that, an angry low roar came out of the mouth of the ancient dragon.

After that low roar in the surrounding lava lake, soon set off a storm in the lava lake around.Then, the heart of the ancient dragon thought, from the whole body of the ancient dragon, a group of extremely fierce dragon flame appeared in Xiao Han's body.

After Longyan breath enters the body, it begins to destroy madly in Xiao Han's body.

When the breath of dragon inflammation reappeared in the body, Xiao Han's face also changed slightly.

Before Xiao Han was almost killed by the ancient dragon, so now Xiao Han is extremely afraid of those dragon burning breath.

However, just as Xiao Han was preparing to mobilize the aura in his body to suppress the Dragon burning breath that suddenly appeared in his body, Xiao Han was surprised to find that although the Dragon burning breath suddenly appeared in his body, he tried his best to release the terrible high temperature, but to Xiao Han's surprise, those dragon burning breath did not cause any damage.

Don't say it's broken. It doesn't even hurt at all.

Although the Longyan breath appeared in Xiao Han's body, it didn't seem to play any role. Instead, it made Xiao Han feel comfortable all over the body.

This time, even Xiao Han is a face muddled reaction, originally after the Dragon burning breath into the body, Xiao Han has a deep memory.

But now suddenly appears in Xiao Han's body's Longyan breath, actually did not let Xiao Han have any uncomfortable feeling, this is very strange.

Xiao Han is also a puzzled expression, he murmured: "what's going on? How could there be no reaction? Is it possible that my body has produced antibodies to those dragon inflamed breath? "

Xiao Yue, originally in Xiao Han's mind, has already entered a chaotic state. Now Xiao Han has collected it into the sword body of the sky sword. Naturally, no one can answer Xiao Han's questions.

However, since Xiao Han has realized that the Dragon burning breath of the ancient dragon has no effect on him, does it mean that Xiao Han can now ignore the Dragon burning breath of the ancient dragon and begin to directly challenge the body of the ancient dragon.

Think of here, Xiao Han slowly raised his head, he looked at not far away the body of the ancient dragon, a playful smile appeared in the corner of Xiao Han's mouth.

The ancient dragon seems to have noticed Xiao Han's Dragon burning breath, which seems to have no effect.

And Xiao Han's face does not have the expression of dark extremely painful, this is even more abnormal.


the ancient dragon sighed softly, and his face looked thoughtful.

It was also quickly seen that those dragon burning breath just poured into Xiao Han's body did not seem to have any effect on Xiao Han.

"Ha ha ha..." Xiao Han laughed and learned the tone of the ancient dragon and said, "how about your dragon burning breath? Why don't you let it out a little more to let me feel it again? "

Hearing Xiao Han's provocation and teasing, the whole body of the ancient dragon spirit trembled.

For thousands of years, no one can be arrogant in front of their ancient dragon.

But this ancient dragon is a little sad.

First, he was captured in the Xiaoyao secret place because of bad luck hundreds of years ago. First, he was suppressed under the heaven and earth holy spirit tower for hundreds of years. The ancient dragon was originally filled with anger.

Now Xiao Han's provocation to it has made the ancient dragon angry to the extreme.

Xiao Han's voice just fell, the ancient dragon immediately seemed to have been ignited firecrackers like a direct explosion.


the ancient dragon gave out a low, murderous roar, and the Dragon burning breath that had wandered around the ancient dragon became more fierce.

Looking at the fury of the ancient dragon, Xiao Han stretched his waist and said with a smile: "how do you drop it? Why is it going to explode? I didn't explode. What did you do? Since I was swallowed by you, I began to say, now, you have burned me for such a long time with the breath of Longyan, but you still don't get rid of my breath? Still here? Do you really think I'm a clay Bodhisattva and have no temper? "

Xiao Han finally reversed the situation on the field, now Xiao Han is full of confidence, of course, in front of the ancient dragon, he is much harder.

But Xiao hanyue is like this, the more furious the ancient dragon is.

That ancient dragon around the Dragon burning atmosphere began to become more and more vigorous up, driving the surrounding magma began to flow up violently.

Although Xiao Han said it was easy on the surface, he was not stupid enough to fight the ancient dragon in the middle of the magma lake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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