Published at 6th of March 2023 09:08:11 AM

Chapter 420

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"Well!" Xiao Zhicheng nodded, his heart is also very secretly happy. He quickly raised the cup, and then said: "Xiaohan, this glass of wine to you, I hope you have a successful study, career success!"

Thank you Xiao Han replied politely.

Although had eaten the new year's Eve dinner, but can not stand the public's persuasion, Xiao's mother drank a cup of white wine, and ate a lot of dishes. Because I'm happy, I have a good appetite. Xiao's mother looked very energetic and energetic.

Xiao's family is full of curiosity about Xiao Han's work. Aunt Xiao gathered around Xiao's mother and asked, "sister-in-law, what is Xiao Han doing?"

"This..." Xiao's mother looked embarrassed and said, "ask him about this. I still can't say it."

"What can't be said?" Aunt Xiao said in a hurry: "to make money, but also to make a lot of money, which is a matter of pride for our Xiao family. It should be said to let us all know that in the future, people from all over the country will know that we have a character in the Xiao family. "

"This..." Xiao's mother was embarrassed.

"Auntie, it's not money yet!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I'll tell you when I really make money."

Xiao Han let go of words, everybody also is not good, continue to ask Xiao mother.

However, aunt Xiao is obviously a curiosity killed cat, she is very unwilling: "Xiao Han, do you think How much money do you have to earn to make money? "

"At least make your career stable!" Xiao Han replied: "I'm still in the entrepreneurial period. When my career is stable, I will make the company bigger and stronger, and really become a group company. That will be called success."

When they heard this, their eyes were wide and round.

Feeling Xiao Han has opened a company? And this guy's ambition is really big enough. He even wants to make the company bigger and stronger, and to become a group company. It's shocking, and it's amazing.

"Xiao Han, so you have started a company?" Xiao Minghua said in surprise.

"I think so." Xiao Han nodded.

"Well Then you can get my sea in. " Xiao Minghua is really eager to seize the opportunity to push his son out, hoping to let his son in his side to find a good job. If Xiao Han opened a company and arranged Xiao Han into his company, not to mention that relatives would take care of each other. Moreover, he was close to his home, so he would not have to follow his uncle to work in the coastal cities of Shenzhen. That's tiring.

"This..." Xiao Han was stunned for a moment.

"Xiaohan, the sea is the only one in my family!" Xiao Minghua's wife also seized the opportunity and said in a hurry: "if you can help, try to help. Anyway, Haihai is not only your classmate, but also your cousin."

When Xiao Han heard this, he said, "well, let's wait until the new year. After the new year, I'll have someone arrange it. "

"That's great!" Xiao Minghua's wife was overjoyed.

On one side, Xiao Mingguo frowned. Xiao Dahai goes out to work with himself. The boy is honest and responsible. He can earn 5000 yuan a month in Shenzhen. He has to deduct 500 yuan from his salary every month for filial piety. He calls home the remaining 4000 yuan and gives him 500 yuan of pocket money. If Xiao Dahai is gone, his monthly five hundred yuan of filial piety is not gone? The most important thing is that when I got to Shenzhen, I would have one less person to serve me.

"Third, isn't that good?" Xiao Mingguo sipped the wine in silence, then said: "the sea somehow in Shenzhen that side of the work is not over, you immediately settled him in Linjiang City, how can I explain to that side?"

"Big brother, the big sea child is also big, also should talk about an object." Xiao Minghua said in a hurry: "you also know that the child Hai Hai has been dull since childhood. I have to put him by my side, find a chance to introduce him to a partner, and then give birth to children early, so as to open branches and scatter leaves for our Xiao family."

Xiao Mingguo smile, way: "that line, however, if Shenzhen side does not go, the remaining one month's wages and year-end bonus can not be."

"This..." Xiao Minghua is in a dilemma. No matter what, there are thousands of salary a month. How much is the salary of one month for the year-end bonus? If you give up like this, it's a pity. Therefore, Xiao Minghua doesn't give up. His wife looks at Xiao Han and asks, "Xiaohan, you How much do you think your company can give Haihai

"I don't care about this. I has the final say of the personnel department." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"how do you say it's also the boss of the company? How much money can't you has the final say, right?" Xiao Minghua's wife laughs.

"For the sake of relatives, it should be around 5000." Xiao Han gave an ideal price.

"Well, then don't go to Shenzhen." Xiao Minghua's wife made a decision.

Linjiang city can take 5000 a month, who is willing to go to Shenzhen? Even if the loss is more than 10000 yuan, it is not a pity. Linjiang city's 5000 yuan can at least top Shenzhen's 7000 yuan consumption level.

