Published at 6th of March 2023 06:49:49 AM

Chapter 2637

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This let Xiao Han and nine Princess two people's vigilance suddenly raised a lot.

There is no soul body around, so it is likely that others have killed them in advance.

And there are traces left by other Terran alchemists and monster masters. It seems that there should be other people in front.

As for whether it was Yang Yan and fire dance, Xiao Han didn't see it.

Xiao Han and Princess nine looked at each other and found that there were some traces left by fierce fighting around them.

It seems that someone has been fighting around here for a while. The situation on the field should be fighting with the soul body.

This is very familiar with the traces left after Xiao Han and Princess nine killed several soul bodies.

Xiao Han and Princess nine continued to walk for a distance, and found a place where the fighting was fierce.

Standing on a small hill, Xiao Han looked down at a messy ground not far away.

The front should be the place where someone has fought before. As for the object of battle, it should be the soul body.

Xiao Han looked at the scene in front of him, felt it with his divine sense, and immediately raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yang Yan?"

Xiao Han is a little surprised that he found Yang Yan's breath again, which makes Xiao Han a little unbelievable.

Xiao Han had already changed direction with nine princesses.

Is it difficult, Yang Yan's fellow happened to change direction?

After thinking about it, Xiao Han thinks that this is the only possibility. Otherwise, how could Xiao Han meet the traces left by Yang Yan and others after fighting here.

"It's really Yang Yan." Nine princesses on one side nodded.

Xiao Han can sense Yang Yan's breath, and nine princesses can feel it naturally.

Xiao Han nodded, and his figure flashed. The next moment his figure appeared next to the trace below.

"It should be a trace from yesterday."

Xiao Han slowly squatted down, looked at the traces on the ground, and said faintly:

"these traces should be the traces of the soul body of the seven times of Tianjie. It seems that Yang Yan and Huowu killed a seven times Tianba soul body here yesterday.

In other words, even if the strength of the fire dance has not been fully recovered, it should be about as well. It seems that the fire dance is more vital than we imagined, and there are many means. Otherwise, the fire dance will not be able to move so quickly. "

"It seems that the main player is Yang Yan. The fire dance should be assisted by the surrounding people. However, in less than 10 days, the guy recovered quickly.

But before that, the injury was so serious, even if it was Huo dance's wound recovery can be a lot, but her combat effectiveness should also be weakened a lot

The ninth princess looked around with a trace of vigilance. Then she whispered, "according to our journey, we should be very close to the core area of the protoss realm. I think we will be here in two or three days."

"It doesn't matter. I wanted them to go, but now that we meet again, it's the best.

Yang Yan and Huowu are two guys who have been around for many days. They should be avoiding us. Otherwise, Yang Yan will not change his route from time to time. In this case, it is an opportunity for us. If we meet again, we will go straight. "

Xiao Han slowly stood up from the ground and said with a playful face.

"Yes." The ninth Princess nodded slightly:

"Xiao Han, after I arrived here, I could vaguely feel that the number of powerful soul bodies around me began to become more and more intensive.

I estimate that the spirit body of the Ninth Heaven disaster, which was rarely seen before, should also appear occasionally

"The soul body of the strength of the nine calamities?" Hearing this, Xiao Han is also surprised.

Now, with Xiao Han's strength, I'm afraid it's still a little reluctant to deal with the soul body of jiuchongtianjie's strength.

Of course, just a little reluctant, in the case of Xiao Han's bottom cards, Xiao Han can still do it to deal with the spirit body of a nine fold natural calamity.

But in the case of Xiao Han not using the bottom card, Xiao Han wants to kill the soul body of a nine times disaster, Xiao Han himself has no confidence.

Although Xiao Han's strength has improved rapidly recently, it is very difficult for Xiao Han to deal with the strength of the ninth Tianba, even if it is the soul of the ninth Tianba.

And now Xiao Han doesn't want to use the bottom card. If he really meets the soul body of the Ninth Heaven disaster, Xiao Han is afraid that he can only join hands with nine princesses.

Xiao Han and the nine princesses work together, for the soul body in the hands of a nine fold Tianjie, there should be no problem.

But Xiao Han and nine princess can only deal with one, if there are two seven times of the soul body on the field, afraid that Xiao Han can only take the nine princess to run.

Xiao Han is very clear that in the middle of the protoss realm, only close to the core area of the protoss realm, or after entering the core area, can he encounter the soul body of the nine disasters.Although Xiao Han said that he had not met with the spirit body of jiuchongtianjie, he could probably imagine it.

