Published at 6th of March 2023 09:14:07 AM

Chapter 211

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The front of the car ran into Qin Xiaotian, but at last it stopped.

Qin Xiaotian almost scared faint, he looked up and scolded: "fuck, how to drive?"

When the car opened, Xiao Han jumped out of the back seat and took the luggage out of the trunk. Li Da Pang was too lazy to pay attention to the astonished expression of the people around him. He patted Xiao Han on the shoulder and said, "OK, it's time to send you here. I'll go first. "

"Yes, you go back." Xiao Han nodded.

Li daphou also ignored Qin Xiaotian's gaping appearance. Just drive away.

"Shit, don't go!" Qin Xiaotian wants to chase after him, but Li daphou blows away with one foot of gas.

Everyone looked at Xiao Han in amazement. In the eyes one by one, it seems that there is a good play to see.

"Excuse me Where is the registration office? " Xiao Han asked curiously.

"What's your name, classmate?" Li Ruobing, as the leader of the reception for freshmen, took the initiative to meet Xiao Han.

"My name is Xiao Han!" Xiao Han nodded politely.


There was an uproar all around. Everyone looked at Xiao Han in surprise again. Did not expect, in front of this handsome boy unexpectedly is Xiao Han?

"My God, is he Xiao Han?"

"So he is the number one in the college entrance examination?! And the first student with full marks in the college entrance examination? "

"It's incredible."

A group of people were shocked.

"Are you Xiao Han?" Li Ruobing's face suddenly appeared a surprised smile.

"Yes Xiao Han nodded, the welcome banner at the school gate came out, and estimated that he had become a celebrity in this school. Therefore, Xiao Han felt that he had to keep a low profile. He was a little embarrassed and said, "I I want to sign up as soon as possible, OK? "

"Good." Li Ruobing quickly nodded and said, "give me your admission notice. I'll arrange the admission procedures for you right away. "

Xiao Han handed the admission notice to Li Ruobing.

Li Ruobing quickly helped Xiao Han sign up. And accompany all the way, warm and generous. This can stimulate Qin Xiaotian.

"Xiao Han?" Qin Xiaotian frowned. He looked at Xiao Han's back, but he didn't expect that he had calculated a good day and a good time to sign up here. Originally, he wanted to gain a bit of publicity and eyeballs. Now it's OK, and it's completely destroyed by this boy.

Qin Xiaotian looked up and raised his mouth slightly: "is it you? Hum, wait for me

With that, Qin Xiaotian turned to get on the bus and drove away.

People also pay attention to Qin Xiaotian, and all people's focus is on Xiao Han. After all, they are all students, and the luxury cars are just eye stimulation. For Xiao Han, who is a bully and a God, it is a spiritual worship. Therefore, their eyeballs were quickly attracted by Xiao Han. No matter where Xiao Han goes, there are a group of fans following behind.

Li Ruobing has always been very interested in Xiao Han.

First of all, Xiao Han is riding in a BMW. Although I don't know what the relationship between the driver and Xiao Han is, it shows that Xiao Han's background should be different. Secondly, Xiao Han didn't have a famous brand clothes, but he was very clean and tidy. It's very sunny. Secondly, Xiao Han was the first person who didn't look at himself with a straight eye. Any man, as long as he sees himself, will show a greedy look, even if there is no greedy eyes, there will be a love in the eyes.

But Xiao Han didn't. He looks at himself the same way he looks at everyone. There is only a calm smile in the eyes.

"Xiao Han, I heard that you are from Linjiang city?" Li Ruobing asked curiously.

"Yes Xiao Han nodded.

"Me too Li Ruobing said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I should be in the same city as the number one scholar in China. I'm from NO.4 middle school. How about you? "

"I'm a student from Linjiang No.1 middle school." Xiao Han replied politely.

Li Ruobing took Xiao Han to finance. The financial department input Xiao Han's files and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, you are the number one student in the national college entrance examination. According to the instructions of President Chen, you are free of tuition for four years. So, you don't have to pay tuition. "

"All right." Xiao Han immediately nodded.

"That's great." Li Ruobing looked at Xiao Han with a smile and said, "I didn't expect that the school has exempted your tuition. By the way, the school should give you a great reward? "

"Yes Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "it's all used to buy a house."

"Oh? Where did you buy the house? " Li Ruobing is from Linjiang City, so she knows more or less about the houses in Linjiang city.

"I bought a house in Evergrande city." Xiao Han nodded immediately.

"Wow..." Li Ruobing was surprised to see Xiao Han and said: "Evergrande city is the high-end real estate in Linjiang city. It's more than 10000 per square meter?"

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded.

