Published at 6th of March 2023 06:53:32 AM

Chapter 2562

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At the moment, Luo Ye opened his mouth and closed his mouth to erase the quota of Xiao Han's entry into the protoss field, and the elder stood up.

"I know that in the past, the Xiao family was very kind to our dragon family, but now it is different from the past. Hundreds of years ago, the clan blood of the Xiao family has been abandoned. Now the Xiao family has been defeated. In order to enter the realm of the protoss, the Dragon family has planned for many years.

The white haired elder luoye said in a flat voice: "for so many years, our dragon family has not paid attention to the Xiao family, which is the end of benevolence. Now the Xiao family has not been the ancestral clan of the Protoss. Even if we exclude Xiao Han from the quota, there is no reason to blame. I think the little guy named Xiao Han should have this Self aware. "

Listening to Luo Ye's words, many elders nodded gently. It seems that many elders agree with Luo Ye's words.

And the elder who stood up to speak for the Xiao family, even the elder of the dragon clan, couldn't help wrinkling slightly.

Luo Ye's words seem to have no problem, but it's a bit too much to say to keep Xiao Han out of the protoss realm.

If the relationship between the Xiao family and their dragon clan is not so bad, there is nothing wrong with it, but the elders of the dragon clan Presbyterian Council present are all senior.

When the ancestral blood of the Xiao family had not been abandoned, the elders in the Presbyterian Council were about the same age as Luo Cheng, ye Xiu and Zhong Kui.

At that time, as the strong young generation, their elders often went to the territory of the Xiao family. Being a guest was one of the most important things. The territory of the Xiao family was more suitable for the experts of the dragon clan to experience.

Therefore, it is true to say that nearly half of the elders of the golden dragon clan elders' Association have been taken care of by the Xiao family.

But now, Xiao Han's qualification to enter the protoss field is almost gone, and many elders still have some opinions.

"Let's take a long-term view on Xiao Han's entry into the protoss field. I don't think it's appropriate to eliminate Xiao Han's quota."

"Yes, yes, I am. It's not appropriate for me to exclude Xiao Han's quota. Besides, we will directly cancel Xiao Han's qualification, and the ninth Princess may not agree with it."

"The Xiao family, after all, has some friendship with our dragon family. Even if the Xiao family has already declined, how can we still remember the old love and take care of the descendants of the Xiao family...

" ha ha, Zhao Fu? "

At this time, the discussion on the field was interrupted by Luo Ye's cold Laughter: "if Xiao Han is honest and honest, let's take care of it, and it's no big deal. But now, the Xiao family, the younger generation, will pay attention to the nine princess. Can you see a Terran boy who has been abandoned from afar to take away the most excellent and only divine blood of the dragon clan? "


hearing this, the faces of the people on the field changed slightly.

What Luo ye said is the most worrying thing for all the elders on the field.

If Xiao Han really chased the ninth princess to her hand, would she not marry Xiao Han in the future?

If their Xiao family is still a Protoss blood family, maybe the dragon clan will be very satisfied with this marriage.

But now, Xiao Han's Shenzu blood has long been abandoned.

In this way, in the eyes of the elders of the dragon clan, Xiao Han is not worthy of the ninth princess.

"If you're not polite, even my Luocheng can't match princess nine, let alone Xiao Han."

Luo Cheng then sneered: "so don't think about those who have not, or think about how to eliminate Xiao Han from the quota."

Hearing this, the elder frowned slightly. When the elder was about to speak, the field suddenly raised.

The elder raised his head and looked at the door of the hall.

Just as the elder of the dragon clan was about to speak, there suddenly appeared a wave of breath in the hall.

Suddenly, the space at the entrance of the hall was twisted, and suddenly, a figure appeared slowly.

At this time, several golden warriors who were in charge of guarding the main hall also showed up, but before waiting for the golden warriors to shout, suddenly there was a strong pressure on the field.

Under the pressure of this powerful pressure, those golden warriors fell down and were directly laid on the ground by the powerful and incomparable power.

The faces of several golden warriors changed dramatically. Just as they were about to roar, they looked up and found a wonderful figure coming out of the space.