It is absolutely not easy to cultivate the strength of the nine levels of natural calamity.

This kind of existence, even Xiao Han is a little frightened.

At the thought that the next is likely to encounter the spirit body of the strength of the ninth Tianke, Xiao Han can't help feeling a little excited.

In the past, the master of jiuchongtianjie strength was the existence that Xiao Han could only look up to.

But now, Xiao Han can't beat but can run.

And before running, you can also try to fight against it and weigh the depth of the soul body.

If before Xiao Han stepped into the five times of natural calamity, he would only turn around and run away. If he could run away, he would say twice.

Think of here, Xiao cold heart read a move.

Xiao Han seems to have sensed a trace of abnormality, and then directly released his divine consciousness power.

"Ling'er, I have found out."

Soon, Xiao Han's eyes lit up, then pointed to the front and said in a deep voice: "in that defense line, I can vaguely feel a very strong fluctuation, there should be some strong existence."

The ninth Princess nodded and said with a smile: "I have also felt that the fluctuation that can make us feel at the same time should be a very powerful soul body. I think it is also the soul body of the ninth disaster at least."

It is the first time for Xiao Han to see such a strong fluctuation after entering the protoss realm.

Although it's still hard to tell whether it's a Terran gas refiner or a monster master, or a soul body, it's a place close to the core of the protoss realm.

However, Yang Yan and Huowu could not be able to step into the strength of the Jiuchong Tianba so soon, so it is very likely that the fluctuation of the soul body of the Jiuchong Tianba is the same.

Just Xiao Han's perception, the wave is very strong, and soon, even the nine princesses have been sensed.

At least Xiao Han believes that there should be only a strong presence not far ahead.

If it was any other soul body, whether it was five or seven, it would not send out such strong fluctuations.

"Very likely." Xiao Han said with a smile: "maybe it was Yang Yan and Huowu who were entangled by the soul body of the strength of a nine times Tianjie. If not, it is estimated that the soul body of the nine times Tianba has not run away."

Xiao Han vaguely guessed that Yang Yan and fire dance should also be on this road.

As for whether Yang Yan and fire dance will change direction again, Xiao Han is not sure.

But Xiao Han believes that even if Yang Yan and Huowu have gone, they have not gone far.

It's just that the closer you get to the core of the protoss realm, the surrounding terrain is much more complex than the surrounding area.

Originally a flat wilderness, the terrain began to rise and fall.

It is much more convenient to walk in such a place than in the surrounding areas.

Xiao Han doesn't expect to catch up with Yang Yan and Huowu, but if Yang Yan and Huowu are entangled by a powerful soul of the nine times natural calamity, then Xiao Han and the ninth Princess may be able to catch up with Yang Yan and Huowu.

"Ha ha, Xiao Han, I think the fluctuation not far ahead seems to be the soul body of a nine times calamity. Do you think we should do something about it?" Nine Princess smiles and whispers.

Xiao Han's divine sense power is very keen, so Xiao Han can feel more clearly.

But the ninth princess could also feel the waves in the distance.

But nine princess can feel the fluctuation is weaker than Xiao Han.

Although the ninth princess was born in ancient times, her divine power was not much better than Xiao Han.

Moreover, the ninth Princess and Xiao Han have been together for such a long time, and they are very convinced of Xiao Han's divine power.

Many times, in the ninth princess has not detected the abnormal time, Xiao Han has been aware of something wrong.

This keen sense, coupled with Xiao Han's rich experience, is the real reason why Xiao Han sensed in advance that Yang Yan and Huowu were playing tricks behind the scenes.

If Xiao Han didn't find out ahead of time, maybe Xiao Han and Princess nine faced much greater threats when facing Yang Yan and Huowu.

Although nine princess said the strength is stronger than Xiao Han, but in this kind of perception ability, actually has to take Xiao Han.

Xiao Han knows what nine princesses mean.

If there is a soul body of nine disasters in front of us, it will be challenging for Xiao Han and Princess nine.

At least up to now, this is the soul body of the first nine calamities encountered by Xiao Han and Princess nine.

Before Xiao Han and nine Princess killed, at most only the top-grade soul crystal.

However, the soul body of jiuchongtianjie's strength can produce the best soul crystal.

To such a few cups of soul crystal, for Xiao Han and nine princess, has a great attraction.You know, the spirit of heaven and earth contained in the soul crystal of top grade has already satisfied Xiao Han and Princess nine. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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