Published at 6th of March 2023 07:36:23 AM

Chapter 1977

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Even some of the bodyguards in black of the city Lord's mansion who were seriously injured but still had not died. At this time, their blood gradually passed away and finally turned into a corpse.

Seeing the seven or eight bodyguards in black around him, he turned into a corpse. All the aura and blood on his body were sucked away, and Xiao Han's eyes were slightly frozen.

It's the first time Xiao Han has seen such a strange skill.

Even Xiao Han can vaguely detect that there are some signs of rising blood gas in his body. It seems that there is a feeling that the medicine is out of the body, which makes Xiao Han feel a little surprised. He quickly turns the aura to suppress the rising blood gas.

The vitality and blood attracted from all the life around him began to gather around him.

At this time, Guo Chang's breath began to climb gradually. It seemed that all the blood around him had been absorbed. After that, Guo Chang's strength began to grow slowly.

What kind of skill can you improve your cultivation level and strength in a short time? It seems that Li Rumei, the leader of Haotian City, will have serious sequelae after the event.

It seems that the skills practiced by the Lord's house of Xuanfeng city are different.

Although it is said to take a heretical route, but it seems that the power is very terrible.

At this time, the whole body up and down the blood gas climbed to the extreme Guo Chang, Xiao Han smile, with a trace of infiltration in the dark.

The sole of Guo Chang's foot heavily trampled on the ground, his body turned into a blood light, and then he shot at Xiao Han.

Where Guo Chang's blood light passed, a trace of blood mist almost occupied all the surrounding space.

From the aspect of momentum alone, this skill of Guo Chang is very terrible.

"Bloody dawn..."

after seeing the little city Lord Guo Chang's whole body turning into a bloody light, the two elders of Xuanfeng City Lord's mansion standing behind Guo Chang were also slightly stunned.

Then they looked at each other and said in surprise, "I didn't expect that the bloody dawn of the little city Lord had already reached the level of great accomplishment. It seems that the cultivation heaven of the little city Lord is one of the best in Xuanfeng city. This young man is going to die."

"Hey, I think so." The elder, who was more seriously injured, also said with a grim smile: "that's what this boy deserves. He dares to rob the little city Lord's things. If my old man hadn't been hurt a little now, I would have rushed to split the boy in two."

Xiao Han stares at the blood mist from the fierce shooting, and can feel the breath of swallowing everything on the blood mist from afar.

Even Xiao Han, in front of this blood mist, can detect a trace of danger.

The bloody smell was spreading around, which made Xiao Han feel the terror power contained in the blood mist clearly

seeing Xiao Han's face change slightly, one of the elders said with a smile: "hahaha, boy, it's too late to regret now, so please kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe we can release you directly if our little city Lord is weak With your strength now, you are not the opponent of my little city Lord. "

Xiao Han turned a deaf ear to the teasing of the elder of the city Lord's mansion.

Just before the blood mist came to Xiao Han, Xiao Han not only did not dodge, but also slowly closed his eyes in front of Guo Chang and the two elders.

"Oh, that boy is ready to die?"

"It doesn't seem right. He's preparing to kill."

At this time, Xiao Han's Sky Sword disappeared from the sky, and he began to slowly open his hands.

A blazing blue flame and a breath of cold ice suddenly appeared in Xiao Han's palm.

"What does this kid want?"

"I don't know."

As two opposite breath suddenly appeared in the palm of Xiao Han's hand, even the two elders standing not far away could vaguely feel two very surging, but totally opposite breath began to appear in the surrounding heaven and earth.

Between the fire and the ice, two breath began to emanate from Xiao Han's body, looking extremely strange.

Even the two elders of Xuanfeng city were gaping at each other's ice and flame, which appeared on a person at the same time.

And Xiao Han Gang just will be cold ice and fire control technology to urge up, this time, the sky of blood mist came to him.

That kind of face-to-face cold and strong Qi made the two elders of Xuanfeng City tremble slightly.

However, just as the blood mist was about to erode Xiao Han's whole body, his closed eyes suddenly opened.

A flaming flame appeared in Xiao Han's left eye.

A cold ice appeared in Xiao Han's right eye.

When Xiao Han opened his eyes, the breath of the whole world was completely controlled in Xiao Han's hands.And two strong breath that surpasses anyone on the field suddenly bursts out from Xiao Han's body.

"How could it be?"

Feeling the surging breath of Xiao Han, the two elders of Xuanfeng City couldn't help crying out.

Between Xiao Han's two palms suddenly lightning to the middle.


two opposing breath began to merge together.

The two breath of mutual generation and mutual restraint, one blue and one translucent, began to roll in Xiao Han's palm.

At this time, Xiao Han's two palms, with an overwhelming sense of terror, bombarded the blood mist that appeared in front of him.


an earth shaking sound sounded around.

Guo Chang, who was originally turned into a blood mist, suddenly came into being.

Guo Chang's body directly flies backward at a faster speed than when he came here.

After taking off with Guo Chang, there was also a scarlet bloodstain, which was sprayed from Guo Chang's mouth.


Guo Chang, who flew directly backward, bumped into some big trees not far behind him.

Have been behind the five or six trees, are directly hit the East and West.

This scene, by those two Xuanfeng City Lord house elders to see in the eye, the eyeball son is scared to fall down.

"Er... What's going on here? How could the little city Lord lose so quickly

"How could the bloody dawn have no lethality in front of this boy?"

The two elders of Xuanfeng city had a short circuit in their heads for a moment. After looking at Guo Chang, he fell down in the distance in confusion. He did not recover for a long time.

