Published at 6th of March 2023 06:48:00 AM

Chapter 2671

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The elder of the golden dragon clan is the strength of the Ninth Heaven robbery.

All the people present, however, saw Xiao Han's terrible arrow with his own eyes, which was easily dissolved by the elder.

If it wasn't for the big elder, Luo Cheng, who was the strength of the seven times of Tianba, would surely die under Xiao Han's arrow.

However, such a terrible arrow, in front of the great elder with the strength of the Ninth Heaven robbery, was vulnerable to a single blow.

It can be imagined that there is a big gap between the experts of the nine levels of Tianjie strength and the experts of the seven levels of Tianjie strength.

Now, waiting outside, at least are the soul body of four, five and nine times the strength of the natural calamity.

Such a powerful lineup, is it the presence of these Terran gas refiners and monster experts can resist?

"Dong Dong....

the field was dead, but there were still low muffled sounds in the passage.

And on the rock wall around the passage, the degree of shaking became more and more terrifying.

At this time, we can all feel that those spirits with the strength of the Ninth Heaven disaster are constantly attacking the ground. It is estimated that it will not be long before they are able to find out the guys who are hiding in the depths of the earth.

At that time, the souls of the four, five and nine times of the natural calamity will be swarmed in. How many of the 20-30 people present can survive?

At the thought of it, people couldn't help but feel cold.

The current situation is extremely bad.

Many people have a kind of obscure eyes to look at the Datong leader Luo Qingyuan.

Of course, there is a trace of blame in the eyes, but the public did not say clearly, and soon these obscure meanings disappeared.

After all, the strength of the golden dragon clan is the strongest. At this time, no one dares to blame Datong leader Luo Qingyuan.

And soon we all figured it out. If it wasn't for Luo Qingyuan, the leader of Datong, to dig a hole into the deep underground, many people would have died under the power of the space riots.

Although we are facing a desperate situation, at least we are not worried about our lives.

See the atmosphere on the field dull to the extreme, Xiao Han thought, still did not say a word.

In Xiao Han's opinion, although the current situation is critical, it is not a situation that must die.

At least, although the spirit body of the four, five, and nine levels of natural calamities outside was powerful, so were so many human gas refiners and monsters.

If we really want to put it together, Xiao Han feels that it is not without a chance of vitality.

The key is to see if we can unite.

At this time, Xiao Han made a wink at Luo Qingyuan, a general leader.

Datong leader Luo Qingyuan looks at Xiao Han, first slightly Leng, then nods gently.

At this time, the general leader Luo Qingyuan did not expect that.

But now the strongest strength is him, this time he also need to stand up to preside over the overall situation.

This is also the meaning of Luo Qingyuan from Xiao Han's eyes.

"Listen to me first. In fact, it's not that there is no way to deal with it right now. It depends on your willingness to cooperate." Luo Qingyuan took a deep breath, and then looked around to see all the people around him.

In addition to Xiao Han and a few people, most of the people's faces have a look of panic.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, those who are waiting for them outside are not ordinary experts. The existence of the strength of Les nine times of natural calamity.

The soul of this kind of strength, even if it is the master of the seven times of natural calamity, it is estimated that they have no power to fight back.

Suddenly, after hearing Luo Qingyuan's words, everyone looked up at Luo Qingyuan.

"With so many people here, we may not be able to defeat the spirit body of the strength of four, five and five heavenly calamities."

Luo Qingyuan went on to say: "I luoqingyuan is the strength of jiuchongtianba. As we all know, once we start, I luoqingyuan can be responsible for dealing with the soul body of a nine times Tianba.

And some of my team-mates can work together to deal with the soul body with the strength of a nine fold natural calamity, and the remaining two or three soul bodies with the strength of nine times natural calamity. I think there is no way for so many of you to deal with it? "

Hearing this, the people looked at each other without saying anything, but their faces relaxed a little.

However, because no one has ever fought with the spirit bodies of the nine levels of natural calamity, we don't know how strong these spirits are.

If it is really the same as what Luo Qingyuan, the leader of Datong, said, then the people present with so many people may not be able to cope with it.

Seeing that all the people on the field were silent, Xiao Han thought for a moment and felt that it was necessary for him to stand up and say a few words at this time, which was to boost the morale on the field.

Xiao Han said softly: "in fact, there is nothing about the soul body of the Jiuchong Tianjie strength. After all, the soul body has lost its physical body, and its combat effectiveness is much weaker than the normal master of the Ninth Heaven robbery strength."

