Published at 6th of March 2023 06:55:51 AM

Chapter 2524

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Now, Luo Chengcheng suspects that his opponent Xiao Han may have gone through such a disguise.

In other words, on the surface, Xiao Han only seems to have the strength of triple heaven calamity in the peak state of crossing the heist period. In fact, Xiao Han's real cultivation realm is only suppressed or hidden by some mysterious means.

"Xiao Han, do you hide your strength? With your strength, how can you display such a powerful move?"

Luo Cheng's face was as gloomy as water, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

With Luocheng's cultivation realm and strength, there is no way to see through Xiao Han's realm and strength.

But Luo Cheng subconsciously thought that Xiao Han must be using some secret method or mysterious means to cover up his real state.

Playing a pig and eating a tiger is very common, whether it is in the ten directions or among the golden dragon clan.

Xiao Han is slightly a Leng at first, the reaction came over immediately.

Did Luo Cheng think he had hidden his realm and strength?

Xiao Han grinned, some speechless.

To say that Xiao Han has hidden his strength, it is certain that Xiao Han's own strength is not only the strength of the triple heaven calamity in the peak state of crossing the robbery period.

In this way, Xiao Han has hidden a lot of strength. If Xiao Han has not displayed those skills and moves, as well as some other cards and means, there is still a lot of hidden strength.

However, it is said that Xiao Han has hidden his cultivation realm, which makes Xiao Han's Bureau speechless.

Xiao Han knows his own strength.

Obviously, it is the strength of the peak state of crossing the robbery period and has just experienced the triple natural calamity. What is there to hide?

I think Luo Cheng is surprised by his own means.

Xiao Han grinned and whispered, "Luocheng, you think too much. I'm the strength of triple heaven robberies. What's more, if I'm really the strength of five or even seven, I'm afraid you've been able to support for so long in front of me. I'm afraid I'll have done it for a long time."

"You..." hearing this, rochengton was speechless.

Even if Xiao Han really hides his cultivation realm and strength, what can he do?

At this time, the contest between Luo Cheng and Xiao Han has already begun. Even if Xiao Han is a master of the nine times natural calamity, Luo Cheng can only recognize it with his nose.

However, Luo Cheng did not have direct evidence to prove that Xiao Han concealed his strength by some special means.

Therefore, Luo Cheng suddenly questioned Xiao Han in this way, which made him feel a little guilty.


suddenly, there was a burst of hiss on the field.

Although Luo Cheng is not defeated now and the situation on the field shows no sign of winning or losing, the questioning of Luo Cheng immediately makes people feel a little funny.

Luo Cheng is the one who holds the advantage of the Jedi on the field. Luo Cheng is also Luo Cheng who surpasses Xiao Han in his cultivation and strength. However, Luo Cheng still has such doubts. What's the reason?

Suddenly, Luo Cheng listened to the hiss around him, and his face became very ugly.

He didn't really expect that after questioning, Xiao Han would admit that he did use some mysterious means to hide his strength.

Luo Cheng just asked subconsciously.

But now, many people around have a look of fun, it seems that the person who takes the initiative is not he Luocheng, but Xiao Han.

Suddenly, Luo Cheng's face became blue.

"What's the name of the trick that's just been played?" Luo Cheng's face was livid, and suddenly asked in a low voice.

Luo Cheng is really curious about Xiao Han's new moves. Although Luo Cheng is well-known among the golden dragon clan, he has never heard of anyone who can combine two different breath into the same move.

It's very simple to put ice and fire in the body perfectly, but it's a little weird to combine the ice breath and the flame breath into one move perfectly.

So, even if the fight between Luo Cheng and Xiao Han is not over, Luo Cheng still can't help asking.

"You have a good eye. My move is called" ice and fire " Xiao Han chuckled and didn't keep it in front of Luocheng: "it's really hard for the ice and flame to blend together. I've tried many times to succeed. How about it? Is it surprising that you're surprised?"

Soon, Luo's achievement slowed down. It seems that Xiao Han is not only strong, but also cunning.

When Luo Cheng thought about it, he felt that Xiao Han was really cunning to the extreme. He actually hid his terrifying moves under the sword Qi barrier in front of him.

Xiao Han's purpose is very simple, naturally want to let some light enemy Luo Cheng eat a dark loss.

However, even if Luo Chengdu has to admit that he is indeed a little light on the enemy.At the beginning, Luocheng did not regard Xiao Han as a strong opponent when he just came on the stage.

