Published at 6th of March 2023 07:17:32 AM

Chapter 2203

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In this situation, Zhao family is indeed in a dilemma.

Now it's not the Guo family who is looking for Xiao Han's trouble, but Chen huohuohuo, the elder of xingyingzong, who has used Xiao Han's changeable body to find Xiao Han's trouble.

It seems that Chen Huo is not allowed to give up.

Then, Zhao family's choice, a little embarrassed.

Zhao Jin, who is in a dilemma, is even more embarrassed after hearing Xiao Han's words.

At this time, regardless of Xiao Han, let Xiao Han deal with xingyizong alone. How did Zhao Jin go?

However, if not, what can be changed by gambling on the life and death of the Zhao family?

Nothing can change.

Compared with a star meteorite clan, the Zhao family is really too small.

Zhao Jin stares at Xiao Han's back and says in a low voice with a bitter smile: "Mr. Xiao Han, I can only apologize to you."

Zhao Jin wants to stand with Xiao Han, but he can't be impulsive.

As the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Jin could not be impulsive.

Every decision of his is related to the life and death of Zhao family.

Zhao Jin must be responsible for all the children of the Zhao family, and can not let the whole Zhao family fall into a situation of life and death.

And Zhao Jin is very clear, Xiao Han just like this, really do not want their Zhao family involved in.

Because Xiao Han also knows that it is meaningless.

After hearing Zhao Jin's words, Xiao Han looked back at Zhao Jin, waved his hands, and looked free and easy.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Han really felt that there was no need for the Zhao family to take the risk.

Moreover, the strength of the meteorite sect is terrible. It is more convenient to fight for it.

In any case, he was alone. If he had been beaten, he would be totally upset. However, it would not be humiliating to hit him. Just run away.

With his strength, what can xingyizong do?

The area near the demon imperial city is so vast that even the meteorite sect can't cover the sky by itself.

Therefore, for Xiao Han, it is more conducive for him to deal with the relationship first.

If the Zhao family is really involved, Xiao Han will feel tied up, even more unable to let go.

Seeing this scene, Chen huohuohuo, the elder of xingweizong, sneered: "boy, I didn't expect you to be so righteous. I can give you a chance."

With that, Chen Huo said with a playful face: "if you mean it, you can go back to xingyizong with me now. Then I will help you to say you are almost nice in front of the patriarch. Maybe you have a chance to save your life. If you don't appreciate it, there's no way. I have to abandon your cultivation in order to prevent the changes of the xingyizong from leaking out."

Looking at the playful elder Chen, Xiao Han suddenly couldn't help grinning.

Chen Huo Huo, when he Xiao Han is a fool?

Go with him to xingyizong, even if you can save your life, then you will be abandoned and cultivated, and you will stay in xingyizong for the rest of your life?

Xiao Han is not the kind of person who can give up the principle in order to save his life.

"I want to stress for the last time that I imitated from Guo Yi. If you want to embarrass me, I won't be arrested."

Xiao Han said with a cold smile: "so, it is impossible for you to take me back to xingyizong."

Hearing this, Chen huohuohuo's body sends out a fierce killing idea: "then I can only do it myself to destroy you."

"Ha ha, abandoned me?"

Xiao Han's face flashed a mocking look. He grinned and said in a loud voice: "if you're not polite, do you want to abolish me with your strength? Dream. "

Dream about it?

After hearing Xiao Han's words, his whole body was silent.

Almost everyone was shocked by Xiao Han's strong self-confidence.

Chen Huohuo in front of me is not comparable to Guo Yi's younger generation.

Although Xiao Han and Guo Yi before the fight, showing a very strong fighting capacity.

However, with his strength, Xiao Han wants to regret the seventh elder of xingyizong?

This Xiao Han, is not a little too much?

A Guo Yi is so powerful. Chen huohuohuo is the elder of xingyizong. I'm afraid that the cultivation level is not as simple as that in the early stage of the Dujie period?

So why does Xiao Han confront a super strong man who is likely to be the middle of the transition period?

Even if Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is very abnormal, I'm afraid we can't make it to an expert in the middle of the robbery period?

See Xiao Han so tough, but let those strong Guo family happy.

In particular, Guo Meng, Guo Yi's father, almost cheered loudly.

At present, his son was abandoned by Xiao Han. It would be wonderful to see Xiao Han killed by elder Chen.

Guo Meng and others sneered.

Judging from the current situation, Xiao Han didn't even drop the star. In the eyes of the elder of the meteorite sect, he really wanted to die himself."Ah..."

Zhao Jin behind Xiao Han was also bitterly smiling.

I didn't expect that Xiao Han's temperament was so strong that he didn't want to bow down in front of Chen Changlao's face.