"Brother Han, I'll mix with you from now on!" Xiao Dahai showed a simple and honest smile.Xiao Han smiles, Xiao Dahai, he has no good feelings, but also does not hate. Xiao family of all people, only Xiao Dahai do not let themselves hate. This is one of the reasons why he is willing to accept Xiao Dahai. The second is that he is honest and honest, with no bad heart. There's no harm in having someone like that in the company.

"Xiao Han, is your company still short of people?" Xiao Zhicheng said in a hurry: "I can go too. If the sea can take five thousand, I must at least have ten thousand? "

Ha ha ha

Everyone was happy when they heard it. Especially Xiao Mingguo and his wife. If Xiao Han really recruited Xiao Zhicheng, it is the biggest help to himself. If you can get 10000 yuan a month in Linjiang City, you can also earn more than 100000 yuan a year. If you add the income from supermarkets and Xiao Mingguo's income of more than 10000 yuan in Shenzhen, the family will be able to enter a well-off family.

"The company is not short." Xiao Han shook his head.

"No way!" Xiao Zhicheng said in a hurry: "your company is not in the development stage. It must be poor. I am a good talker, and I will be more able to create benefits for you. Xiao Han, you think about it. You see You can take the sea, why can't you want me? Besides, I'm still your cousin

"What's wrong with cousin?" Xiao Minghua's wife is not willing to listen to it. Why do everyone think Xiao Dahai is inferior to others? His son can beat and scold himself, but he can't be trampled on by others. Xiao Minghua's wife is not willing to say: "the sea is still a cousin, how do you have to take care of my cousin first?"? Besides, your family's income is good. The supermarket can earn 100000 yuan a year. What else do you want to do

"Auntie, you can't say that." Xiao Zhicheng was embarrassed.

"All right." Xiao Mingguo quickly yelled: "today is new year's Eve, don't make a fuss. What's the proper way to quarrel at New Year's Eve dinner? "

The crowd immediately quieted down. Xiao Mingguo is now also the highest status of the Xiao family, his words naturally have some weight. Xiao Mingguo's words, everyone was quiet.

"All Eat At this time, Xiao Mingguo's wife laughed and said: "why make such a thing unhappy, but today is new year's Eve."

With that, Xiao Mingguo's wife immediately stood up with a stack of red envelopes in her hand.

"Come on, I'll give you a red envelope!" Xiao Mingguo's wife said.

When Aunt Xiao's daughter heard this, she burst into laughter: "aunt, I want it!"

"Well, first for vivie." She said hastily.

Later, he gave one by one to the past, and finally to Xiao Han. Xiao Han was flattered, but he took the red envelope politely. Although the red envelope is not big, it is the heart of the elders.

Wei Wei can't wait to open the red envelope. She said excitedly, "Wow, 200 yuan. Mom, this will be my pocket money in the future. You can't confiscate it, or I'll be angry. "

"Ha ha..." Wei Wei's words immediately made everyone laugh.

There was a burst of jubilation.

Laugh everyone tears out, aunt Xiao a listen, not willing to: "you this silly girl, this money I have to return back?"

"Brother Zhicheng is so old, you don't need lucky money." Wei Wei pursed her mouth.

"Yes, yes, I don't need lucky money." Xiao Zhicheng quickly nodded and said, "when my child is born, you can give new year's money."

The crowd laughed again.

"Brother Zhicheng, you said you would give me lucky money this year." Xiao Dahai on one side said.

"Fatso, when did I say that?" Xiao Zhicheng asked in a hurry.

"You said that when you get married, you will give me lucky money!" Xiao Dahai said.

"This..." Xiao Zhicheng was stunned. According to the custom of his family, he did have to give new year's money to the unmarried. Xiao Zhicheng has already got a marriage certificate and a wedding reception. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that new year's money should be issued. Xiao Zhicheng's daughter-in-law suddenly embarrassed, she looked at Xiao Zhicheng, a face of bitterness, as if to say, who let you promise them to send new year's money? Xiao Zhicheng said in a hurry: "the sea, you this child is sincere, play jokes you also take seriously. Or I'll send it to you next year? How about it? "

"Oh Xiao Dahai scratched his head.

A farce, Xiao Zhicheng felt his face lost. However, hundreds of dollars have been saved. It doesn't matter if you lose face.

"Come on, eat!" Xiao Zhicheng's mother glared at her son and seemed to blame him for not giving up hundreds of yuan in red envelopes. This is a shame. She's a mother who can't see it anymore.

"Eat!" Everyone nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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