Published at 6th of March 2023 07:28:52 AM

Chapter 2075

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Xiao Han's face was cold, and two different colors of breath surrounded him. The whole situation made Xiao Han look like a God.

Xiao Han, who is in the middle of the sky, steps towards the wind chasing elder of the Kirin clan, Feng Wuji.

Then he said, "how can I see the killing air in Xiao's eyes? Are you trying to kill me? "

"Want to kill you, do you want to inform you?" Xiao Han grinned, and a majestic aura began to gather around him.

Xiao Han directly promotes the aura in his body to the peak state, and the intention is self-evident.

"Do you want to kill me with your strength at the peak of seclusion? It's a joke

Xiao Han's words made him laugh. Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is really very strong. Among all the experts who pass the peak state of seclusion, he should be one of the best.

However, even if the wind can't kill Xiao Han, Xiao Han's strength is more likely to kill him.

At this time, the wind no trace is ready to hand again, let Xiao Han see his fierce, but suddenly his back again came a very fierce breath.

This breath, let the wind traceless, can not help but face slightly changed.

"Goddamn Xuantian copper man."

Wind no trace dark scold, had to turn to meet.

Urged by Xiao Han, Xuantian copper man again surrounded.

It seems that Xiao Han is going to take advantage of Xuantian copper man's help to kill Feng Wuji.

"Little scumbag, drag me with eighteen Xuantian copper men, and then you wait for the opportunity to start?" The two hands of the wind without trace pushed forward, and a torrent of aura formed a strong barrier in front of them, which was used to block the attack of those Xuantian copper men.

"Dong Dong..."

every attack of the 18 Xuantian copper men's iron fists around them, they would bring a series of harsh wind breaking sounds on the field, and hit the windless defense, sending out a series of earth shaking noises. The 18 Xuantian copper men attacked in turn. With such a terrible voice, even the surrounding space appeared a trace of cracks, There are already signs of disintegration.

Around some people who accidentally saw this scene, the Terran gas refiners and monster masters couldn't help but be surprised.

Such a strong collision and confrontation, only the wind in the early stage of the hijacking period can be completely resisted.

If they were any Terran gas refiner and demon Beast Master who had the highest level of strength in the seclusion period, they would have been defeated under the siege of the eighteen bronze men.

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, even if the fierce man is at the level of the dark wind.

If we fight like this, the result will not be much better.

What's more, Xiao Han around him is covetous. At any time, he is likely to make a move. At this time, the wind has no trace, and there is no other better way to escape.

Feng Qingling, the other experts of the wind chasing Qilin clan, are now concentrating on fighting for starlight. Where can they spare their energy to support them, they can only rely on Feng wusheng.

Even if Feng Wuji was an expert in the early stage of the robbery period, he could only support it under the siege of the eighteen Xuantian copper men.

Feng Wuwen's figure retreated to strike again and again. Although he had not yet shown the defeat, the terrorist combat effectiveness of the 18 Xuantian copper men around him still made Feng Wuji only be in a passive defensive situation.

"He can't fight like this any more. Even if he doesn't get hurt by these Xuantian copper men, Xiao Han's little rabbit will take the opportunity to sneak attack and leave the battlefield. I'll find a chance to clean it up later

Feng Wuji scolded two words in his heart, and then the breath of the whole person suddenly rose. He blew out more than ten fists, and forced the attack of the eighteen Xuantian copper men to open. Then the whole body flashed and flew back to the back.

It's not easy to escape from the attack range of the 18 dark copper men. The wind has no trace. Just now, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, a sense of extreme danger sprang up from the wind's traceless heart.

"It's over."

No trace of the wind whispered, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Two days of ice and fire."

When wind traceless heart just perceived a trace of dangerous breath, from the wind traceless ear suddenly sounded a low voice.

Aware of the fierce breath coming from behind, even the face of the wind without trace is inevitably a little pale.

The wind without trace naturally won't fan such a low-level mistake, even Xiao Han's figure did not see, thought that he had escaped the encirclement.

Wind traceless just saw Xiao Han's figure is hundreds of meters away quietly watching Xuantian copper men besieging him, but the next moment, Xiao Han actually appeared directly behind him, the speed is really incredible.

"Dong..."At this time, the spirit of the spirit in the body was pushed to the peak, but the wind was still a little late.

In the wind traceless defense is not fully formed, two different colors of Qi force on the wind traceless back.

