Published at 6th of March 2023 06:59:30 AM

Chapter 2486

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Silly boy?

Hear this some intimate address, Xiao Han is slightly a Leng at first, after a moment to ease God.

From the old Jia to help himself out of the siege, after the words also have the meaning of maintenance.

Now it seems that Xiao Han has vaguely guessed that the Jia old man in front of him should be an old man who is very close to the ninth princess.

Judging from the attitude of Ye Xiu, the second commander, to this old Jia, his identity among the dragon people should be more special.

Moreover, from Jia's insidious maintenance of himself, it is likely that he was entrusted by the ninth princess to help him.

In this way, Xiao Han can be more sure that the old Jia in front of him cares a lot with the ninth princess.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han suddenly asked in a low voice: "Jia Lao, is the ninth Princess OK now?"

Hearing this, Jia is also slightly stunned.

After a moment, Jia Lao had recovered. He reached out to Xiao Han and said with a smile, "you are really smart. You can see my identity. Don't worry. Nine princess is very good."

Xiao Han arched his hand at Jia Lao and said in a positive tone: "please tell the ninth princess that I will never let her down."

"OK, I'll tell you. Remember, don't be impulsive before you enter the Dragon kingdom." Jia took a deep look at Xiao Han, then slowly turned around and walked outside the martial arts hall.

After the second commander Ye Xiu and others left, Jia also left the Yanwu hall.

As Jia Lao left, Xiao Han was left alone on the field.

Seeing that the originally earth shaking contest had not yet begun, many people in the Yanwu hall looked regretful.

Many people want to know whether this guy named Xiao Han can even shake Ye Xiu, the second commander of the Dragon guards.

But now it is over before the beginning, which makes the people present more or less unwilling, but helpless.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, all the people had to sit back to their seats, then looked back with regret and began to talk about the battle between Xiao Han and Zhong Kui in a low voice.

when it comes to exciting places, people can't help but look at Xiao Han who is still standing on the field.

For these around with a variety of emotional eyes, Xiao Han is not at all concerned.

Xiao Hangang was just ready to go back from the field. At this time, Xiao Han suddenly took a step, and the whole person was so stunned at the beginning.

Xiao Han's face changed, and he suddenly looked surprised.

Originally, Xiao Han was about to go back, but suddenly suddenly suddenly found that the evil spirit hidden in his body was just violently tumbling.

Xiao Han was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

OK, how can the evil Qi in your body change?

Can you say that there are demon masters nearby.

Think of here, Xiao Han's eyes along the body of that faint induction turned to look at the past.

I just noticed that Xiao Wu was sitting in a remote corner of the auditorium.

The figure was covered with a black robe, but Xiao Han could still see that he was a young woman.

When Xiao Han looked at the past, the woman just raised her head and showed her face with a veil.

I saw her eyes calm like water staring at Xiao Han.

When she is opposite to Xiao Han's four eyes, Xiao Han faintly feels that this woman is smiling at him.

"Demons? Is it the devil emperor's servant

When Xiao Han sensed the obscure breath from that woman's body, Xiao Han couldn't help but move.

The reason why the evil Qi hidden in Xiao Han's body suddenly changed is that he sensed the evil Qi in this woman's body.

And Xiao Han vaguely guessed that the other party should be to stimulate the evil Qi in his body to arouse the resonance of the evil Qi in Xiao Han's body.

This is enough to prove that the strength of this woman is quite strong.

"Is she a demon? It seems that this woman is from the family of gas refiners. She should be under the demon emperor. "

Xiao Han and that demon girl's four eyes are opposite, each eye has the dark evil qi circulation.

At the place where the two eyes meet, it seems that even the air gradually becomes sharp,

"Ka Ka..."

Xiao Han and the demon girl's eyes are opposite. After a while, suddenly there are sharp breath flows around the two people's positions, and even the surrounding space begins to appear signs of fragmentation.

Sensing the collapse of the surrounding space, Xiao Han's body is also a slight tremor, flashing a trace of dignified look on his face.

Xiao Han can vaguely feel that the evil spirit in this demon girl's body is extraordinary.

Even if Xiao Han met the demon lord Ji Wutian before, it should not be the girl's opponent.Soon, many people noticed Xiao Han and the girl's side of the movement, have a look of curiosity turned to see what happened.