Originally Luo Cheng thought that once he made a move, even if Xiao Han jumped again, he could not be shaken.

Luo Cheng originally wanted to fight quickly, and beat Xiao Han with the fastest speed.

In front of so many people, witnessed by many elders and clansmen of the golden dragon clan, and in front of so many descendants of the protoss blood family who have been invited to enter the territory of the golden dragon, Luo Cheng defeated Xiao Han squarely and trampled him under his feet.

Luocheng wants to let everyone witness that Xiao Han is not worthy of the ninth Princess of their golden dragon clan.

And now even the nine princesses are sitting around the square watching the battle.

Luo Cheng will not miss such a good opportunity.

In front of the ninth princess, Luo Cheng wants to humiliate Xiao Han severely. In this way, the ninth princess knows that Xiao Han, the son of the clan in front of her, is not qualified to be the son-in-law of the dragon clan.

It's just him.

Only Luo Cheng, a genius of the dragon clan, could be worthy of such a beautiful girl as Princess Shangjiu.

Just now, although Xiao Han said that he was very clever, he hid a very terrifying move under the sword Qi barrier.

The breath of ice and fire was very powerful, and Luocheng despised Xiao Han, so Xiao Han's moves just now achieved this unexpected effect.

However, this does not mean that Xiao Han's strength can defeat Luocheng.

At present, Luocheng just because of the fight with Xiao Han, so more or less with some contempt.

Now, Luocheng has suffered a little loss in front of Xiao Han. Luocheng will be more attentive to any action of Xiao Han.

In this way, it is not good news for Xiao Han.

Although said Xiao Han's bottom card and after the move is still many.

However, in the case of Luocheng has been on guard, Xiao Han wants to let Luo Cheng be cheated again, which is a little difficult.

And Luo Cheng's heart is very clear, now with Xiao Han this war, he can't lose, also can't afford to lose.

Although Xiao Han is not a genius of the golden dragon race, and his cultivation level and strength are not as good as Luocheng, he has an advantage that can not be ignored compared with Luocheng, that is, Xiao Han has been recognized by the ninth princess.

Luo Cheng was very unhappy in front of the ninth princess.

Since childhood, Luo Chengcheng grew up with Princess nine.

At that time, the relationship was very harmonious.

However, the ninth princess only had the feelings similar to brother and sister and friends to Luocheng, but did not have the slightest love between men and women. So the ninth Princess gradually grew up and began to keep a certain distance from Luocheng.

In this way, the more you can't get something, the more you care about Luo's achievement, the more profound your inner obsession will be.

Luo's entanglement with nine princesses completely disappoints nine princesses to Luo Cheng.

If Luocheng can defeat Xiao Han and beat Xiao Han everywhere in front of all the Golden Dragon people, then there is a glimmer of hope for Luo's success.

After all, among the golden dragon clan, most of the members of the Presbyterian Church who oppose the ninth princess's association with a human race gas refiner still occupy the majority.

And although Xiao Han once said that he was the descendant of a Protoss blood family, the Xiao family has been in decline for hundreds of years.

In addition, Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength are also the strength of triple heaven robberies.

Such strength, perhaps in the ten refining area, even in the vicinity of the demon imperial city can be regarded as a first-class genius.

But in this golden dragon clan, that is nothing.

In this way, as long as Luocheng can defeat Xiao Han, most of the Presbyterian elders of the golden dragon clan will support him to become the husband of the ninth princess.

And as long as Xiao Han is defeated, even the ninth princess will face a dilemma.

Their golden dragon people do not intermarry with foreigners has been passed down for thousands of years.

Even if the nine princess's dragon blood is very pure, in the dragon people's voice is not weak, but some things she can not change.

The dragon clan won't allow a Terran Qi refiner with average cultivation level and strength to become her husband.

In this way, it will affect the purity of dragon blood in Princess nine, and it will also have an irreversible impact on the purity of dragon blood in the future generations of Princess nine.

Princess nine has no way to fight against the whole dragon clan, unless from now on, Princess nine has nothing to do with the dragon family.

However, the nine princesses break with the dragon family, which means that Xiao Han will stand on the opposite side of the dragon family.

When the time comes, their golden dragon clan will not hold hands against Xiao Han.

Even if Xiao Han's talent and roots are evil and his cultivation potential is terrible, he can't be able to resist the whole golden dragon clan in the short term.So now it's not only Luocheng who is a little anxious, but the nine princesses who sit down to watch the war are also suffering a lot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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