Xiao Han that ice and fire contained in the two days of terror, in this moment, like the tide general into the wind traceless body.


it was quite unprepared to resist Xiao Han's move. In the double sky of ice and fire, the wind had no trace, and a trace of abnormal ruddy flashed on his face.

A sweet throat, a mouthful of blood can not help but spit out from the mouth.

The wind's body without trace was repeatedly retreated by the powerful gas. On the way, he bumped into several Terran gas refiners and demon beast experts who were watching the fun around.

Quench can not prevent, the huge impact of the impact of those who secretly look at the lively guys are in a mess.

The whole body retreated hundreds of meters in mid air, and the wind had no trace, which just managed to stabilize the body.

His face was bloody with no trace of wind, his face was pale and his expression was dispirited. Although it was not a serious injury, it was enough for the wind to suffer from the injury in the divine consciousness space before.

The wind has no trace to suppress the tumbling breath in the body, and looks at Xiao Han in the distance viciously.

Fengwuji has been famous for a long time, and has never been so embarrassed by a younger generation for so many years.

Feng Wuji swears in his heart: "little bastard, wait for me. As an elder of the wind chasing Qilin clan, I will never let you go like this. One day, I will make you pay a heavy price."

No trace of wind, even among the wind chasing Qilin people, their status is very high. When did they suffer such a big loss?

Now, in the ancient ruins, they have been defeated twice in a row. Just this time, Xiao Han almost killed him on the spot. Such a painful experience makes Feng Wuji hate Xiao Han to the extreme.


the wind without trace is cursing Xiao Han in his heart, and coldly rushes out a Xuantian copper man from the side, and once again punches the wind traceless back.


in the case of unprepared, he was attacked by Xuantian copper man again, and his body with no trace of wind flew back again.

The wind traceless body like a broken kite flew to the ground heavily. After erasing a long trace on the floor of the hall, the wind's body hit the edge of the stone platform heavily, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

After the injury, the wind has no trace, the breath on the body is more dispirited, and the whole person's face is quite pale.

Wind traceless struggle to stand up, again the amount of a look at the air Xiao Han, wind traceless eyes in addition to vicious, there is a trace of fear.

Xiao Han quietly hovered in the air, Lengyan looked at the wind no trace from the ground to stand up.

Feng Wuji knew that he was defeated this time, but Xiao Han succeeded with the help of eighteen Xuantian copper men.

Next time, the wind without trace certainly won't let Xiao Han succeed so easily.

Thinking of this, Feng wusheng is about to turn around and run away, but suddenly, Feng Wuji's face changes greatly. When he looks down in disbelief, he finds that there is a long sword body coming out of his chest.

The long body of the sword pierced through the windless chest, and a stream of blood dripped down from it.

"Sky Sword, this is Xiao Han's Sky Sword."

The wind traceless eyes stare at the sword tip below, and instantly recognize it. This is the half spirit sword in Xiao Han's hand.

To this time, wind traceless just understand come over, originally Xiao Han had not planned to let him go.

, "Hello, ruthless..." (

). The bubble of the blood clot was sprayed out of the mouth without wind. After that, the vitality of the body was quickly cut off without wind.

The whole body gradually softened, and finally fell directly to the ground.

The elder of the wind chasing Qilin clan, whose cultivation level and strength have reached the level of cultivation in the early stage of the robbery period, Feng wutrace, died under the tacit cooperation of Xiao Han, Xuantian copper man and sky sword.

"When I'm stupid? If I don't kill you today, I won't give you a chance to avenge me. "

Looking at the collapsed body with no trace of wind on the ground, Xiao Han's face is indifferent.

As a matter of fact, he does not have any grudge against Feng Wuji. However, because Yumei Niang refined the relationship between the wings of the wind chasing Qilin clan, Feng Wuji has been targeting him all the time. She wants to arrest Xiao Han and Yumei Niang and send them back to the wind chasing Qilin clan for disposal.

So Xiao Han has no way but to kill the wind cleanly without trace.

Anyway, there was no friendly ending between Xiao Han and the wind chasing Qilin clan.With the help of eighteen Xuantian copper men, relying on the silent attack of the sky sword, Xiao Han successfully called on the wind without trace to be killed.

The meaning of the eighteen bronze men in the heaven and earth bag, nine princess is also a flash, appeared in Xiao Han's side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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