"How rich Li Ruobing looked at Xiao Han with envy on his face, and then said, "I really envy you. You can buy a house for your family at a young age. ""Sister, you can do it in the future!" Carrying his luggage, Xiao Han received the school supplies, quilts and washing supplies from the academic affairs office

"I'll take it for you!" Li Ruobing rushed to help, she helped Xiao Han with the washbasin, and then said with a smile: "go, I'll take you to the boys' dormitory!"

"OK, thank you, sister." Xiao Han said gratefully.

"Thank you is not enough." "Li Ruo Bing" means "charming" in your eyes

"Ah?" Xiao Han hesitated for a moment and said in a hurry: "that's good. I'll invite you to dinner later."

"Good." Li Ruobing immediately nodded and said, "this is what you said. You have to invite me to dinner later."

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded.

Later, Li Ruobing led Xiao Han to the boys' dormitory. Come down from the complex building and walk along the left road towards a row of dormitory buildings not far away. Zan new dormitory building, only completed a year, after decoration, soon put into use. Each of them has his own desk. The desk is very good and the quality of the bed is also very good.

Li Ruobing leads Xiao Hanchao to No.1 boys' building. Xiao Han was assigned to room 101, dormitory 1, building 1.

Entering the boys' dormitory, many boys are looking forward to Li Ruobing.

"Shit, look at that girl. It's beautiful!"

"No, it's water."

"I heard that she is the flower of foreign language department. It seems that vice president Li's son is chasing her. I don't know if it's true

Many people in the male dormitory are also talking, they seem to be very interested in such gossip. It's also very exciting. Where there are people, there is gossip, and there is no lack of gossip in boys' dormitories.

Dormitory 101.

Xiao Han and Li Ruobing just walked in. A man in fancy pants is coming out of the bathroom.

"Ah Li Ruobing immediately dropped the basin in his hand, covered his face and screamed.

"My God!" The man ran to the bathroom.

A lot of people gathered around.

"Sister, he went in." Xiao Han hastily reminds a way.

"Playing rogue?" Li Ruobing yelled.

"This is the boys' dormitory. Who let you in?" The man put on a pair of autumn trousers and came out of the bathroom with his bare arms. His face was red. Although Li Ruobing is beautiful, he is still a little embarrassed.

Li Ruobing bit her lips and said, "I'm the captain of the concierge department. I'm sending new students to my dorm

The man looked at Xiao Han and pursed his mouth: "brother, your name is..."

"My name is Xiao Han!" Xiao Han reached out and shook hands with him.

Hearing this, the man was shocked: "you Are you Xiao Han? The champion of college entrance examination? It's his mother's full mark

"Hey, it's me!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Oh, I'll go!" The man excitedly held Xiao Han's hand and said, "my name is Liu Bin. I didn't expect to have a room with the champion? I didn't expect that. "

"Are you the first to come?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"No!" Liu Bin quickly nodded and said, "I came yesterday. The school settled me here. Xiao Han, what major are you

"Finance department!" Xiao Han replied.

"Oh, you are a talent in the national financial industry in the future." Liu Bin's head is about 1.7 meters. He is shorter than Xiao Han by a head. He looks up at Xiao Han and says: "in the future, we can help our country fight a dozen national currency wars. Damn it, the RMB exchange rate has been devaluing recently. That's not a good thing. It must be the imperialists who deliberately manipulated the exchange rate. It's bad for us. "

"Ha ha..." Xiao Han laughed.

For Xiao Han, the reason why he studied the financial industry is mainly to make money. He has studied the extraordinary relationship between mathematics and finance. So he knew exactly what he wanted. All he wants is money. If you can use mathematics to make money? Then only apply for financial major, so you can make money.

"Xiao Han, then I'll go..." Li Ruobing is very happy to see them talking.

"Let's go. We won't send them." Liu Bin replied.

"You Li Ruobing was a little annoyed. "I didn't talk to you again!" she said

"I'll see you off, sister!" Seeing this, Xiao Han opened his mouth in a hurry.

"Good." Li Ruobing nodded.

Li Ruobing has a good feeling for Xiao Han, because Xiao Han's handsome, in addition to Xiao Han's current popularity. How many people's eyes and focus have been attracted by a champion in college entrance examination alone? This is enough to make people worship him. Even Li Ruobing has great admiration and worship for him.

Xiao Han quickly sent Li Ruobing out.

Li Ruobing red face, two people shoulder to shoulder out of the boys' dormitory, Li Ruobing this just summoned up courage, way: "Xiao Han, you have promised to invite me to dinner."

"Ah, yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

However, after saying these two words, Xiao Han did not speak any more, but sent Li Ruobing out all the time.Li Ruobing has been waiting for Xiao Han to set the time and place, but the guy with papaya head has been silent. She was anxious: "well Should you tell me the time and place? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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