Published at 6th of March 2023 07:46:48 AM

Chapter 1836

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If Xiao Han is alive, why do you know that he hasn't shown up yet?

"Well, don't be impatient. Let me go up and discuss with the elder and others. It's not too late for you to come out again."

At this time, a voice was heard again in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth. However, compared with the previous rampant laughter, the volume of the voice was much lower. Only Zhen Jia, the three elders on the top of the tower, and some other elders could hear the path clearly.

At this time, the red magma burst out from the spire of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth suddenly disappeared in the spire of heaven and earth holy spirit tower.

As the red magma on the top of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth faded, a figure enveloped in the magma gradually appeared in the sight of all the people.

The figure in the magma, in addition to a head, the whole body is covered in the magma, some sharp eyed elders actually found that Xiao Han's body did not seem to be wearing clothes.

Otherwise, Xiao Han couldn't have been wrapped up in a layer of magma.

In spite of this, we can still see the figure, which is slender and beautiful with a smile on its face. It looks very handsome.

All the people present saw Xiao Han, who was wrapped in the magma and only showed his head. Many of the new disciples of the Xiaoyao sect were stunned and then seemed to suddenly think of something.

All of a sudden, they looked at the statue at the entrance of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth. Then, one by one, the sound of cold air was heard one after another on the square.

"Lying trough, isn't this Xiao Han on the statue?"

"absolutely, as like as two peas, it looks just like the statue."

"Is he the legendary Xiao Han? But why isn't he dressed? "

"Is there something wrong with you

Now, those new elders in Xiaoyao sect finally think that the figure on the top of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth should be the legendary Xiao Han who saved the whole xiaoyaozong.

At this time, the figure on the top of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth suddenly called out to the following: "is Chen Xiao here, Chen Xiao, if you are, please give me that dress from the bag of heaven and earth. My clothes have been burned to ashes by the magma, even there is no bag of heaven and earth."

Xiao Han asked Chen Xiao to come out, naturally because Chen Xiao's figure was not different from his own.

But hearing this, all the people present were stunned at the same time.


Is Xiao Han really not dressed?

At this time, there was a complete silence.

Many xiaoyaozong disciples who are not familiar with Xiao Han are ignorant.

This Xiao Han appearance also is too unexpected some? Not only the whole body was wrapped up in magma, but even clothes were not worn. As soon as they appeared, they asked people to borrow clothes.

Since Xiao Han's appearance, Chen Xiao's mouth has been wide open for a long time. Even if Xiao Han has just called his name, Chen Xiao has not recovered.

"I'm calling you!"

Until the side of the road Xuan gently poke Chen Xiao with the arm, Chen Xiao this just reacts.

"Oh, oh, oh, clothes, right? There are...

with that, Chen Xiao turned into a shadow and quickly swept into the air.

Chen Jinnan and Li Xuanfeng looked at each other and saw the shock in their eyes.

At the same time, the two men breathed a sigh of relief and murmured to themselves: "Xiao Han is really alive. He was swallowed up by the ancient dragon. He was sealed in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth for three years, so he didn't die? It seems that he really can't be described by common sense. "

Fortunately, after Xiao Han was swallowed by the ancient dragon, the two of them did not choose to pursue Lu Xuan. Otherwise, Xiao Han would appear again, and he might soon find a chance to clean them up.

To Xiao Han in front of Chen Xiao face incredible cry: "Xiao Han, it is very good, you are still alive, it is too incredible some."

Xiao Han didn't have a good temper and gave Chen Xiao a look: "ha ha, can you stop talking about these and find me a suit of clothes first? Don't you see that I'm still naked

Soon, Xiao Han took a black strong suit from Chen Xiao's hand and put it on. After that, Xiao Han stood in the sky at the top of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth.

Xiao Han first arched his hands at Zhen Jia and other xiaoyaozong elders who were not far away. Then Xiao Han's eyes slowly swept through the crowded square below.