What the hell is going on here?

How was Guo Chang defeated?

These two elders of Xuanfeng City Lord's house really didn't see it.

It was just a short moment's skill. How could Guo Chang, who had been castrated like a rainbow, suddenly lay on the ground like a dead dog.

"Little city Lord..."

"little city Lord, are you ok?"

A moment later, two elders of Xuanfeng City Lord's house rushed up and came to Guo Chang. They reached out to help Guo Chang up.

"Don't touch me." Lying on the ground, Guo Chang with a embarrassed face suddenly howled: "it's broken, it's broken."


at this time, the two elders of Xuanfeng City Lord's house found that the bones of Guo Chang had been shortened by more than half.

Most of the major joints are broken, whether it's the ribs or the bones in the arms and feet.

This is a very serious injury. If it is not well treated, it may affect the future practice.

"If you dare to hurt our little city Lord, we are not finished with you." One of the elders turned his head and looked in the past to find that Xiao Han had appeared in front of the three of them at a distance of less than three meters.

The elder was obviously stunned.

Just this time, Xiao Han moved directly over, and the two elders didn't notice it at all.

In addition to some loss of consciousness due to the injury of the young city Lord, the more important reason should be that the strength of the young man in front of him is not as revealed on the surface.

Seeing this, the two elders of them haven't responded.

It turns out that this mysterious young man has been hiding his strength.

Even when fighting with Guo Chang, the little city Lord, his true ability was revealed only at the crucial time when he finally made a move.

Another elder looked at Xiao Han in horror and howled: "you... Who are you? Our Lord Guo is nearby. What do you want? "

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that all three of you together are no match for me." Xiao Han gave a smile and then said, "if you are wise, please stand aside. What I'm looking for is your little city Lord Guo Chang, not you. Don't force me to do it."

Hearing this, the two elders of Xuanfeng city looked at each other and saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

With the strength of the other side, they are not strong at all.

If they had not been injured in the explosion of Xue Dazhuang before, they should still be able to have a round with the mysterious young man in front of them.

But now, both of them are injured. They are not the young man's opponent at all.

At this time, it's not a tough time. Even the little city Lord of Guochang was hurt by them. They two old guys can do nothing.

So the two people looked at each other, and they retreated to one side.

At this time, the two elders of Xuanfeng city had to pray secretly in their hearts that the city Lord Guo would come back as soon as possible, otherwise, the little city Lord would be in danger.The two of them have the same idea, and Guo Chang, the Lord of Shao Cheng, has the same idea.

Guo Changgang has just been defeated by Xiao Han. He has already broken his courage.

At this time, dozens of bones had been broken all over the body. Even if Guo Chang wanted to move, he couldn't move.

And he knew that such a young man in front of him would not let him go so easily.

Now the only way is to pray silently in my heart that my father can come early.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll suffer a lot today.

"Such a little brother, I have something to say and something to say." Lying on the ground, Guo Chang grinned and squeezed out a smile that he thought was very friendly. Then he said softly, "as long as you don't kill me, I can give you anything you want."

Xiao Han stood in front of Guo Chang with his chest in his hands. He looked down at Guo Chang, who was once a powerful man. Now he lies on the ground like a dead dog. He smiles and then says, "what do I want has anything to do with you? I'll kill you directly, and then take away the bag of heaven and earth from you. It's OK. Why should I keep your life?"

Guo Chang was slightly stunned, and then reacted. Xiao Han was ready to kill people first, and then snatch away the bag of heaven and earth on his body.

When the time comes, all the treasures and all the wealth that he has worked hard to exist will become the spoils of the other party.

Think of here, Guo Chang's face showed a trace of cruel color: "you dare to kill me, my father will not let you go."

Xiao Han ha ha path: "now your father and Yang Si Lang fight, the winner is not known, you now use your father to frighten me, but there is no egg use."

At least, what Guo xuanlang did not know was that he was introduced to Xiao Fengyuan in the middle of the city.

As for where to lead, Xiao Han doesn't care at all.

Maybe in Guo Da's consciousness.

His son was accompanied by two elders of Xuanfeng City Lord's house. In addition, his second brother, Li Hu, the leader of the tiger teeth team, was also there. There was no risk to deal with Li Rumei and others.

Who knows that in addition to Li Rumei and others in Haotian City, a mysterious master Xiao Han has been lurking behind Guo Chang.

Guo Changjian's last threat has no effect on Xiao Han.

Guo Chang immediately changed his face and begged: "this little brother, please spare me. Take what you want as soon as possible. My heaven and earth bag is in my arms, and I will give you all. Anyway, you took away the set of divine level skills that I robbed from Xue Dazhuang, the leader of the demon Corps. Now take the Qiankun bag from me, and you will use everything."

As if he was afraid that Xiao Han would not be moved, Guo Chang continued: "all the things you want are in my heaven and earth bag, and there are all my savings over the years in the heaven and earth bag. Add up to 60 seven level demon pills. This is the private money I have saved. Even my father doesn't know about it. Take it and take it all, as long as you spare my life It is. "

At this time, the two elders of Xuanfeng city looked at each other. They didn't expect that Guo Chang, the young city Lord, was so afraid of death.

People are just casually threatening two words, even all the wealth are explained, it is really afraid of death.

Xiao Han smiles and suddenly reaches out to grab.

From Guo Chang's arms, a bag of heaven and earth flew out, and Xiao Han caught him in the palm of his hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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