Published at 6th of March 2023 07:46:05 AM

Chapter 1848

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Even the elder Mo Yan only knows the existence of the ten directions refining domain, but he is not very clear about the specific situation of the ten directions refining domain.

Now Xiao Han suddenly proposed that he would go with Chen Jinnan to the ten square refining area. Everyone on the field was surprised.

Chen Jinnan is naturally very strange. How did Xiao Han know about the existence of the Shifang Lianyu? Why did the great elder and the Third Elder Zhen Jia agree with Xiao Han's going to the Shifang refining domain? We should know about the situation of the Shifang refining domain in the Xiaoyao sect, but only a few elite disciples of the war god hall knew about it.

Chen Zhen Nan wanted to join the God of war?

Chen Jinnan has noticed some signs of this before, so it is not surprising.

As for other people, they are very surprised. It seems that this place of ten directions refining has never been heard before.

Next, Xiao Han explained in a low voice the situation of the ten square refining regions. Naturally, he omitted some hidden information. He mainly introduced the distribution of some forces in the ten square refining regions.

Finally, Xiao Hancai said: "ten days later, it will be the day when Chen Jinnan and Chen Jinnan set out to experience in the Shifang refining area. This time, I will go together. The elder and the Third Elder Zhen Jia have agreed that you can go with us as long as you like. Who of you would like to go? Give a voice."

"Xiao Han, is it fun in the ten directions Zhen Xueer was the first to ask questions.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "well, you have to ask Chen Jinnan. Among so many of us, only Chen Jinnan has been to the ten square refining area. The specific situation can be explained by Chen Jinnan."

When everyone's eyes were on Chen Jinnan, Chen Jinnan thought about it for a while, and then said with a serious look: "it's not fun, it's dangerous. There are monsters and beasts everywhere, and if you're not careful, you'll die."

After hearing Chen Jinnan's words, they fell into silence.

Even Chen Jinnan said so, which shows that the ten refining areas are very dangerous.

You know, Chen Jinnan is also a master of the cultivation realm in the middle of Tongyou period. Among the disciples of Xiaoyao sect, Chen Jinnan is also an outstanding figure. However, Chen Jinnan said that there are many dangers in the ten directions of cultivation, which shows that the situation may be far more serious than he said.

However, Chen Jinnan's voice just fell, Zhen xue'er suddenly screamed excitedly: "I'm going, I'm going, Xiao Han, take me to the Shifang Lianyu."

Soon, everyone turned to look at Zhen xue'er with a strange expression.

Zhen xue'er blinked her eyes and said, "there are monsters among the ten refining areas. I like to kill them most. I'm sure I will go."

Xiao Han said with a smile: "yes, the three elders have told me that as long as you are willing to go, he will not object."

"Also..." Zhen Xueer heard Xiao Han say that her grandfather Zhen Jia had agreed with her to follow her to the ten directions, and immediately cheered up.

At this time, Lu Xuan beside Xiao Han whispered: "it happens that I just came back from a task in the secular world, and there is no action for the time being. Xiao Han will go. I am sure I will go."

Lu Xuan and Zhen xue'er have already made a statement. Next, Chen Xiao and Li Xuanfeng both said that they would go to the ten directions to practice together.

In the end, only the elder Mo Yan did not speak.

Seeing that all the people's eyes were staring at her, elder Moyan had no choice but to say, "to tell the truth, I also want to go, but I'm on duty in the fire god hall now, and my business is busy. Even if I want to go, it is estimated that the four elders will not let go."

Xiao Han nodded. Elder Moyan was in the xiaoyaozong. She must be inseparable from her body, so even if she wanted to go, it was very difficult for her to go.

It is said that Xiao hanruo really goes to the elder to talk. The elder should be able to release people. However, compared with Chen Xiao and Zhen xue'er, elder Mo Yan is an elder after all. She goes to ten directions to practice together, and the meaning is different.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said with a smile: "elder Moyan, it doesn't matter if you can't go. You'll wait for us to come back in the xiaoyaozong. Now there are so many people forming a team, which is enough."

Chen Jinnan nodded, and then said, "in this case, in addition to us, I have two other companions in the temple of war god, which together are eight people."

At this time, Zhao Wuji and Zhao Waner looked at each other and saw the meaning of each other's heart.

Their two brothers and sisters certainly want to go with them to the Shifang training area. But now, no matter Zhao Wuji or Zhao Waner, their cultivation and strength have just reached the peak state of Xuanshi period and the strength of the middle stage of tongxuan period. Although the strength is good, it may be a little worse in the ten square cultivation area.