At the same time, Xiao Han and that demon girl withdrew their sight and ended the confrontation.

"What happened just now?" After waiting for Xiao Han to walk back to the seat, jade Mei Niang hurriedly asked softly.

Just now Yumei Niang and Chen Jinnan follow Xiao Han's line of sight, and finally stay on the three black robed people in the corner.

"It's OK."

Xiao Han just gently shook his head, and did not break the identity of the other side.

In this holy city, Xiao Han has more important things to do, there is no need to focus on the demons.

Xiao Han finally took a deep look at that demon girl again and stopped paying attention to it.

Nine times out of ten, this woman is the master of the devil emperor.

Although Xiao Han always hated the devil emperor.

But now Xiao Han is really in the holy city. This is the territory of the golden dragon clan. Xiao Han doesn't want to make a rash move.

And Xiao Han can vaguely feel that the strength of the demon girl in front of her is very strong, which can make Xiao Han aware of a trace of danger. Presumably, her combat effectiveness is quite terrible.

He will not be angry, in this holy city in the special to provoke her.

Moreover, Xiao Han noticed that the two black robed men around the girl, although they said that they did not have the smell of demons, but their strength was not weak.

It seems that she came to the holy city with that demon girl.

"Come on, let's go out."

There are many people in this martial arts hall, and since Xiao Han's move, no one has come up to challenge each other. Without a lively look, Xiao Han is even more reluctant to stay here.

So Xiao Han greets Yumei and Chen Jinnan and turns to the gate of Yanwu hall.

Yu Mei Niang and Chen Jinnan hesitated for a moment behind Xiao Han, and finally followed Xiao Han's footsteps.

In this holy city, Xiao Han has no mind to pay attention to the hand of the demon emperor.

As long as the other party does not provoke themselves, Xiao Han does not need to provoke them.

In the future, if Xiao hanruo went to the demon Imperial City, he would naturally have a lot of opportunities to fight with the devil emperor's people.

"How about the fire dance?" Seeing the figure of Xiao Han and others gradually leaving, the pale young man smiles and asks softly.

"Very strong."

The woman named Fire Dance whispered. Although she said that her face was calm, her eyes, which looked like a deep pool, had a slight ripple: "this guy is my master's goal, but if I have a chance, I would like to have a contest with him. I heard that this guy not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has mastered the skills of our demon clan It's also very deep. Just like him, I have not only cultivated the realm of human spirit refiners, but also practiced the magic clan skills. I'd like to see which of us is better. "

"You say you are a girl. Why do you just like to fight and kill?" The pale young man shook his head helplessly: "you say you look so good-looking, but your strength is so strong, even I am not your opponent, can you speak some truth?"

The demon woman did not pay attention to his words, but said in a low voice: "I heard my master say that Xiao Han should be the descendants of the Xiao family. Hundreds of years ago, the Xiao family was the owner of the clan blood, but later their clan blood was abolished. I didn't expect that their Xiao family had become an abandoned family, and they could still be so young and tall Hand, it's a bit incredible to think about it. "

It seems that this demon woman is also very clear about the history of the Xiao family.

And the two young men around, it seems, are not in the demon clan.

But it seems that they have some understanding of Xiao Han's identity.

That is to say, even if these two young men were not under the magic emperor, they were also closely related to the forces of the demon emperor.

Hearing this, the dark young man chuckled: "I heard that when the Xiao family was still a Protoss, the relationship between the Xiao family and the golden dragon clan was good, but it was also when the Xiao family was still very strong.

However, there are only eternal interests and no eternal friends. The exchanges between the two forces are always based on the similar strength of the two sides.

In recent years, if not for the opposition of many elders of the golden dragon clan, I'm afraid it's not just the token that the magic emperor wants to find the Xiao family. I'm afraid that the golden dragon clan will be too impatient to forcibly arrest Xiao Zhan, Xiao Han's father, and force them to find out the whereabouts of the Xiao family's keepsake. "

"It's no use." The demon girl said softly: "my master has been in custody for ten years, and has used both hard and soft methods. Xiao Han's father, Xiao Zhan, still refuses to tell the whereabouts of the Xiao family's keepsake. It seems that the Xiaojia's Keepsake is not on Xiao Zhan's body."

"Fire dance, do you think you can enter the fairyland with the Xiaos' keepsake?" The pale young man asked , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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