"Nine princesses..."

before the golden warriors finished, the ninth Princess gently waved her hand to signal them to step back.

Those golden warriors were stunned at first, and then they jumped from the ground without thinking about it.

If other people are introduced to the meeting site of the Golden Dragon patriarchal Association, the golden warriors of the guards will fight for it.But now, the nine princesses appear here, which is different.

You know.

The nine princesses have a very high status in the golden dragon race. They are the goddess of the whole golden dragon clan.

Moreover, many of the golden warriors in the bodyguards regard the ninth princess as their dream lover.

Now, Princess nine can suppress all the golden warriors on the scene even though her blood force has broken out.

So when the golden warriors saw that it was the ninth princess, they immediately withdrew.

The ninth Princess walked slowly from the gate of the hall to the middle.

This is the meeting place of the Golden Dragon patriarch. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

Now the ninth Princess broke into here, not to mention those golden warriors. Even all the elders of the Presbyterian Church were very shocked.

You know, Princess nine never appeared here before.

Even if it was invited by the elders of the Presbyterian Church, the ninth princess did not like to come to this hall.

The last time the ninth Princess appeared in this hall, she was invited by the elder.

The discussion was about the life of the nine princesses.

But at that time, the ninth princess said her attitude and left, ignoring the look of the elders around her.

Now nine Princess appears here again. It seems that the next thing is interesting.

Nine Princess slowly walked to the middle of the circle seat, looked at all around coldly.

Although the ninth princess is not a member of the Golden Dragon patriarch's old Association, according to reason, she can't appear here.

But now, the ninth Princess broke in like this, and none of the elders of the Presbyterian Church was against it.

You should know that this Presbyterian is the highest authority of the golden dragon clan. Ordinary people don't even have the qualification to be invited in.

The elders of the old Association, who have been here for so long, still look ugly at the moment.

What they were discussing just now is about Princess nine and Xiao Han.

The elders of the golden dragon clan also know that although the nine princesses have just appeared here, they may not be able to hide the nine princesses from their discussions before.

At the moment, nine princess's face is a little ugly.

And Luo Cheng's grandfather, the top three elder luoye in the Golden Dragon patriarchal Association, has a stiff look on his face at the moment.

In the middle of the field, the elder Xiao Han strongly opposed it.

He strongly opposes that Princess nine and Xiao Han enter the realm of protoss together. They are also the elder luoye.

Moreover, the person who called the ninth princess to this hall last time to discuss her life was the elder luoye.

Not only princess nine, but all the elders of the golden dragon clan who were present knew that luoye's purpose was to make a pair of his grandson Luocheng and Princess nine.

As long as Luocheng becomes the son-in-law of the nine princesses, then luoye's status in the Golden Dragon patriarchal Association will be improved a lot.

The next Presbyterian Council, perhaps the position of the great elder will be Luo Ye's turn.

See nine Princess some complexion is not good, Luo Ye dry smile two, light voice said: "nine princess, you come here for what? We are discussing important matters in the Presbyterian Council. Please go out. "

"Ha ha." The ninth Princess sneered and said, "what's the matter you're going to discuss that's not important. Isn't it that I'm not allowed to enter the realm of protoss?"

"You can't say that." Luo Ye's mouth twitched a few times and said in a bad mood: "Princess nine, the elders of our Presbyterian society are also for you. Although there are some opportunities in the protoss field, there are still great risks in it."

"What else? Is that your reason? " The ninth Princess asked impatiently.

"There are many dangers in the protoss field. Otherwise, we will not only select a place to enter this time. You should know, the protoss field has been abandoned for so many years, and those demons who were suppressed in the past are expected to have broken the seal and escaped."

Luo ye then said: "the ninth princess's blood has now been upgraded to the miracle blood, which is very important for our golden dragon race. This can't make fun of your life, so the ninth princess still don't embarrass us old men."

"That's not your reason, is it?" Nine Princess sneered: "you are not discussing to kick out the quota of Xiao Han? Why, do you think Xiao Han can't enter the protoss realm without your permission? "

"What do you mean?" Luo Ye was slightly stunned at first, and his face suddenly changed.

Not only Luo ye, but also the other members of the Presbyterian Church present also looked stunned.

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