Xiao Han also noticed the eyes and looks of Zhao Wuji and Zhao Waner. He said with a smile, "brother Wuji, Wan'er, you two want to go, right?"

Zhao Wuji and Zhao Waner quickly nodded and looked forward to it.

Xiao Han said helplessly with a smile: "this time, the journey of ten directions of cultivation is really too dangerous, so I suggest that you still stay in the sect, but you can rest assured that there are still opportunities in the future. As long as your cultivation realm and strength have entered the period of pass seclusion, I promise you that I will take you with you in the next ten directions training field tour."See Xiao Han all said so, Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wan'er this just heavily nodded.

In fact, their two brothers and sisters are also very clear. If they really went to the ten square training area, I'm afraid their two people's strength is really not enough to see.

If there is an emergency in the ten Party training area, I'm afraid that Zhao Wuji and Zhao Waner can't help the team, and they may also drag the team down. So if you are more rational, it's better not to go on this trip.

After confirming the number of people who went to the ten directions refining area, Chen Jinnan was also very relieved.

Chen Jinnan is naturally the most clear about the danger of the ten directions refining domain. If Xiao Han, Lu Xuan, Zhen Xueer and others joined in, the trip would be much smoother.

Moreover, no matter Xiao Han or Lu Xuan, their cultivation level and strength are not low. If they go to the ten directions training area together, the strength of the whole team will be greatly improved, and the security will be more guaranteed.

Xiao Han finally said: "although everyone has already decided, I still want to remind you that the ten directions cultivation area is different from the Xiaoyao secret place. It must be very dangerous, so we should be prepared. We are so many people, and there will be casualties. I suggest you take good care before you start Be prepared, so that you will have a much higher chance to survive in the ten directions realm. "


in the next few days, Xiao Han had few opportunities to go out.

Most of the time, Xiao Han practiced in the small courtyard of Zhao's brother and sister.

In fact, Xiao Han hasn't practiced in seclusion since three years ago.

Xiao Han broke the mirror with the help of the great elder in the heaven and earth spirit tower and stepped into the cultivation state of the middle period of Tongyou period with the help of the great elder. Now he was swallowed by the ancient dragon and trapped in the spirit tower of heaven and earth for three years. By chance, Xiao Han broke through the peak state of Tongyou period. Under these two realms, Xiao Han's speed of breaking the mirror was almost as fast as before It's incredible.

In the short period of three years, two small realms, if put on other people's bodies, is absolutely shocking performance.

Even if it is Xiao Han's own path of practice, the two small realms in three years are fast.

In addition, the state of self-cultivation is like this. The more you get to the later level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to improve a small level.

For example, some elders of the xiaoyaozong Presbyterian Church have stepped into the peak state of Tongyou period for more than ten years. Until now, they can not find the opportunity to enter the early stage of the transition period, so they can only stay where they are.

The closer we are to the realm of cultivation during the period of plunder, the more insurmountable it will be. This is almost a universally accepted criterion for all human gas refiners.

But Xiao Han, within three years, broke through two small realms in succession.

Speed is naturally fantastic, but the speed of breaking the border is too fast, in fact, it is not a good thing.

At least Xiao Han felt that the aura in his body was unstable. The emptiness of the aura had nothing to do with the purity of the aura in his body. It was mainly the stability of the realm and the foundation of the realm.

Therefore, taking advantage of this period of time, Xiao Han simply chose to practice in the closed door.

Xiao Han's goal is naturally to stabilize the aura in his body as soon as possible, so that his cultivation state and strength can be completely stabilized in the peak state of Tongyou period.

And there are several reasons why Xiao Han had to practice hard.

First of all, in order to find the news of his father Xiao Zhan, Xiao Han must have to fight with various forces this time when he went to the ten party refining area.

Whether it is the power of Lian domain demon emperor among the demons, or Ji Wutian, the little Lord of the demon family, the Youming hall set up by the two old men of the nether world, and even Ao Wutian, who defected from the Xiaoyao sect, may be Xiao Han's direct opponent.

None of these forces can be well matched. If Xiao Han doesn't have the strength to support him, I'm afraid that this time, Xiao Han will be gnawed away by those opponents even if he doesn't have the strength to support him.

Although it is said that on this trip to ten directions, Xiao Han is accompanied by Chen Jinnan, Zhen Xueer and others. Lu Xuan will also follow Xiao Han.

However, Xiao Han knows that when he comes to the ten directions, Xiao Han can't take Lu Xuan and Zhen xue'er together to do some things.

One is inconvenient. The other is that Xiao Han's work is too dangerous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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