Chen huohuohuo, the seven elder of xingyizong, had already been the state of cultivation in the middle period of Dujie period.

They Zhao family, also only big elder this level strong person can contend with one or two.

However, if you really want to worry about it, the elder of Zhao family is not Chen Huohuo's opponent.

Because he was born in the meteorite sect, his means and cards are not comparable to those in the middle of the robbery period.

In other words, Chen Huohuo's real strength is outstanding even compared with other strong men in the middle of the robbery period.

But why does Xiao Han still speak so hard?

You know, what stands in front of him now is not the early stage of the transition period, but a famous mid-term strong man.

Zhao duo'er, standing beside Zhao Jin, looks anxious.

She doesn't care how Xiao Han's changeable body comes from.

She only hoped that Xiao Han could retire.

Therefore, the situation on the field evolved into this, Zhao duo'er is really a little helpless.

Naturally, she didn't want to see Xiao Han killed or abandoned.

Thinking of this, Zhao duo'er can't help but blame himself.

If she had not repeatedly asked Xiao Han to help them tide over the difficulties of the Zhao family, Xiao Han would certainly not have come to stir up the grudges between the Zhao family and the Guo family.

If Xiao Han doesn't help the Zhao family, he won't face the situation now.

Zhao duo'er murmured to himself, "Mr. Xiao Han, it is I who have harmed you, I have harmed you."

At this time, Zhao duo'er suddenly found that someone was bumping himself with his elbow.

Zhao duo'er turns her head and finds out that it is her sister Zhao xuan'er.

"Sister, don't worry. Mr. Xiao Han will turn out to be a lucky man."

Seeing Zhao duo'er's anxious face, Zhao xuan'er said in a soft voice, "besides, I don't think Mr. Xiao Han is an impulsive person. He doesn't want to bow down now. He must have something to rely on. Let's wait and see what happens."

Zhao duo'er also knows that Zhao Xuaner said this to comfort herself.

However, hearing this, Zhao duo'er's worried look on his face is more intense.

Her heart is also very clear, in front of this star meteorite clan elder Chen, the real strength is afraid to be even stronger than their Zhao family elder.

Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is very strong, talent is also high.

But Xiao Han, no matter how fierce he is, is only an expert in the early stage of the transition period. How can he fight a master in the middle of the period?

Although Zhao Duoer is still at the peak of the seclusion period, she is also very clear about the gap between each small realm.

In addition, the gap between each small realm will be widened after the transition period.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... It's really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers."

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Chen huohuohuo, the elder of xingyizong, was slightly stunned and then burst into laughter.

Chen Huohuo is the first time that he was hated by a younger generation.

Xiao Han actually let him dream.

That's a big talk.

Chen Huo looked up at the sky and said with a smile, "I haven't gone down the mountain for so many years, but I didn't expect that the young people will be more and more arrogant.

Good, good... Your words have successfully aroused my curiosity. I'd like to experience it personally and discard you. In the end, is it my dream

Chen Huohuo laughs unceasingly, but everybody can feel clearly that Chen Huo is already angry.

It seems that Xiao Han's words have successfully angered the elder of Xingqiu sect.

Hearing this, Zhao Jin and many strong men behind him, their faces were completely ugly.

Xiao Han helped them through the difficulties of Zhao family, but their Zhao family could only watch Xiao Han be killed by Chen huohuohuo?

This kind of feeling, lets Zhao family's heart is very uncomfortable.

And many of the Guo family's strong men are indeed full of joy.

Then Chen huohuohuo's hand killed Xiao Han. Didn't he avenge the Guo family?

As for those around who eat melons, but also a face of regret.

Such a young genius will be killed by the elder of xingyizong.

Unfortunately, it's a pity.

On the field everybody's manner is different, but Xiao Han's facial expression is not too big fluctuation.

From the beginning to the end, he did not show a look of panic or fear,

only in Xiao Han's eyes, there was a faint flash to the edge.

As a matter of fact, Xiao Han is not willing to have a feud with xingyingzong.

After all, the meteorite sect is a giant in the area near the demon city.Xiao Hangang has just entered the vicinity of the demon imperial city from other places, and doesn't want to offend the people of xingmeteor sect.

But Xiao Han doesn't want to go back or not, but now the people of xingyizong want to make people suffer, and Xiao Han will not bear to swallow his voice.

If Xiao Han really gives up resistance and follows Chen huohuohuo to xingyizong, isn't he handing his life to the other party?

Therefore, Xiao Han will never accept Chen huohuohuo's going to Xingqiu Zong at the disposal of the other party.

No matter whether Xiao Han secretly learned from their star meteorite sect's changeable body, to the star meteorite sect, it was really a lot of bad luck.

He would never do such a stupid thing as putting himself to death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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