Finally, Xiao Han finally saw the familiar faces, tears filled Lu Xuan, shocked Zhen Xueer, Chen Jinnan, Li Xuanfeng and others.Xiao Han grinned, then waved to the crowd below, and said with a loud smile: "ha ha ha, my friends, Xiao Han is back alive. Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you shocked? "

"You boy, I really didn't expect to see you again. You are so lucky." Hearing the young man's laughter, the big elder's face also couldn't help but smile. He laughed and said, "good, good, live, live."

Xiao Han laughed and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for three years. The elder seems to be overworked. It seems that you should pay more attention to rest. Ha ha ha."

The elder smile, and then said: "there is no way, this so big family, worry about things is too much."

Xiao Han nodded, then stretched out his hand and gently waved it. Then, in the eyes of all the people, the red magma raindrops floating all over the sky shrank back from the air.

In this short moment, all the magma was retracted into the magma around Xiao Han, and then in the eyes of the audience, the increasingly huge magma returned to the top of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth.


the magma that fell again from the top of the heaven and earth holy spirit tower crashed into the bottom of the tower, causing a huge momentum.

Under this momentum, even the whole heaven and earth holy spirit tower is gently shaking.

Many of the disciples of xiaoyaozong looked at Xiao Han again, and the expression of awe and worship became more intense.

It is impossible for ordinary people to take back such a huge amount of magma.

Just in this scene, the eyes of countless disciples of Xiaoyao sect are burning hot. Isn't this strong and incomparable power the disciples of Xiaoyao sect are pursuing with all their heart?

"Crouch, this guy named Xiao Han is so strong."

"Yes, I'm afraid that among many elders, there are few elders who can compare with Xiao Han."

"It's really strong. It's worthy of being a legend in our xiaoyaozong. I adore him."

"Yes, yes, this is the real strong man. Seeing that he is no more than a few years older than me, he didn't expect his strength to be so terrible. When he raised his hands and feet, he was so terrible."


the hand that Xiao Han showed just now is really shocking. It's no wonder that the disciples of Xiaoyao sect looked up at Xiao Han's figure and worshipped him.

"Sao Bao..."

just when Xiao Han expressed his satisfaction with a smile, a sneer came out from the top of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth.

Xiao Han's smile on his face was a little stiff, and then quickly covered up the past.

Naturally, Xiao Han can't do that just now. Even though Xiao Han can do this by virtue of the strength of the peak state of Tongyou period, it's terrible to control all the magma raindrops around the holy spirit tower of the whole heaven and earth to control them all.

So the scene just now was not done by Xiao Han himself, but by the nine dragon princesses who are still hidden in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth.

When the ninth Princess collected all the magma around him, Xiao Han's toes were a little empty, and then his body flashed. The whole person appeared beside Zhen Jia, the third elder. At this time, the elder and others also appeared near the top of the heaven and earth holy spirit tower.

See Xiao Han so ghostly general speed, in the air many long old people are slightly pick eyebrows.

All the elites of xiaoyaozong were present. Their eyes were naturally very keen. Just after Xiao Han moved like that, they could clearly see that Xiao Han is much better than he was three years ago.

The elder was slightly stunned, and then said with a soft smile: "the peak state of tongyouqi? You broke the mirror? It's good. It's good. "

The elder knows that Xiao Han, three years ago, had just entered the middle period of Tongyou period. Although he was able to fight with Ji Wutian, the demon's little master, and even the ancient dragon, the elder's eyesight naturally felt that Xiao Hangang had just broken through the mirror, and his realm was not very stable.

But just when Xiao Han revealed his body shape, the elder could see that Xiao Han's strength was not only breaking through the realm and stepping into the peak state of Tongyou period, but even his foundation had been firmly established. It seems that Xiao Han's time to break through the state is not short.

Xiao Han took the head, some embarrassed said: "just fluke, just fluke."

This is not self abasement, but this time, Xiao Han stepped into the peak of Tongyou period. He really achieved it in the process of being confused.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly thought that the ninth princess was still waiting in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth. Then he said softly, "by the way, big elder, there is another very important thing that I almost forgot to discuss with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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