All of a sudden, everyone turned to look at Xiao Han. It seemed that Xiao Han was a soul with nine levels of natural calamity. It was not difficult to kill him."I'm not ashamed."

In the crowd, Zhao Si sneered: "you haven't fought with the spirit bodies of the nine levels of natural calamity. How do you know that it's not difficult to kill those spirits with the strength of the Ninth Heaven robbery? Don't talk nonsense at this time. Do you have the responsibility to kill everyone? "

Zhao Si had always been unhappy with Xiao Han, but now after hearing Xiao Han's words, he did not leave any affection between them.

"Of course I know." Xiao Han smiles and whispers, "because I killed a soul body with nine levels of natural calamity not long ago."


as soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, he suddenly remembered a burst of inspiration.

Even the young woman around Zhao Si and Zhao Si had a surprised look on her face.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Yang Yan."

Speaking of this, Xiao Han grinned and put his eyes on Yang Yan at the back of the crowd: "brother Yang, do you think what I said is true or false?"

Yang Yan was stunned, and then glared at Xiao Han.

Aware that everyone turned to look at himself, Yang Yan's heart secretly scolded.

But in the end, Yang Yan nodded with a gloomy face and said, "really, I saw with my own eyes that he killed a soul body with nine levels of natural calamity."

"Isn't it?"


"It's really a bull's-eye to kill the soul body of the strength of the five heavenly calamities and to kill the soul of the nine."


all of a sudden, there were bursts of cool breath in the field.

If Yang Yan hadn't come forward to prove it, many people would have felt incredible.

A Terran gas refiner with five levels of natural calamity strength can actually kill a soul body with nine levels of natural calamity strength.

If this is said, few people will believe it.

However, the thought that this person is Xiao Han, people think that Yang Yan's words have 89% credibility.

Yang Yan and Xiao Han are enemies. There is no need to help Xiao Han lie at this time.

Moreover, although Xiao Han's realm is only the strength of the five times of natural calamity, but with so many people present, who dares to regard Xiao Han as the strength of ordinary five times natural calamity?

We haven't seen how abnormal this guy is.

When this guy was still triple heaven strength, he had the ability to defeat Luocheng, the seventh heaven robber strength.

This is what you've seen with your own eyes.

Now, Xiao Han's cultivation realm is already the strength of the five heavenly calamities. It seems that killing the soul body of a nine level heavenly calamity strength is not a fantastic thing.

Thinking of this, the nervous look on the faces of the people relaxed a lot.

If Xiao Han can kill the soul body of the strength of the nine times of natural calamity alone, it seems that the soul body of the strength of the nine times natural calamity is not terrible.

At least one person can't cope with it. With so many people, three or four or even four or five people working together to deal with a nine fold natural calamity, can we?

"In this way, Luo Qingyuan will be the first one to rush out. Several leaders of our golden dragon clan will be in the back, and the rest of you will form a team and kill them together. You may not have a chance of survival."

Luo Qingyuan then said: "once you kill the soul of the nine levels of natural calamity that we are guarding outside, we will still form a team and enter the core area to roam. How much we can gain at that time depends on our own ability."

Hearing this, Xiao Han chuckled: "I think the grand commander's method is still feasible. Although the spirit body of the nine levels of natural calamity is very strong, it is also limited. As long as we work together, it is not difficult to deal with a soul body with the strength of nine times of natural calamity. Even if we encounter it, we can not kill it, at least we can retreat. We can enter this Protoss In the field for such a long time, we should also feel that the strength of those soul bodies is still very good at any time, but the speed is much slower than ours. Can't we escape

Xiao Han's voice just fell, many people on the field secretly relieved.

Think about it, there are so many Terran gas refiners and monster experts, fighting alone, of course, is not the enemy of the soul body with the strength of the Ninth Heaven disaster.

However, with the joint efforts of all of us, it is still possible to deal with one or two nine times of natural calamity.

Wealth and wealth are in danger.

Now that you're almost at the heart of the protoss realm, there's no need to retreat.

"Just do it, commander, and do what you want."

"That's right, so many people here may not be able to do those soul bodies with the strength of the nine times natural calamities outside."

"Yes, you all said that for your sake, and then shrink back, that is to counsellor, and fight with those souls with the strength of the Ninth Heaven disaster."

"Yes, I did."


LUO Qingyuan and Xiao Han sang a song and a few words inspired the fighting spirit of the people on the field.Luo Qingyuan and Xiao Han looked at each other with a smile.

Luo Qingyuan looked at Xiao Han's eyes with a trace of gratitude.

If it wasn't for Xiao Han's help, I'm afraid Luo Qingyuan would waste a lot of words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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